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  1. Feb 16, 2015
  2. Feb 15, 2015
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Fixed slide--current class not being applied when total <= slidesToShow, that... · 202e8c0a
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Fixed slide--current class not being applied when total <= slidesToShow, that is when slick-center class is not really centered, and when asNavFor applies, and when afterChange always fails.
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Added hook_slick_attach_info_alter() to alter slick_attach() before output. · fd80f469
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Updated slick.api.php for the new skin CSS and JS array.
      Fixed skin CSS overrides not being applied for multiple slick instances on the same page, by changing the array of skin CSS and JS to be keyed by file names
        rather than indeces. Relevant to Drupal 8 dynamic assets.
        If you don't override the skin CSS, the change is ignorable.
        Single instance or multiple without overriding skins are not effected.
        Unless you have multiple slick instances on the same page, previous overrides
        with indeces will still work though.
        The change now allows proper overrides and respect the orders accordingly, see hook_slick_skins_info_alter().
        If you have overridden the skin CSS, be sure to update it accordingly, see slick.api.php for the updated information.
      Fixed skin Fullscreen inline CSS for slick_fields.module for Media and FC.
      Fixed .slick__arrow parent selector relevant for Slick 1.4, see
        This core bug happens when total <= slidesTosShow and should be fixed by the implementor/module as the author suggested.
      Fixed for skin 3d back relevant to the latest fix with afterChange and proper data-slick-index.
      Updated slick.load.js to reflect the 1.4.1 fixes.
  3. Feb 03, 2015
  4. Feb 01, 2015
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Updated slick example to avoid Unslick and too large centerPadding which... · 7ff8ea6e
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Updated slick example to avoid Unslick and too large centerPadding which screws up slidesToShow at small breakpoints.
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Updated year CHANGELOG from 2014 to 2015. · da5ec7e6
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Removed useless merged.prevArrow + merged.nextArrow from slick.load.js since arrows already added by HTML whenever required.
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-2-1 · 2904ade5
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Added hook_requirements() to slick.install.
      Added thumbnail caption to slick_fields and slick_views like yahoo/youtube
        thumbnail captioning.
      Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-1-30
      Please read below before upgrading to Slick 1.4:
      Breaking changes:
        - slide - The default value of the slide option has been changed to blank.
          This means that slick will use any direct children as slides, without having
          to specify which tag or selector to target.
          * Added direct child container within .slick to hold the slides, i.e.:
            .slick__slider. Previously slides are direct children of .slick container.
          * Slick consequently must be initilialized at .slick__slider, otherwise we
            always have one slide.
          * "slick__arrow" can not be placed within .slick container directly even
            with the previous workaround by adding a specific class, and different
            selector. To overcome this, added additional container .slick__slider
            within .slick, so that .slick__arrow is not fetched as part of slides.
          * focusOnSelect , e.g. with thumbnail navigation, will not work anymore, so
            .slick__slide class added automatically only when needed now.
          * All in all, this is mostly breaking asNavFor, so be sure to update the
            asNavFor selectors accordingly at Field formatter and Views pages, e.g.:
            Before: #slick-nodes targetting .slick container.
            After: #slick-nodes-slider (note "-slider") targetting .slick__slider.
            Or adding " .slick__slider" to your current selector should resolve, e.g.:
            Before: #slick-nodes
            After: #slick-nodes .slick__slider
            Apply it to both asNavFor Main and asNavFor Thumbnail.
            Or if you are using sub-modules, and unsure, simply check the new option:
            "asNavFor auto selector" at:
            - admin/structure/types/manage/CONTENT_TYPE/display
            - admin/structure/views/view/VIEW
            This will auto generate the proper asNavFor selectors accordingly instead.
            See README.txt for the new HTML structure
         - Methods replaced by events
           * Drupal.slick.callbacks dropped, encouraged to use events now, see
           We can bring this callback back if any good reason other than placing
           it somewhere in the slick.load.js, only then it is not specific to library.
         - slick.css has been forked into two different files. slick.css is now the
           core functional slick css file, while slick-theme.css are the default
           * slick-theme.css is optional, and only added if you have chosen a Skin.
           This is a great plus for advanced work, e.g.: use own arrow icons.
      Added "Unslick" option to disable Slick at a given breakpoint. Note, you can't
        window shrink this, once you unslick, you are unslicked.
      Added "asNavFor auto selectors" option to determine asNavFor selectors by the
        current field/view ID selectors automatically as opposed to manual selectors.
      Updated slick.load.js, to use events, not callback anymore.
      Updated slick.tpl.php, SlickOptionsetUi, etc. to deal with the breaking changes
        introduced at Slick 1.4.
        Be sure to update slick.tpl.php, etc., if already customized.
      Updated to Slick 1.4.
      Slick 7.x-2.0-dev, 2014-1-29
      Added unslick option for Slick 1.4 to disable Slick at breakpoint.
      Added mobileFirst option for Slick 1.4.
      Added Slick example sub-module, be sure to have field_image and field_images as
        no fields installed by default, see admin/reports/fields.
      Fixed for slick_devel_preprocess_slick() applied globally.
  5. Jan 25, 2015
  6. Jan 24, 2015
  7. Dec 27, 2014
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Fixed compatibility with Entity translation for the Slick fields media by... · 10d20666
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Fixed compatibility with Entity translation for the Slick fields media by dropping optional $langcode argument.
      Added view mode "Slick carousel" to file and field collection entity view modes.
      Fixed next_arrow typo to nextArrow for JS.
      Fixed slide_layout for Slick Views not being recognized if using List (text).
      Fixed caption right placement being overriden by caption left.
  8. Dec 24, 2014
  9. Dec 18, 2014
  10. Dec 17, 2014
  11. Nov 28, 2014
  12. Nov 20, 2014
  13. Nov 15, 2014
  14. Nov 11, 2014
  15. Nov 09, 2014
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Updated to Slick version 1.3.14: · aa17c792
      Gaus Surahman authored
        - Added respondTo, giving the ability to respond to slider width or window width, or the smaller of the two
        - Bumped the speed default to 500
  16. Nov 07, 2014
  17. Nov 05, 2014
  18. Oct 30, 2014
  19. Oct 27, 2014
  20. Oct 14, 2014
  21. Oct 11, 2014
  22. Oct 07, 2014
    • Gaus Surahman's avatar
      Added a new basic 3d skin: 3d back. · 06a992c6
      Gaus Surahman authored
      Added a new skin CSS: slick.theme--3d-back.css
      Updated to Slick v1.3.9
      Added option "CSS ease override" to use the pre-existing CSS3 easings based on
        Native and Penner Equations transitions from
        to ease up cubic-bezier selection.
      Refined easings and their option dependency to reflect the actual Slick
        behavior, that is, cssEase and cssEaseOverride are now dependent on useCSS.
      Simplified dots with static thumbnails which was previously dropped by asNavFor.
      Improved slick.theme--classic.css to only apply layout to large devices.
      Improved some custom CSS to avoid issues with the existing library bugs.
      Updated admin and caption placement CSS.
      Updated to Slick v1.3.8
      Added two new options: swipeToSlide and variableWidth.
  23. Sep 26, 2014
  24. Sep 22, 2014