Skip to content
......@@ -294,11 +294,18 @@ function theme_dblog_message($variables) {
else {
$output = t($event->message, unserialize($event->variables));
// If the output is expected to be a link, strip all the tags and
// special characters by using filter_xss() without any allowed tags.
// If not, use filter_xss_admin() to allow some tags.
if ($variables['link'] && isset($event->wid)) {
// Truncate message to 56 chars.
// Truncate message to 56 chars after stripping all the tags.
$output = truncate_utf8(filter_xss($output, array()), 56, TRUE, TRUE);
$output = l($output, 'admin/reports/event/' . $event->wid, array('html' => TRUE));
else {
// Prevent XSS in log detail pages.
$output = filter_xss_admin($output);
return $output;
......@@ -154,6 +154,15 @@ function dblog_update_7002() {
db_add_index('watchdog', 'severity', array('severity'));
* Account for possible legacy systems where dblog was not installed.
function dblog_update_7003() {
if (!db_table_exists('watchdog')) {
db_create_table('watchdog', drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('dblog', 'watchdog'));
* @} End of "addtogroup updates-7.x-extra".
......@@ -144,20 +144,30 @@ function _dblog_get_message_types() {
* Note: Some values may be truncated to meet database column size restrictions.
function dblog_watchdog(array $log_entry) {
Database::getConnection('default', 'default')->insert('watchdog')
'uid' => $log_entry['uid'],
'type' => substr($log_entry['type'], 0, 64),
'message' => $log_entry['message'],
'variables' => serialize($log_entry['variables']),
'severity' => $log_entry['severity'],
'link' => substr($log_entry['link'], 0, 255),
'location' => $log_entry['request_uri'],
'referer' => $log_entry['referer'],
'hostname' => substr($log_entry['ip'], 0, 128),
'timestamp' => $log_entry['timestamp'],
if (!function_exists('drupal_substr')) {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
try {
Database::getConnection('default', 'default')->insert('watchdog')
'uid' => $log_entry['uid'],
'type' => drupal_substr($log_entry['type'], 0, 64),
'message' => $log_entry['message'],
'variables' => serialize($log_entry['variables']),
'severity' => $log_entry['severity'],
'link' => drupal_substr($log_entry['link'], 0, 255),
'location' => $log_entry['request_uri'],
'referer' => $log_entry['referer'],
'hostname' => drupal_substr($log_entry['ip'], 0, 128),
'timestamp' => $log_entry['timestamp'],
catch (Exception $e) {
// Exception is ignored so that watchdog does not break pages during the
// installation process or is not able to create the watchdog table during
// installation.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ function hook_field_storage_write($entity_type, $entity, $op, $fields) {
$items = (array) $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode];
$delta_count = 0;
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
// We now know we have someting to insert.
// We now know we have something to insert.
$do_insert = TRUE;
$record = array(
'entity_type' => $entity_type,
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ function _field_invoke_multiple($op, $entity_type, $entities, &$a = NULL, &$b =
// Unless a language suggestion is provided we iterate on all the
// available languages.
$available_languages = field_available_languages($entity_type, $field);
$language = !empty($options['language'][$id]) ? $options['language'][$id] : $options['language'];
$language = is_array($options['language']) && !empty($options['language'][$id]) ? $options['language'][$id] : $options['language'];
$languages = _field_language_suggestion($available_languages, $language, $field_name);
foreach ($languages as $langcode) {
$grouped_items[$field_id][$langcode][$id] = isset($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode]) ? $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] : array();
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -223,7 +223,11 @@ function _field_info_collate_types($reset = FALSE) {
drupal_alter('field_storage_info', $info['storage types']);
cache_set("field_info_types:$langcode", $info, 'cache_field');
// Set the cache if we can acquire a lock.
if (lock_acquire("field_info_types:$langcode")) {
cache_set("field_info_types:$langcode", $info, 'cache_field');
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.