Skip to content
......@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ public function resetCache(array $ids = NULL);
* @param $ids
* An array of entity IDs, or FALSE to load all entities.
* @param $conditions
* An array of conditions in the form 'field' => $value.
* An array of conditions. Keys are field names on the entity's base table.
* Values will be compared for equality. All the comparisons will be ANDed
* together. This parameter is deprecated; use an EntityFieldQuery instead.
* @return
* An array of entity objects indexed by their ids. When no results are
......@@ -181,6 +183,11 @@ public function load($ids = array(), $conditions = array()) {
// Ensure integer entity IDs are valid.
if (!empty($ids)) {
// Load any remaining entities from the database. This is the case if $ids
// is set to FALSE (so we load all entities), if there are any ids left to
// load, if loading a revision, or if $conditions was passed without $ids.
......@@ -221,6 +228,35 @@ public function load($ids = array(), $conditions = array()) {
return $entities;
* Ensures integer entity IDs are valid.
* The identifier sanitization provided by this method has been introduced
* as Drupal used to rely on the database to facilitate this, which worked
* correctly with MySQL but led to errors with other DBMS such as PostgreSQL.
* @param array $ids
* The entity IDs to verify. Non-integer IDs are removed from this array if
* the entity type requires IDs to be integers.
protected function cleanIds(&$ids) {
$entity_info = entity_get_info($this->entityType);
if (isset($entity_info['base table field types'])) {
$id_type = $entity_info['base table field types'][$this->idKey];
if ($id_type == 'serial' || $id_type == 'int') {
$ids = array_filter($ids, array($this, 'filterId'));
$ids = array_map('intval', $ids);
* Callback for array_filter that removes non-integer IDs.
protected function filterId($id) {
return is_numeric($id) && $id == (int) $id;
* Builds the query to load the entity.
......@@ -236,7 +272,9 @@ public function load($ids = array(), $conditions = array()) {
* @param $ids
* An array of entity IDs, or FALSE to load all entities.
* @param $conditions
* An array of conditions in the form 'field' => $value.
* An array of conditions. Keys are field names on the entity's base table.
* Values will be compared for equality. All the comparisons will be ANDed
* together. This parameter is deprecated; use an EntityFieldQuery instead.
* @param $revision_id
* The ID of the revision to load, or FALSE if this query is asking for the
* most current revision(s).
......@@ -408,7 +446,7 @@ class EntityFieldQueryException extends Exception {}
* This class allows finding entities based on entity properties (for example,
* node->changed), field values, and generic entity meta data (bundle,
* entity type, entity id, and revision ID). It is not possible to query across
* entity type, entity ID, and revision ID). It is not possible to query across
* multiple entity types. For example, there is no facility to find published
* nodes written by users created in the last hour, as this would require
* querying both node->status and user->created.
......@@ -650,14 +688,36 @@ public function entityCondition($name, $value, $operator = NULL) {
* @param $field
* Either a field name or a field array.
* @param $column
* The column that should hold the value to be matched.
* The column that should hold the value to be matched, defined in the
* hook_field_schema() of this field. If this is omitted then all of the
* other parameters are ignored, except $field, and this call will just be
* adding a condition that says that the field has a value, rather than
* testing the value itself.
* @param $value
* The value to test the column value against.
* The value to test the column value against. In most cases, this is a
* scalar. For more complex options, it is an array. The meaning of each
* element in the array is dependent on $operator.
* @param $operator
* The operator to be used to test the given value.
* The operator to be used to test the given value. The possible values are:
* - '=', '<>', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'STARTS_WITH', 'CONTAINS': These
* operators expect $value to be a literal of the same type as the
* column.
* - 'IN', 'NOT IN': These operators expect $value to be an array of
* literals of the same type as the column.
* - 'BETWEEN': This operator expects $value to be an array of two literals
* of the same type as the column.
* The operator can be omitted, and will default to 'IN' if the value is an
* array, or to '=' otherwise.
* @param $delta_group
* An arbitrary identifier: conditions in the same group must have the same
* $delta_group.
* $delta_group. For example, let's presume a multivalue field which has
* two columns, 'color' and 'shape', and for entity ID 1, there are two
* values: red/square and blue/circle. Entity ID 1 does not have values
* corresponding to 'red circle'; however if you pass 'red' and 'circle' as
* conditions, it will appear in the results -- by default queries will run
* against any combination of deltas. By passing the conditions with the
* same $delta_group it will ensure that only values attached to the same
* delta are matched, and entity 1 would then be excluded from the results.
* @param $language_group
* An arbitrary identifier: conditions in the same group must have the same
* $language_group.
......@@ -732,9 +792,11 @@ public function fieldDeltaCondition($field, $value = NULL, $operator = NULL, $de
* @param $field
* Either a field name or a field array.
* @param $column
* A column defined in the hook_field_schema() of this field. If this is
* omitted then the query will find only entities that have data in this
* field, using the entity and property conditions if there are any.
* The column that should hold the value to be matched, defined in the
* hook_field_schema() of this field. If this is omitted then all of the
* other parameters are ignored, except $field, and this call will just be
* adding a condition that says that the field has a value, rather than
* testing the value itself.
* @param $value
* The value to test the column value against. In most cases, this is a
* scalar. For more complex options, it is an array. The meaning of each
......@@ -753,10 +815,10 @@ public function fieldDeltaCondition($field, $value = NULL, $operator = NULL, $de
* @param $delta_group
* An arbitrary identifier: conditions in the same group must have the same
* $delta_group. For example, let's presume a multivalue field which has
* two columns, 'color' and 'shape', and for entity id 1, there are two
* two columns, 'color' and 'shape', and for entity ID 1, there are two
* values: red/square and blue/circle. Entity ID 1 does not have values
* corresponding to 'red circle', however if you pass 'red' and 'circle' as
* conditions, it will appear in the results - by default queries will run
* conditions, it will appear in the results -- by default queries will run
* against any combination of deltas. By passing the conditions with the
* same $delta_group it will ensure that only values attached to the same
* delta are matched, and entity 1 would then be excluded from the results.
