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CHANGELOG.txt 24.5 KiB
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Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2015-2-17
Updated to media_soundcloud 7.x-2.1 which removed ::getOEmbed method.
Fixed module slick.theme.css being overriden by library slick-theme.css.
Fixed media video/audio autoplay not being triggered when button play clicked.
Fixed media video carousel being sluggish due to the browser always request
  iframe SRC even when empty (about:blank). The iframe is now removed and stored
  in memory instead, and only made available when a play button clicked.

Updated to reflect the latest fix with afterChange.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2015-2-15
Fixed slide--current class not being applied when total <= slidesToShow, that is
  when slick-center class is not really centered, and when asNavFor applies, and
  when afterChange always fails.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2015-2-14
Added hook_slick_attach_info_alter() to alter slick_attach() before output.
Updated slick.api.php for the new skin CSS and JS array.
Fixed skin CSS overrides not being applied for multiple slick instances on the
  same page, by changing the array of skin CSS and JS to be keyed by file names
  rather than indeces. Relevant to Drupal 8 dynamic assets.
  If you don't override the skin CSS, the change is ignorable.
  Single instance or multiple without overriding skins are not effected.
  Unless you have multiple slick instances on the same page, previous overrides
  with indeces will still work though.
  The change now allows proper overrides and respect the orders accordingly, see
  If you have overridden the skin CSS, be sure to update it accordingly, see
  slick.api.php for the updated information.

Fixed skin Fullscreen inline CSS for slick_fields.module for Media and FC.

Fixed .slick__arrow parent selector relevant for Slick 1.4, see
  This core bug happens when total <= slidesTosShow and should be fixed by the
  implementor/module as the author suggested.
Fixed for skin 3d back relevant to the latest fix with afterChange and proper
Updated slick.load.js to reflect the 1.4.1 fixes.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2015-2-3
Added more info related to ROADMAP and current delvelopment status at README.txt.
Issue #2418149 by nrutkowski: Fixed for Slick 1.4 breaking changes.
Updated to Slick 1.4 with more tests and cleanups.
Fixed nullified edgeFriction due to typecast integer to float.
Updated the rest of year CHANGELOG from 2014 to 2015.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2015-2-1
Updated slick example to avoid Unslick and too large centerPadding which screws
  up slidesToShow at small breakpoints.
Updated year CHANGELOG from 2014 to 2015.
Removed useless merged.prevArrow + merged.nextArrow from slick.load.js since
  arrows already added by HTML whenever required.
Added hook_requirements() to slick.install.
Added thumbnail caption to slick_fields and slick_views like yahoo/youtube
  thumbnail captioning.

Please read below before upgrading to Slick 1.4:
Breaking changes:
  - slide - The default value of the slide option has been changed to blank.
    This means that slick will use any direct children as slides, without having
    to specify which tag or selector to target.
    * Added direct child container within .slick to hold the slides, i.e.:
      .slick__slider. Previously slides are direct children of .slick container.
    * Slick consequently must be initilialized at .slick__slider, otherwise we
      always have one slide.
    * "slick__arrow" can not be placed within .slick container directly even
      with the previous workaround by adding a specific class, and different
      selector. To overcome this, added additional container .slick__slider
      within .slick, so that .slick__arrow is not fetched as part of slides.
    * focusOnSelect , e.g. with thumbnail navigation, will not work anymore, so
      .slick__slide class added automatically only when needed now.
    * All in all, this is mostly breaking asNavFor, so be sure to update the
      asNavFor selectors accordingly at Field formatter and Views pages, e.g.:
      Before: #slick-nodes targetting .slick container.
      After: #slick-nodes-slider (note "-slider") targetting .slick__slider.

      Or adding " .slick__slider" to your current selector should resolve, e.g.:
      Before: #slick-nodes
      After: #slick-nodes .slick__slider
      Apply it to both asNavFor Main and asNavFor Thumbnail.

