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print.pot 4.59 KiB
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# $Id$
# LANGUAGE translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
#  print.module,v 2007/08/26 23:25:41 jcnventura
#,v 2007/08/24 00:32:39 jcnventura
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-28 00:45+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

#: print.node.tpl.php:19
msgid "Published on"
#: print.node.tpl.php:25
msgid "By"
#: print.node.tpl.php:29
msgid "Created"
#: print.node.tpl.php:44 print.module:190
msgid "Source URL"
msgstr ""

#: print.node.tpl.php:45
msgid " (retrieved on "
msgstr ""

#: print.node.tpl.php:53
msgid "Links:"
#: print.module:31;38;50
msgid "Printer-friendly"
#: print.module:39
msgid "Adds a printer-friendly version link to node pages."
#: print.module:83
msgid "Display a printer-friendly version of this page."
#: print.module:88
msgid "Printer-friendly version"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:99
msgid "Show printer-friendly version link"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:102
msgid "Displays the link to a printer-friendly version of the content. Further configuration is available on the !settings."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:102
msgid "settings page"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:138
msgid "Printer-friendly page link"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:140
#: print.module:141
msgid "Enable or disable the printer-friendly page link for each node. Even if the link is disabled, you can still view the print version of a node by going to print/nid where nid is the numeric id of the node."
#: print.module:146
msgid "Logo URL"
Uwe Hermann's avatar
Uwe Hermann committed
msgstr ""

#: print.module:150
msgid "An alternative logo to display on the printer-friendly version. If left empty, the current theme's logo is used."
Uwe Hermann's avatar
Uwe Hermann committed
msgstr ""

#: print.module:155
msgid "Stylesheet URL"
#: print.module:159
msgid "The URL to your custom print cascading stylesheet, if any. When none is specified, the default module CSS file is used."
#: print.module:164
msgid "Printer-friendly URLs list"
#: print.module:167
msgid "If set, links in your page will be de-activated, and a list of the destination URLs will be displayed at the bottom of the page."
#: print.module:172
msgid "Open the printer-friendly version in a new window"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:175
msgid "Setting this option will make the printer-friendly version open in a new window/tab."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:180
msgid "Send to printer"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:183
msgid "Automatically calls the browser's print function when the printer-friendly version is displayed."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:198
msgid "Display source URL"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:201
msgid "When this option is selected, the URL for the original page will be displayed at the bottom of the printer-friendly version."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:206
msgid "Add current time/date to the source URL"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:209
msgid "Display the current date and time in the Source URL line."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:214
msgid "Force use of node ID in source URL"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:217
msgid "Drupal will attempt to use the page's defined alias in case there is one. To force the use of the fixed URL, activate this option."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:224
msgid "Robots META tags"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:232
msgid "Add noindex"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:235
msgid "Instruct robots to not index printer-friendly pages. Recommended for good search engine karma."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:240
msgid "Add nofollow"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:243
msgid "Instruct robots to not follow outgoing links on printer-friendly pages."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:248
msgid "Add noarchive"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:251
msgid "Non-standard tag to instruct search engines to not show a \"Cached\" link for your printer-friendly pages. Recognized by Googlebot."
msgstr ""

#: print.module:256
msgid "Add nocache"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:259
msgid "Non-standard tag to instruct search engines to not show a \"Cached\" link for your printer-friendly pages"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:19
msgid "access print"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:19
msgid "administer print"
msgstr ""

#: print.module:0
msgid "print"
msgstr ""

msgid "Printer-friendly pages"