......@@ -199,7 +199,16 @@ function _drupal_log_error($error, $fatal = FALSE) {
watchdog('php', '%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error, $error['severity_level']);
// Log the error immediately, unless this is a non-fatal error which has been
// triggered via drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging(); in that case
// trigger it in a shutdown function. Fatal errors are always triggered
// immediately since for a fatal error the page request will end here anyway.
if (!$fatal && drupal_static('_drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging')) {
drupal_register_shutdown_function('watchdog', 'php', '%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error, $error['severity_level']);
else {
watchdog('php', '%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error, $error['severity_level']);
if ($fatal) {
drupal_add_http_header('Status', '500 Service unavailable (with message)');
......@@ -273,7 +273,9 @@ function file_default_scheme() {
* The normalized URI.
function file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize($uri) {
$scheme = file_uri_scheme($uri);
// Inline file_uri_scheme() function call for performance reasons.
$position = strpos($uri, '://');
$scheme = $position ? substr($uri, 0, $position) : FALSE;
if ($scheme && file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($scheme)) {
$target = file_uri_target($uri);
......@@ -1152,7 +1154,7 @@ function file_munge_filename($filename, $extensions, $alerts = TRUE) {
// Remove any null bytes. See
$filename = str_replace(chr(0), '', $filename);
$whitelist = array_unique(explode(' ', trim($extensions)));
$whitelist = array_unique(explode(' ', strtolower(trim($extensions))));
// Split the filename up by periods. The first part becomes the basename
// the last part the final extension.
......@@ -1165,7 +1167,7 @@ function file_munge_filename($filename, $extensions, $alerts = TRUE) {
// of allowed extensions.
foreach ($filename_parts as $filename_part) {
$new_filename .= '.' . $filename_part;
if (!in_array($filename_part, $whitelist) && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}\d?$/", $filename_part)) {
if (!in_array(strtolower($filename_part), $whitelist) && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}\d?$/", $filename_part)) {
$new_filename .= '_';
......@@ -1559,7 +1561,7 @@ function file_save_upload($form_field_name, $validators = array(), $destination
return FALSE;
// Add in our check of the the file name length.
// Add in our check of the file name length.
$validators['file_validate_name_length'] = array();
// Call the validation functions specified by this function's caller.
......@@ -1785,7 +1787,7 @@ function file_validate_is_image(stdClass $file) {
* Verifies that image dimensions are within the specified maximum and minimum.
* Non-image files will be ignored. If a image toolkit is available the image
* Non-image files will be ignored. If an image toolkit is available the image
* will be scaled to fit within the desired maximum dimensions.
* @param $file
......@@ -2022,7 +2024,7 @@ function file_download() {
* @see file_transfer()
* @see file_download_access()
* @see hook_file_downlaod()
* @see hook_file_download()
function file_download_headers($uri) {
// Let other modules provide headers and control access to the file.
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
4 => 'application/cap',
5 => 'application/cu-seeme',
6 => 'application/dsptype',
350 => 'application/epub+zip',
7 => 'application/hta',
8 => 'application/java-archive',
9 => 'application/java-serialized-object',
......@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
25 => 'application/rss+xml',
26 => 'application/rtf',
27 => 'application/smil',
349 => 'application/',
28 => 'application/vnd.cinderella',
29 => 'application/',
30 => 'application/',
......@@ -183,6 +185,8 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
144 => 'application/x-lzx',
145 => 'application/x-maker',
146 => 'application/x-mif',
351 => 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook',
352 => 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook',
147 => 'application/x-ms-wmd',
148 => 'application/x-ms-wmz',
149 => 'application/x-msdos-program',
......@@ -228,8 +232,10 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
188 => 'audio/mpeg',
189 => 'audio/ogg',
190 => 'audio/prs.sid',
356 => 'audio/webm',
191 => 'audio/x-aiff',
192 => 'audio/x-gsm',
354 => 'audio/x-matroska',
193 => 'audio/x-mpegurl',
194 => 'audio/x-ms-wax',
195 => 'audio/x-ms-wma',
......@@ -301,6 +307,7 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
261 => 'image/vnd.djvu',
262 => 'image/',
263 => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp',
355 => 'image/webp',
264 => 'image/x-cmu-raster',
265 => 'image/x-coreldraw',
266 => 'image/x-coreldrawpattern',
......@@ -337,6 +344,7 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
297 => 'text/',
298 => 'text/vnd.wap.wml',
299 => 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript',
358 => 'text/vtt',
300 => 'text/x-bibtex',
301 => 'text/x-boo',
302 => 'text/x-c++hdr',
......@@ -371,9 +379,11 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
331 => 'video/ogg',
332 => 'video/quicktime',
333 => 'video/vnd.mpegurl',
357 => 'video/webm',
347 => 'video/x-flv',
334 => 'video/x-la-asf',
348 => 'video/x-m4v',
353 => 'video/x-matroska',
335 => 'video/x-mng',
336 => 'video/x-ms-asf',
337 => 'video/x-ms-wm',
......@@ -854,6 +864,16 @@ function file_default_mimetype_mapping() {
'f4b' => 346,
'flv' => 347,
'm4v' => 348,
'azw' => 349,
'epub' => 350,
'mobi' => 351,
'prc' => 352,
'mkv' => 353,
'mka' => 354,
'webp' => 355,
'weba' => 356,
'webm' => 357,
'vtt' => 358,
......@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@
* generate the same form (or very similar forms) using different $form_ids
* can implement hook_forms(), which maps different $form_id values to the
* proper form constructor function. Examples may be found in node_forms(),
* and search_forms().
* and search_forms(). hook_forms() can also be used to define forms in
* classes.
* @param ...
* Any additional arguments are passed on to the functions called by
* drupal_get_form(), including the unique form constructor function. For
......@@ -809,7 +810,7 @@ function drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, &$form_state) {
if (isset($form_definition['callback'])) {
$callback = $form_definition['callback'];
$form_state['build_info']['base_form_id'] = $callback;
$form_state['build_info']['base_form_id'] = isset($form_definition['base_form_id']) ? $form_definition['base_form_id'] : $callback;
// In case $form_state['wrapper_callback'] is not defined already, we also
// allow hook_forms() to define one.