      Or if you are using sub-modules, and unsure, simply check the new option:
      "asNavFor auto selector" at:
      - admin/structure/types/manage/CONTENT_TYPE/display
      - admin/structure/views/view/VIEW
      This will auto generate the proper asNavFor selectors accordingly instead.
      See README.txt for the new HTML structure

   - Methods replaced by events
     * Drupal.slick.callbacks dropped, encouraged to use events now, see
     We can bring this callback back if any good reason other than placing
     it somewhere in the slick.load.js, only then it is not specific to library.

   - slick.css has been forked into two different files. slick.css is now the
     core functional slick css file, while slick-theme.css are the default
     * slick-theme.css is optional, and only added if you have chosen a Skin.
     This is a great plus for advanced work, e.g.: use own arrow icons.

Added "Unslick" option to disable Slick at a given breakpoint. Note, you can't
  window shrink this, once you unslick, you are unslicked.
Added "asNavFor auto selectors" option to determine asNavFor selectors by the
  current field/view ID selectors automatically as opposed to manual selectors.
Updated slick.load.js, to use events, not callback anymore.
Updated slick.tpl.php, SlickOptionsetUi, etc. to deal with the breaking changes
  introduced at Slick 1.4.
  Be sure to update slick.tpl.php, etc., if already customized.
Updated to Slick 1.4.

Added unslick option for Slick 1.4 to disable Slick at breakpoint.
Added mobileFirst option for Slick 1.4.

Added Slick example sub-module, be sure to have field_image and field_images as
  no fields installed by default, see admin/reports/fields.
Fixed for slick_devel_preprocess_slick() applied globally.
Updated workarounds to become permanent, since core library leaves them to the
  implementors for various reasons, such as: mousewheel, arrows issues, etc.
Added slick_devel.module to ease developing the latest features of the library.
Updated data-slick-index reference to use static class with slide--N classes
  instead to make it compatible with slick 1.4 and below.
Added edgeFriction option as Swipetoslide fix, requires slick 1.4.

Updated invalid index attribute to data-slick-index as per, requires slick 1.4.
Changed dummy image for lazyLoad to said more stable by user Layke.
Added link field as option for slide title for both file and field collection.

Added random option to randomize slide orders, useful to manipulate cached
  blocks such ads rotation, or random products.

Dropped too general .slick__caption absolute positioning if no layout defined at
  slick.theme.css, to allow pure text slideshow such as testimonial, or quotes
  without extra overrides.

Added Translate link to file entity if translatable, basically to trigger/ bring
  to translation tab as defined at:
Added slide_classes to file entity and FC fields.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-12-27
Fixed for Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in on line
  324, if Media view_mode is not enabled.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-12-26
Fixed compatibility with Entity translation for the Slick fields media by
  dropping optional $langcode argument.
Added view mode "Slick carousel" to file and field collection entity view modes.
Fixed next_arrow typo to nextArrow for JS.
Fixed slide_layout for Slick Views not being recognized if using List (text).
Fixed caption right placement being overriden by caption left.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-12-24
Fixed coder review complain with missing asterix on the block comment.
Fixed Shiny admin theme issue clearing every form-item which should be displayed

Dropped workaround for "on demand" lazyLoad. The issue is no longer valid.
However if the issue persists at your end, please try two possible fixes below.
Related old info:
Default lazyLoad "on demand" may have issue to generate newly created images,
causing 403.
Maybe related to itok:
Possible fixes without compromising security:
-, to have derivatives in place.
- Use lazyLoad "progressive" instead.

lazyLoad ondemand also has issue with dummy image excessive height, so use it
with care. Dummy image is for valid HTML5.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-12-18
Fixed wrong grid values for small devices.
Added more visible slides from 10 to 32.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-12-17
Added various descriptive texts to clarify intention.
Fixed the list negative margin used at Foundation grid.
Added notice to README about the Grid skin.
Added new theme_slick_grid() to handle the Grid.
Added skin Grid to quickly build Slick grid carousel, slick.theme--grid.css
  as a starter. Use your own grid system, and overrides the classes as needed.
Added new options to Slick Views related to the Grid, Views only by now.
Issue #2392193 by chefnelone: Creating a grid Slick slider