......@@ -830,7 +831,7 @@ function drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, &$form_state) {
// the actual form builder function ($callback) expects. This allows for
// pre-populating a form with common elements for certain forms, such as
// back/next/save buttons in multi-step form wizards. See drupal_build_form().
if (isset($form_state['wrapper_callback']) && function_exists($form_state['wrapper_callback'])) {
if (isset($form_state['wrapper_callback']) && is_callable($form_state['wrapper_callback'])) {
$form = call_user_func_array($form_state['wrapper_callback'], $args);
// Put the prepopulated $form into $args.
$args[0] = $form;
......@@ -938,7 +939,7 @@ function drupal_process_form($form_id, &$form, &$form_state) {
// after the batch is processed.
// Set a flag to indicate the the form has been processed and executed.
// Set a flag to indicate that the form has been processed and executed.
$form_state['executed'] = TRUE;
// Redirect the form based on values in $form_state.
......@@ -1128,6 +1129,17 @@ function drupal_prepare_form($form_id, &$form, &$form_state) {
drupal_alter($hooks, $form, $form_state, $form_id);
* Helper function to call form_set_error() if there is a token error.
function _drupal_invalid_token_set_form_error() {
$path = current_path();
$query = drupal_get_query_parameters();
$url = url($path, array('query' => $query));
// Setting this error will cause the form to fail validation.
form_set_error('form_token', t('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below and then <a href="@link">reload this page</a>.', array('@link' => $url)));
* Validates user-submitted form data in the $form_state array.
......@@ -1162,16 +1174,11 @@ function drupal_validate_form($form_id, &$form, &$form_state) {
// If the session token was set by drupal_prepare_form(), ensure that it
// matches the current user's session.
// matches the current user's session. This is duplicate to code in
// form_builder() but left to protect any custom form handling code.
if (isset($form['#token'])) {
if (!drupal_valid_token($form_state['values']['form_token'], $form['#token'])) {
$path = current_path();
$query = drupal_get_query_parameters();
$url = url($path, array('query' => $query));
// Setting this error will cause the form to fail validation.
form_set_error('form_token', t('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below and then <a href="@link">reload this page</a>.', array('@link' => $url)));
if (!drupal_valid_token($form_state['values']['form_token'], $form['#token']) || !empty($form_state['invalid_token'])) {
// Stop here and don't run any further validation handlers, because they
// could invoke non-safe operations which opens the door for CSRF
// vulnerabilities.
......@@ -1827,6 +1834,20 @@ function form_builder($form_id, &$element, &$form_state) {
// from the POST data is set and matches the current form_id.
if ($form_state['programmed'] || (!empty($form_state['input']) && (isset($form_state['input']['form_id']) && ($form_state['input']['form_id'] == $form_id)))) {
$form_state['process_input'] = TRUE;
// If the session token was set by drupal_prepare_form(), ensure that it
// matches the current user's session.
$form_state['invalid_token'] = FALSE;
if (isset($element['#token'])) {
if (empty($form_state['input']['form_token']) || !drupal_valid_token($form_state['input']['form_token'], $element['#token'])) {
// Set an early form error to block certain input processing since that
// opens the door for CSRF vulnerabilities.
// This value is checked in _form_builder_handle_input_element().
$form_state['invalid_token'] = TRUE;
// Make sure file uploads do not get processed.
$_FILES = array();
else {
$form_state['process_input'] = FALSE;
......@@ -1930,6 +1951,18 @@ function form_builder($form_id, &$element, &$form_state) {
$element['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
// Allow Ajax submissions to the form action to bypass verification. This is
// especially useful for multipart forms, which cannot be verified via a
// response header.
$element['#attached']['js'][] = array(
'type' => 'setting',
'data' => array(
'urlIsAjaxTrusted' => array(
$element['#action'] => TRUE,
// If a form contains a single textfield, and the ENTER key is pressed
// within it, Internet Explorer submits the form with no POST data
// identifying any submit button. Other browsers submit POST data as though
......@@ -1978,6 +2011,19 @@ function form_builder($form_id, &$element, &$form_state) {
* Adds the #name and #value properties of an input element before rendering.
function _form_builder_handle_input_element($form_id, &$element, &$form_state) {
static $safe_core_value_callbacks = array(
if (!isset($element['#name'])) {
$name = array_shift($element['#parents']);
$element['#name'] = $name;
......@@ -2056,7 +2102,14 @@ function _form_builder_handle_input_element($form_id, &$element, &$form_state) {
// property, optionally filtered through $value_callback.
if ($input_exists) {
if (function_exists($value_callback)) {
$element['#value'] = $value_callback($element, $input, $form_state);
// Skip all value callbacks except safe ones like text if the CSRF
// token was invalid.
if (empty($form_state['invalid_token']) || in_array($value_callback, $safe_core_value_callbacks)) {
$element['#value'] = $value_callback($element, $input, $form_state);
else {
$input = NULL;
if (!isset($element['#value']) && isset($input)) {
$element['#value'] = $input;
......@@ -2451,6 +2504,17 @@ function form_type_password_confirm_value($element, $input = FALSE) {
$element += array('#default_value' => array());
return $element['#default_value'] + array('pass1' => '', 'pass2' => '');
$value = array('pass1' => '', 'pass2' => '');
// Throw out all invalid array keys; we only allow pass1 and pass2.
foreach ($value as $allowed_key => $default) {
// These should be strings, but allow other scalars since they might be
// valid input in programmatic form submissions. Any nested array values
// are ignored.
if (isset($input[$allowed_key]) && is_scalar($input[$allowed_key])) {
$value[$allowed_key] = (string) $input[$allowed_key];
return $value;
......@@ -2494,6 +2558,27 @@ function form_type_select_value($element, $input = FALSE) {
* Determines the value for a textarea form element.
* @param array $element
* The form element whose value is being populated.
* @param mixed $input
* The incoming input to populate the form element. If this is FALSE,
* the element's default value should be returned.
* @return string
* The data that will appear in the $element_state['values'] collection
* for this element. Return nothing to use the default.
function form_type_textarea_value($element, $input = FALSE) {
if ($input !== FALSE && $input !== NULL) {
// This should be a string, but allow other scalars since they might be
// valid input in programmatic form submissions.
return is_scalar($input) ? (string) $input : '';
* Determines the value for a textfield form element.
......@@ -2509,9 +2594,12 @@ function form_type_select_value($element, $input = FALSE) {
function form_type_textfield_value($element, $input = FALSE) {
if ($input !== FALSE && $input !== NULL) {
// Equate $input to the form value to ensure it's marked for
// validation.
return str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $input);
// This should be a string, but allow other scalars since they might be
// valid input in programmatic form submissions.
if (!is_scalar($input)) {
$input = '';
return str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', (string) $input);
......@@ -2627,8 +2715,8 @@ function _form_options_flatten($array) {
* - #required: (optional) Whether the user needs to select an option (TRUE)
* or not (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.
* - #empty_option: (optional) The label to show for the first default option.
* By default, the label is automatically set to "- Please select -" for a
* required field and "- None -" for an optional field.
* By default, the label is automatically set to "- Select -" for a required
* field and "- None -" for an optional field.
* - #empty_value: (optional) The value for the first default option, which is
* used to determine whether the user submitted a value or not.
* - If #required is TRUE, this defaults to '' (an empty string).
......@@ -2941,7 +3029,7 @@ function form_process_password_confirm($element) {
function password_confirm_validate($element, &$element_state) {
$pass1 = trim($element['pass1']['#value']);
$pass2 = trim($element['pass2']['#value']);
if (!empty($pass1) || !empty($pass2)) {
if (strlen($pass1) > 0 || strlen($pass2) > 0) {
if (strcmp($pass1, $pass2)) {
form_error($element, t('The specified passwords do not match.'));
......@@ -3298,9 +3386,12 @@ function form_process_container($element, &$form_state) {
* Returns HTML to wrap child elements in a container.
* Used for grouped form items. Can also be used as a #theme_wrapper for any
* Used for grouped form items. Can also be used as a theme wrapper for any
* renderable element, to surround it with a <div> and add attributes such as
* classes or an HTML id.
* classes or an HTML ID.
* See the @link forms_api_reference.html Form API reference @endlink for more
* information on the #theme_wrappers render array property.
* @param $variables
* An associative array containing:
......@@ -3455,6 +3546,7 @@ function form_process_tableselect($element) {
'#return_value' => $key,
'#default_value' => isset($value[$key]) ? $key : NULL,
'#attributes' => $element['#attributes'],
'#ajax' => isset($element['#ajax']) ? $element['#ajax'] : NULL,
else {
......@@ -3875,6 +3967,34 @@ function theme_hidden($variables) {
return '<input' . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . " />\n";
* Process function to prepare autocomplete data.
* @param $element
* A textfield or other element with a #autocomplete_path.
* @return array
* The processed form element.
function form_process_autocomplete($element) {
$element['#autocomplete_input'] = array();
if ($element['#autocomplete_path'] && drupal_valid_path($element['#autocomplete_path'])) {
$element['#autocomplete_input']['#id'] = $element['#id'] .'-autocomplete';
// Force autocomplete to use non-clean URLs since this protects against the
// browser interpreting the path plus search string as an actual file.
$current_clean_url = isset($GLOBALS['conf']['clean_url']) ? $GLOBALS['conf']['clean_url'] : NULL;
$GLOBALS['conf']['clean_url'] = 0;
// Force the script path to 'index.php', in case the server is not
// configured to find it automatically. Normally it is the responsibility
// of the site to do this themselves using hook_url_outbound_alter() (see
// url()) but since this code is forcing non-clean URLs on sites that don't
// normally use them, it is done here instead.
$element['#autocomplete_input']['#url_value'] = url($element['#autocomplete_path'], array('absolute' => TRUE, 'script' => 'index.php'));
$GLOBALS['conf']['clean_url'] = $current_clean_url;
return $element;
* Returns HTML for a textfield form element.
......@@ -3893,14 +4013,14 @@ function theme_textfield($variables) {
_form_set_class($element, array('form-text'));
$extra = '';
if ($element['#autocomplete_path'] && drupal_valid_path($element['#autocomplete_path'])) {
if ($element['#autocomplete_path'] && !empty($element['#autocomplete_input'])) {
drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.autocomplete');
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'form-autocomplete';
$attributes = array();
$attributes['type'] = 'hidden';
$attributes['id'] = $element['#attributes']['id'] . '-autocomplete';
$attributes['value'] = url($element['#autocomplete_path'], array('absolute' => TRUE));
$attributes['id'] = $element['#autocomplete_input']['#id'];
$attributes['value'] = $element['#autocomplete_input']['#url_value'];
$attributes['disabled'] = 'disabled';
$attributes['class'][] = 'autocomplete';
$extra = '<input' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . ' />';
......@@ -4374,7 +4494,7 @@ function element_validate_number($element, &$form_state) {
* Sample callback_batch_finished():
* @code
* function batch_test_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
* function my_finished_callback($success, $results, $operations) {
* // The 'success' parameter means no fatal PHP errors were detected. All
* // other error management should be handled using 'results'.
* if ($success) {
......@@ -362,7 +362,8 @@ function install_run_tasks(&$install_state) {
* Runs an individual installation task.
* @param $task
* An array of information about the task to be run.
* An array of information about the task to be run as returned by
* hook_install_tasks().
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. This is
* passed in by reference so that it can be modified by the task.
......@@ -478,11 +479,15 @@ function install_run_task($task, &$install_state) {
* the page request evolves (for example, if an installation profile hasn't
* been selected yet, we don't yet know which profile tasks need to be run).
* You can override this using hook_install_tasks() or
* hook_install_tasks_alter().
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* A list of tasks to be performed, with associated metadata.
* A list of tasks to be performed, with associated metadata as returned by
* hook_install_tasks().
function install_tasks_to_perform($install_state) {
// Start with a list of all currently available tasks.