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-28
Fixed for slick.theme--classic.css .slide--caption--bottom .slide__caption.
Updated slick.load.js to fix some regression at core library, and type error.
Updated to change empty iframe SRC attribute to about:blank.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-20
Fixed for arrows not properly updated on resize with responsive settings.
Updated slick_views typo "slick_wrapper" class into "slick-wrapper".

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-15
Issue #2375659 by jtwalters: Fixed dots do not work with breakpoints.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-14
Offloaded dormant/optional functions into separate files:
  - includes/
  - includes/

Reorganized includes/ file.
Simplified SLICK_VERSION to avoid chasing highly dynamic sub-minor releases.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-11
Issue #2372923 by Adam.Brown: slick.theme.css overriding custom slick themes

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-09
Updated to Slick version 1.3.14:
  - Added respondTo, giving the ability to respond to slider width or window
    width, or the smaller of the two
  - Bumped the speed default to 500

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-08
Issue #2371205 by estebant: Expand the ternary operator for PHP < 5.3

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-11-05
Added empty_option to all the Skins options. Now the Skin is optional.
  Skins defined by sub-modules fallback to the Skin defined at the optionset.
  Re-save existing Optionset to disable the skin at all.
Issue #2369129 by bjmiller121: Option for no skin to be loaded.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-31
Removed slick.theme--extra.txt containing unused pure CSS arrows.
Updated and cleaned up gems and Sass files.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-30
Added a new option: initialSlide introduced at Slick 1.3.12
Issue #2305949 by scottalan: Start carousel on specific item

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-28
Updated to Slick version 1.3.13:
  Emergency Hotfix for slidesToScroll: 1 and infinite: false (#718)

Updated to load fallbacks only if slick items count > 1.
Updated slick.load.js to reflect the latest library fixes:
  - Removed workaround with:
    Responsive breakpoint change removes custom prev / next arrows
  - Removed workaround with:
    asNavFor thumbnails stopped working with slidesToShow > total slides
    Leaving a single remaining use with centerMode disable:
Updated to Slick version 1.3.12.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-16
Fixed for vertical direction on Full screen skin.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-15
Updated slick.colorbox.js to reflect fixes from Slick >= 1.3.11.
Refactored Slick Views.
Added a new basic Full screen skin.
Added a new skin CSS: slick.theme--fullscreen.css

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-11
Fixed core library hotfix 1.3.11 which removes pointer-events for Firefox
  draggable issue from all images which in turn makes thumbnails non-clickable
  anymore, nullifying focusOnSelect. Hence added the pointer-events back to
  thumbnail images.
Fixed for JS error with Slick > 1.3.11 within responsive display clone:
  Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: $(element).
Fixed for Notice: Undefined property: views_handler_field_node_*::
  $field_info in SlickViewsPluginStyleSlick->options_form()
Fixed for sudden jump scroll from last to first slide and vice versa at
Updated to Slick 1.3.11

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-07
Added a new basic 3d skin: 3d back.
Added a new skin CSS: slick.theme--3d-back.css
Updated to Slick v1.3.9

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-04
Added option "CSS ease override" to use the pre-existing CSS3 easings based on
  Native and Penner Equations transitions from
  to ease up cubic-bezier selection.