......@@ -804,6 +809,13 @@ function install_system_module(&$install_state) {
variable_set('install_profile_modules', array_diff($modules, array('system')));
$install_state['database_tables_exist'] = TRUE;
// Prevent the hook_requirements() check from telling us to convert the
// database to utf8mb4.
$connection = Database::getConnection();
if ($connection->utf8mb4IsConfigurable() && $connection->utf8mb4IsActive()) {
variable_set('drupal_all_databases_are_utf8mb4', TRUE);
......@@ -1585,7 +1597,9 @@ function install_finished(&$install_state) {
* Batch callback for batch installation of modules.
* Implements callback_batch_operation().
* Performs batch installation of modules.
function _install_module_batch($module, $module_name, &$context) {
// Install and enable the module right away, so that the module will be
......@@ -1598,6 +1612,8 @@ function _install_module_batch($module, $module_name, &$context) {
* Implements callback_batch_finished().
* 'Finished' callback for module installation batch.
function _install_profile_modules_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ public function runTasks() {
if (!empty($message)) {
$message = '<p>In order for Drupal to work, and to continue with the installation process, you must resolve all issues reported below. For more help with configuring your database server, see the <a href="">installation handbook</a>. If you are unsure what any of this means you should probably contact your hosting provider.</p>' . $message;
$message = 'Resolve all issues below to continue the installation. For help configuring your database server, see the <a href="">installation handbook</a>, or contact your hosting provider.' . $message;
throw new DatabaseTaskException($message);
......@@ -653,6 +653,13 @@ function drupal_rewrite_settings($settings = array(), $prefix = '') {
if ($fp && fwrite($fp, $buffer) === FALSE) {
throw new Exception(st('Failed to modify %settings. Verify the file permissions.', array('%settings' => $settings_file)));
else {
// The existing settings.php file might have been included already. In
// case an opcode cache is enabled, the rewritten contents of the file
// will not be reflected in this process. Ensure to invalidate the file
// in case an opcode cache is enabled.
drupal_clear_opcode_cache(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $settings_file);
else {
throw new Exception(st('Failed to open %settings. Verify the file permissions.', array('%settings' => $default_settings)));
......@@ -743,7 +750,7 @@ function drupal_install_system() {
* Uninstalls a given list of disabled modules.
* @param array $module_list
* @param string[] $module_list
* The modules to uninstall. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that
* all modules in this list have already been disabled before this function
* is called.
......@@ -762,6 +769,7 @@ function drupal_install_system() {
* included in $module_list).
* @see module_disable()
* @see module_enable()
function drupal_uninstall_modules($module_list = array(), $uninstall_dependents = TRUE) {
if ($uninstall_dependents) {
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ function language_negotiation_get_switch_links($type, $path) {
// Add support for WCAG 2.0's Language of Parts to add language identifiers.
foreach ($result as $langcode => $link) {
$result[$langcode]['attributes']['lang'] = $langcode;
$result[$langcode]['attributes']['xml:lang'] = $langcode;
if (!empty($result)) {
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ function locale_language_switcher_session($type, $path) {
$links[$langcode]['query'][$param] = $langcode;
else {
$links[$langcode]['attributes']['class'][] = ' session-active';
$links[$langcode]['attributes']['class'][] = 'session-active';
......@@ -435,6 +435,13 @@ function locale_language_url_rewrite_url(&$path, &$options) {
switch (variable_get('locale_language_negotiation_url_part', LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_PREFIX)) {
if ($options['language']->domain) {
// Save the original base URL. If it contains a port, we need to
// retain it below.
if (!empty($options['base_url'])) {
// The colon in the URL scheme messes up the port checking below.
$normalized_base_url = str_replace(array('https://', 'http://'), '', $options['base_url']);
// Ask for an absolute URL with our modified base_url.
global $is_https;
$url_scheme = ($is_https) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
......@@ -449,6 +456,19 @@ function locale_language_url_rewrite_url(&$path, &$options) {
// Apply the appropriate protocol to the URL.
$options['base_url'] = $url_scheme . $host;
// In case either the original base URL or the HTTP host contains a
// port, retain it.
$http_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if (isset($normalized_base_url) && strpos($normalized_base_url, ':') !== FALSE) {
list($host, $port) = explode(':', $normalized_base_url);
$options['base_url'] .= ':' . $port;
elseif (strpos($http_host, ':') !== FALSE) {
list($host, $port) = explode(':', $http_host);
$options['base_url'] .= ':' . $port;
if (isset($options['https']) && variable_get('https', FALSE)) {
if ($options['https'] === TRUE) {
$options['base_url'] = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $options['base_url']);
......@@ -523,6 +543,22 @@ function locale_language_url_rewrite_session(&$path, &$options) {
* possible attack vector (img).
function locale_string_is_safe($string) {
// Some strings have tokens in them. For tokens in the first part of href or
// src HTML attributes, filter_xss() removes part of the token, the part
// before the first colon. filter_xss() assumes it could be an attempt to
// inject javascript. When filter_xss() removes part of tokens, it causes the
// string to not be translatable when it should be translatable. See
// LocaleStringIsSafeTest::testLocaleStringIsSafe().
// We can recognize tokens since they are wrapped with brackets and are only
// composed of alphanumeric characters, colon, underscore, and dashes. We can
// be sure these strings are safe to strip out before the string is checked in
// filter_xss() because no dangerous javascript will match that pattern.
// @todo Do not strip out the token. Fix filter_xss() to not incorrectly
// alter the string.
$string = preg_replace('/\[[a-z0-9_-]+(:[a-z0-9_-]+)+\]/i', '', $string);
return decode_entities($string) == decode_entities(filter_xss($string, array('a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'b', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'br', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'i', 'ins', 'kbd', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'q', 'samp', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'tt', 'ul', 'var')));
......@@ -631,9 +667,6 @@ function locale_add_language($langcode, $name = NULL, $native = NULL, $direction
* translations).
function _locale_import_po($file, $langcode, $mode, $group = NULL) {
// Try to allocate enough time to parse and import the data.
// Check if we have the language already in the database.
if (!db_query("SELECT COUNT(language) FROM {languages} WHERE language = :language", array(':language' => $langcode))->fetchField()) {
drupal_set_message(t('The language selected for import is not supported.'), 'error');
......@@ -717,6 +750,12 @@ function _locale_import_read_po($op, $file, $mode = NULL, $lang = NULL, $group =
$lineno = 0;
while (!feof($fd)) {
// Refresh the time limit every 10 parsed rows to ensure there is always
// enough time to import the data for large PO files.
if (!($lineno % 10)) {
// A line should not be longer than 10 * 1024.
$line = fgets($fd, 10 * 1024);
......@@ -1931,7 +1970,7 @@ function _locale_translate_seek() {
array('data' => check_plain(truncate_utf8($string['source'], 150, FALSE, TRUE)) . '<br /><small>' . $string['location'] . '</small>'),
array('data' => _locale_translate_language_list($string['languages'], $limit_language), 'align' => 'center'),
array('data' => _locale_translate_language_list($string, $limit_language), 'align' => 'center'),
array('data' => l(t('edit'), "admin/config/regional/translate/edit/$lid", array('query' => drupal_get_destination())), 'class' => array('nowrap')),
array('data' => l(t('delete'), "admin/config/regional/translate/delete/$lid", array('query' => drupal_get_destination())), 'class' => array('nowrap')),
......@@ -2126,16 +2165,21 @@ function _locale_rebuild_js($langcode = NULL) {
* List languages in search result table
function _locale_translate_language_list($translation, $limit_language) {
function _locale_translate_language_list($string, $limit_language) {
// Add CSS.
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'locale') . '/locale.css');
// Include both translated and not yet translated target languages in the
// list. The source language is English for built-in strings and the default
// language for other strings.
$languages = language_list();
$default = language_default();
$omit = $string['group'] == 'default' ? 'en' : $default->language;
$output = '';
foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
if (!$limit_language || $limit_language == $langcode) {
$output .= (!empty($translation[$langcode])) ? $langcode . ' ' : "<em class=\"locale-untranslated\">$langcode</em> ";
$output .= (!empty($string['languages'][$langcode])) ? $langcode . ' ' : "<em class=\"locale-untranslated\">$langcode</em> ";
......@@ -2301,6 +2345,8 @@ function _locale_batch_build($files, $finished = NULL, $components = array()) {
* Implements callback_batch_operation().
* Perform interface translation import as a batch step.
* @param $filepath
......@@ -2319,6 +2365,8 @@ function _locale_batch_import($filepath, &$context) {
* Implements callback_batch_finished().
* Finished callback of system page locale import batch.
* Inform the user of translation files imported.
......@@ -2329,6 +2377,8 @@ function _locale_batch_system_finished($success, $results) {
* Implements callback_batch_finished().
* Finished callback of language addition locale import batch.
* Inform the user of translation files imported.
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* $conf['mail_line_endings'] will override this setting.
define('MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS', isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) || strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') !== FALSE ? "\r\n" : "\n");
define('MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS', isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) || (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') !== FALSE) ? "\r\n" : "\n");
* Composes and optionally sends an e-mail message.
......@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ function _drupal_wrap_mail_line(&$line, $key, $values) {
// Use soft-breaks only for purely quoted or unindented text.
$line = wordwrap($line, 77 - $values['length'], $values['soft'] ? " \n" : "\n");
// Break really long words at the maximum width allowed.
$line = wordwrap($line, 996 - $values['length'], $values['soft'] ? " \n" : "\n");
$line = wordwrap($line, 996 - $values['length'], $values['soft'] ? " \n" : "\n", TRUE);
......@@ -229,12 +229,20 @@
define('MENU_FOUND', 1);
* Internal menu status code -- Menu item was not found.
* Menu status code -- Not found.
* This can be used as the return value from a page callback, although it is
* preferable to use a load function to accomplish this; see the hook_menu()
* documentation for details.
define('MENU_NOT_FOUND', 2);
* Internal menu status code -- Menu item access is denied.
* Menu status code -- Access denied.
* This can be used as the return value from a page callback, although it is
* preferable to use an access callback to accomplish this; see the hook_menu()
* documentation for details.
define('MENU_ACCESS_DENIED', 3);
......@@ -431,7 +439,7 @@ function menu_set_item($path, $router_item) {
* @param $path
* The path; for example, 'node/5'. The function will find the corresponding
* node/% item and return that.
* node/% item and return that. Defaults to the current path.
* @param $router_item
* Internal use only.
......@@ -456,7 +464,9 @@ function menu_get_item($path = NULL, $router_item = NULL) {
// Rebuild if we know it's needed, or if the menu masks are missing which
// occurs rarely, likely due to a race condition of multiple rebuilds.
if (variable_get('menu_rebuild_needed', FALSE) || !variable_get('menu_masks', array())) {
if (_menu_check_rebuild()) {
$original_map = arg(NULL, $path);
......@@ -1485,7 +1495,7 @@ function menu_tree_collect_node_links(&$tree, &$node_links) {
* menu_tree_collect_node_links().
function menu_tree_check_access(&$tree, $node_links = array()) {
if ($node_links) {
if ($node_links && (user_access('access content') || user_access('bypass node access'))) {
$nids = array_keys($node_links);
$select = db_select('node', 'n');
$select->addField('n', 'nid');
......@@ -2409,7 +2419,7 @@ function menu_set_active_trail($new_trail = NULL) {
// argument placeholders (%). Such links are not contained in regular
// menu trees, and have only been loaded for the additional
// translation that happens here, so as to be able to display them in
// the breadcumb for the current page.
// the breadcrumb for the current page.
// @see _menu_tree_check_access()
// @see _menu_link_translate()
if (strpos($link['href'], '%') !== FALSE) {
......@@ -2495,6 +2505,7 @@ function menu_link_get_preferred($path = NULL, $selected_menu = NULL) {
$query->addField('ml', 'weight', 'link_weight');
$query->condition('ml.link_path', $path_candidates, 'IN');
// Sort candidates by link path and menu name.