Refined easings and their option dependency to reflect the actual Slick
  behavior, that is, cssEase and cssEaseOverride are now dependent on useCSS.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-10-01
Simplified dots with static thumbnails which was previously dropped by asNavFor.
Improved slick.theme--classic.css to only apply layout to large devices.
Improved some custom CSS to avoid issues with the existing library bugs.
Updated admin and caption placement CSS.
Updated to Slick v1.3.8
Added two new options: swipeToSlide and variableWidth.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-27
Issue #2345169 by ardnet: Fixed for Can not set Breakpoints in admin settings
  page by adding maxlength 1 to Breakpoints field.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-26
Issue #2344829 by SpadXIII: Added "Support for adaptiveHeight".
Added drupal_static to slick_get_options().

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-23
Fixed for Soundcloud fatal error for when no internet connection available.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-16
Updated slick.load.js to re-cache arrows to copy into responsives.
Issue #2339379 by suldan: Change check_plain into filter_xss_admin.
Issue #2339379 by suldan: Fixed for Views plugin: Content:title not available.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-12
Updated slick.colorbox.js to avoid unslick(), and use slickGoTo() like before.
  Tested to work with the latest non-minified version from the master branch.

Added basic Scald atom_reference integration via Field collection overlay.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-8
Added new option: waitForAnimate. Only supported by non-minified version now.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-4
Added fixes for being screwed up after 1.3.7 update.
Added missing slick.theme--asnavfor.css
Corrected misleading tips: Avoid centerMode for the thumbnails slideToShow > 3.
It should say: Use odd numbers when centerMode on.

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-09-3
Added fixes for asNavFor to Media and Field Collection.
Gaus Surahman's avatar
Gaus Surahman committed
Added skin asNavFor.
Updated slick.load.js to have proper .slide--current classes for the thumbnail
  navigation since core don't provide one. With no centerMode .slick-active can
  be as many as visible slides, and the current slide has no special class.
Temp tips till core fix: Avoid centerMode for the thumbnails slideToShow > 3.

Updated slick-media.tpl and slick-item.tpl to have no markups for thumbnails.

Added dummy/placeholder image to lazyLoad progressive.
Fixed for when lazyLoad is disabled, to allow sharing to Pinterest for small

Updated slick.colorbox.js to work with asNavFor.
Added new theme slick_wrapper to hold asNavFor, two slicks with thumbnail
Issue #2325225 by scottalan: Added Slider as Nav for as the only last option
  left for version 1.3.7.

Updated from v1.3.6 to v1.3.7

Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-08-4
Fixed for duplicated .slick__arrow on resizing.
issue #2309681 by immoreel: Added support for Omega 3 expecting classes_array.
Do not output slide__media wrapper if no main image and caption available. The
  case, e.g., main image left empty, and overlay image/media populated.
Added empty_option to Lazyload to allow sharing to Pinterest for small slides,
  since current Lazyload is a must, and img SRC attributes is always empty.

Issue #2308591 by jmuzz:
- Fixed for specificity of breakpoints states.
- Remove wasted breakpoint dependent options if disabled, even if not empty.
- Fixed CSS overriden checkboxes for admin settings.

Dropped slick-carousel.tpl.php, template_preprocess_slick_carousel() from
Dropped deprecated theme_slick_carousel() in favor of the unified theme_slick()
  for custom coded, Field formatter and Views for easy maintenance.

Added color_field support to Field Collection to colorize the slide text.
Fixed for Strict warning: Declaration of SlickViewsPluginStyleSlick::render()
  should be compatible with views_plugin_style::render() in
  _registry_check_code() (line 3139 ..., neglecting coder sniffs: "No scope
  modifier specified for function "render"
Added settings variables to template_preprocess_slick_item
Limit colorbox resize to non-images at slick.colorbox.js under onComplete.

Separated rules for slick.colorbox.css from
Started integration with Scald module as a separate project Scald Slick module.

Marked this feature complete for 1.3.6.
Added new options for future 1.3.7:
  - prevArrow
  - nextArrow
  - pauseOnDotsHover
   Latest Slick 1.3.6 is currently still buggy with responsive options not being

Added compatibility with Omega 4 which declares attributes_array already.