$candidates = array();
......@@ -2610,10 +2621,30 @@ function menu_get_active_breadcrumb() {
function menu_get_active_title() {
$active_trail = menu_get_active_trail();
$local_task_title = NULL;
foreach (array_reverse($active_trail) as $item) {
if (!(bool) ($item['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK)) {
return $item['title'];
// Local task titles are displayed as tabs and therefore should not be
// repeated as the page title. However, if the local task appears in a
// top-level menu, it is no longer a "local task" anymore (the front page
// of the site does not have tabs) so it is better to use the local task
// title in that case than to fall back on the front page link in the
// active trail (which is usually "Home" and would not make sense in this
// context).
if ((bool) ($item['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK)) {
// A local task title is being skipped; track it in case it needs to be
// used later.
$local_task_title = $item['title'];
else {
// This is not a local task, so use it for the page title (unless the
// conditions described above are met).
if (isset($local_task_title) && isset($item['href']) && $item['href'] == '<front>') {
return $local_task_title;
else {
return $item['title'];
......@@ -2692,6 +2723,21 @@ function menu_reset_static_cache() {
* Checks whether a menu_rebuild() is necessary.
function _menu_check_rebuild() {
// To absolutely ensure that the menu rebuild is required, re-load the
// variables in case they were set by another process.
$variables = variable_initialize();
if (empty($variables['menu_rebuild_needed']) && !empty($variables['menu_masks'])) {
$GLOBALS['conf']['menu_masks'] = $variables['menu_masks'];
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Populates the database tables used by various menu functions.
......@@ -2712,6 +2758,14 @@ function menu_rebuild() {
// We choose to block here since otherwise the router item may not
// be available in menu_execute_active_handler() resulting in a 404.
if (_menu_check_rebuild()) {
// If we get here and menu_masks was not set, then it is possible a menu
// is being reloaded, or that the process rebuilding the menu was unable
// to complete successfully. A missing menu_masks variable could result
// in a 404, so re-run the function.
return menu_rebuild();
return FALSE;
......@@ -2736,6 +2790,12 @@ function menu_rebuild() {
watchdog_exception('menu', $e);
// Explicitly commit the transaction now; this ensures that the database
// operations during the menu rebuild are committed before the lock is made
// available again, since locks may not always reside in the same database
// connection. The lock is acquired outside of the transaction so should also
// be released outside of it.
return TRUE;
......@@ -227,6 +227,10 @@ function system_list_reset() {
cache_clear_all('bootstrap_modules', 'cache_bootstrap');
cache_clear_all('system_list', 'cache_bootstrap');
// Clean up the bootstrap file scan cache.
cache_clear_all('_drupal_file_scan_cache', 'cache_bootstrap');
......@@ -265,11 +269,11 @@ function _module_build_dependencies($files) {
* Determines whether a given module exists.
* @param $module
* @param string $module
* The name of the module (without the .module extension).
* @return
* TRUE if the module is both installed and enabled.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the module is both installed and enabled, FALSE otherwise.
function module_exists($module) {
$list = module_list();
......@@ -320,16 +324,27 @@ function module_load_install($module) {
* The name of the included file, if successful; FALSE otherwise.
function module_load_include($type, $module, $name = NULL) {
static $files = array();
if (!isset($name)) {
$name = $module;
$key = $type . ':' . $module . ':' . $name;
if (isset($files[$key])) {
return $files[$key];
if (function_exists('drupal_get_path')) {
$file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/$name.$type";
if (is_file($file)) {
require_once $file;
$files[$key] = $file;
return $file;
else {
$files[$key] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
......@@ -365,20 +380,22 @@ function module_load_all_includes($type, $name = NULL) {
* - Invoke hook_modules_installed().
* - Invoke hook_modules_enabled().
* @param $module_list
* @param string[] $module_list
* An array of module names.
* @param $enable_dependencies
* @param bool $enable_dependencies
* If TRUE, dependencies will automatically be added and enabled in the
* correct order. This incurs a significant performance cost, so use FALSE
* if you know $module_list is already complete and in the correct order.
* @return
* @return bool
* FALSE if one or more dependencies are missing, TRUE otherwise.
* @see hook_install()
* @see hook_enable()
* @see hook_modules_installed()
* @see hook_modules_enabled()
* @see module_disable()
* @see drupal_uninstall_modules()
function module_enable($module_list, $enable_dependencies = TRUE) {
if ($enable_dependencies) {
......@@ -505,12 +522,15 @@ function module_enable($module_list, $enable_dependencies = TRUE) {
* Disables a given set of modules.
* @param $module_list
* @param string[] $module_list
* An array of module names.
* @param $disable_dependents
* @param bool $disable_dependents
* If TRUE, dependent modules will automatically be added and disabled in the
* correct order. This incurs a significant performance cost, so use FALSE
* if you know $module_list is already complete and in the correct order.
* @see drupal_uninstall_modules()
* @see module_enable()
function module_disable($module_list, $disable_dependents = TRUE) {
if ($disable_dependents) {
......@@ -676,12 +696,16 @@ function module_hook($module, $hook) {
* Determines which modules are implementing a hook.
* @param $hook
* Lazy-loaded include files specified with "group" via hook_hook_info() or
* hook_module_implements_alter() will be automatically included by this
* function when necessary.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the hook (e.g. "help" or "menu").
* @param $sort
* @param bool $sort
* By default, modules are ordered by weight and filename, settings this option
* to TRUE, module list will be ordered by module name.
* @param $reset
* @param bool $reset
* For internal use only: Whether to force the stored list of hook
* implementations to be regenerated (such as after enabling a new module,
* before processing hook_enable).
......@@ -696,8 +720,10 @@ function module_implements($hook, $sort = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
static $drupal_static_fast;
if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
$drupal_static_fast['implementations'] = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
$drupal_static_fast['verified'] = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . ':verified');
$implementations = &$drupal_static_fast['implementations'];
$verified = &$drupal_static_fast['verified'];
// We maintain a persistent cache of hook implementations in addition to the
// static cache to avoid looping through every module and every hook on each
......@@ -711,14 +737,19 @@ function module_implements($hook, $sort = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
// per request.
if ($reset) {
$implementations = array();
$verified = array();
cache_set('module_implements', array(), 'cache_bootstrap');
cache_clear_all('hook_info', 'cache_bootstrap');
cache_clear_all('system_cache_tables', 'cache');
// Fetch implementations from cache.