Added JS callbacks, see slick.api.js. Modules and themes may implement any of
  the Slick methods to interact with the Slick using Drupal.slick.callbacks
  namespace. JS Gurus, improvements are very much welcome.
Fixed inheritance issue with custom responsive options, including arrows wrapper
  and thumbnails.
Removed the thumbnail markups from slick.tpl.php, and its related leftover
Moved thumbnails inside slides, rather than separate list.

Removed two dup and useless problematic options from responsive options: slide
  and lazyLoad, since both _must inherit from the main settings.
Fixed scrolling behavior on colorbox closing, Drupal.slickColorbox.jumpScroll.
Changed skin Classic to reveal captions on active-slide rather than hover. To
  reveal it on hover, override and edit slick.theme--classic.css and replace
  .slick-active starting from line #96, and use pseudo :hover instead.
Added mousewheel option to slick_fields.module.
Fixed undefined index media_switch at slick_fields form.
Changed <div class="slick__arrow"> to <nav class="slick__arrow"> at slick.tpl
  as the last fail safe against the problematic anonymous DIV slide option. It
	is not an issue if data is passed into theme_slick() already. However copying
	the template and creating a custom theme without being aware of the issue will
	break the slide.
Fixed broken arrows due to problematic default anonymous DIV by forcing specific
  class .slick__slide to slide option.
Renamed and reorganized all CSS files to match Drupal 8 file organization, see

Added slick-views.tpl.php to satisfy Views UI template discovery.

Added thumbnail pager option.
Changed _slick_fields_get_media_thumbnail() to be reusable for thumbnail pagers.
Fixed Youtube URL not playing inside Colorbox due to missing external params.
Fixed checkboxes states with checked attributes at admin pages.
Added autoplay to Colorbox audio/video.

Added API file containing skin information.
Added more Views options to have consistent markups with the Field version.

Added optional Colorbox intergration to display image or video inside Colorbox,
  or as an image to iframe switcher.


Added Sass versions for and
Added basic skins to support various slide layouts.
Added direct layout options for core Image field. Media and Field collection
  should use a separate field instead with some pre-defined options.
Added slick.make file to download relevant libraries. We don't name it.example
  to allow download the library.
Added title, captions and overlay fields for Field Collection and Media
Added options to break down Media and Field collection fields to support custom
  displays for slide title, description, overlay audio/video/image, link, and
  layout fields.
Added supports for Field collection at slick_fields.module.
Added Picture module integration.

Slick 7.x-1.0-dev, 2014-05-25
Added admin CSS and JS to make nice CTools UI.
Added responsive display options, and additional custom options.
Added to allow image to iframe switcher.
Reworked JS settings in the head to only output base defaults alone, with no
  extra items. Individual JS settings are stored as data attributes, only single
  one now.
Reworked the theme functions to merge HTML5 data attributes to store JS settings
  as a single JSON object within the Slick container rather than regular JS
  settings in the <head>.
Simplified logic at module slick.js. JS should not do hard work with typecast
  or parse separate multiple data attributes, PHP does. JS is now ready to
  consume valid JSON object, or nothing. This is relevant where bunch of JS
  settings with responsive displays get in.
Renamed module slick.js into slick.load.js, to avoid conflict with the library
  for debug purposes.
Renamed slick.css into, otherwise Drupal overrides the library.
Renamed "theme" directory into "templates" for Drupal 8 auto discovery goodness.
Deprecating theme_carousel in favor of theme_slick. Will deprecate it, not yet.
Deleted and files, and use a
  separate slick_views.module instead.

Added CTools plugin for exportable configuration via optionsets.
Added dependencies on CTools, and libraries modules at file.
Added supports for Image, and Media at slick_fields.module.
Added 2 sub-modules: slick_views and slick_fields.
Added slick.install to install database table for optionsets.
Added the file CHANGELOG.txt.
by gausarts: Reworked some architecture.