// This happens on the first call to module_implements(*, *, FALSE) during a
// request, but also when $implementations have been reset, e.g. after
// module_enable().
if (empty($implementations)) {
$implementations = cache_get('module_implements', 'cache_bootstrap');
if ($implementations === FALSE) {
......@@ -727,12 +758,17 @@ function module_implements($hook, $sort = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
else {
$implementations = $implementations->data;
// Forget all previously "verified" hooks, in case that $implementations
// were cleared via drupal_static_reset('module_implements') instead of
// module_implements(*, *, TRUE).
$verified = array();
if (!isset($implementations[$hook])) {
// The hook is not cached, so ensure that whether or not it has
// implementations, that the cache is updated at the end of the request.
$implementations['#write_cache'] = TRUE;
// Discover implementations for this hook.
$hook_info = module_hook_info();
$implementations[$hook] = array();
$list = module_list(FALSE, FALSE, $sort);
......@@ -744,13 +780,31 @@ function module_implements($hook, $sort = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
$implementations[$hook][$module] = $include_file ? $hook_info[$hook]['group'] : FALSE;
// Allow modules to change the weight of specific implementations but avoid
// Allow modules to change the weight of specific implementations, but avoid
// an infinite loop.
if ($hook != 'module_implements_alter') {
// Remember the implementations before hook_module_implements_alter().
$implementations_before = $implementations[$hook];
drupal_alter('module_implements', $implementations[$hook], $hook);
// Verify implementations that were added or modified.
foreach (array_diff_assoc($implementations[$hook], $implementations_before) as $module => $group) {
// If drupal_alter('module_implements') changed or added a $group, the
// respective file needs to be included.
if ($group) {
module_load_include('inc', $module, "$module.$group");
// If a new implementation was added, verify that the function exists.
if (!function_exists($module . '_' . $hook)) {
// Implementations for this hook are now "verified".
$verified[$hook] = TRUE;
else {
elseif (!isset($verified[$hook])) {
// Implementations for this hook were in the cache, but they are not
// "verified" yet.
foreach ($implementations[$hook] as $module => $group) {
// If this hook implementation is stored in a lazy-loaded file, so include
// that file first.
......@@ -769,6 +823,7 @@ function module_implements($hook, $sort = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
$implementations['#write_cache'] = TRUE;
$verified[$hook] = TRUE;
return array_keys($implementations[$hook]);
......@@ -833,6 +888,11 @@ function module_hook_info() {
* @see module_implements()
function module_implements_write_cache() {
// The list of implementations includes vital modules only before full
// bootstrap, so do not write cache if we are not fully bootstrapped yet.
if (drupal_get_bootstrap_phase() != DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL) {
$implementations = &drupal_static('module_implements');
if (isset($implementations['#write_cache'])) {
......@@ -880,7 +940,9 @@ function module_invoke($module, $hook) {
* @return
* An array of return values of the hook implementations. If modules return
* arrays from their implementations, those are merged into one array.
* arrays from their implementations, those are merged into one array
* recursively. Note: integer keys in arrays will be lost, as the merge is
* done using array_merge_recursive().
* @see drupal_alter()
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function _password_enforce_log2_boundaries($count_log2) {
* @param $algo
* The string name of a hashing algorithm usable by hash(), like 'sha256'.
* @param $password
* The plain-text password to hash.
* Plain-text password up to 512 bytes (128 to 512 UTF-8 characters) to hash.
* @param $setting
* An existing hash or the output of _password_generate_salt(). Must be
* at least 12 characters (the settings and salt).
......@@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ function _password_enforce_log2_boundaries($count_log2) {
* The return string will be truncated at DRUPAL_HASH_LENGTH characters max.
function _password_crypt($algo, $password, $setting) {
// Prevent DoS attacks by refusing to hash large passwords.
if (strlen($password) > 512) {
return FALSE;
// The first 12 characters of an existing hash are its setting string.
$setting = substr($setting, 0, 12);
......@@ -347,7 +347,8 @@ function drupal_match_path($path, $patterns) {
* drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL) makes this function available.
* @return
* The current Drupal URL path.
* The current Drupal URL path. The path is untrusted user input and must be
* treated as such.
* @see request_path()
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function _registry_parse_files($files) {
* (optional) Weight of the module.
function _registry_parse_file($filename, $contents, $module = '', $weight = 0) {
if (preg_match_all('/^\s*(?:abstract|final)?\s*(class|interface)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/m', $contents, $matches)) {
if (preg_match_all('/^\s*(?:abstract|final)?\s*(class|interface|trait)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/m', $contents, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[2] as $key => $name) {
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function _drupal_session_read($sid) {
// Handle the case of first time visitors and clients that don't store
// cookies (eg. web crawlers).
$insecure_session_name = substr(session_name(), 1);
if (!isset($_COOKIE[session_name()]) && !isset($_COOKIE[$insecure_session_name])) {
if (empty($sid) || (!isset($_COOKIE[session_name()]) && !isset($_COOKIE[$insecure_session_name]))) {
$user = drupal_anonymous_user();
return '';
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ function _drupal_session_write($sid, $value) {
try {
if (!drupal_save_session()) {
// We don't have anything to do if we are not allowed to save the session.
return TRUE;
// Check whether $_SESSION has been changed in this request.
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ function _drupal_session_destroy($sid) {
// Nothing to do if we are not allowed to change the session.
if (!drupal_save_session()) {
return TRUE;
// Delete session data.
......@@ -446,6 +446,8 @@ function _drupal_session_destroy($sid) {
elseif (variable_get('https', FALSE)) {
_drupal_session_delete_cookie('S' . session_name(), TRUE);
return TRUE;
......@@ -1248,6 +1248,7 @@ function path_to_theme() {
function drupal_find_theme_functions($cache, $prefixes) {
$implementations = array();
$functions = get_defined_functions();
$theme_functions = preg_grep('/^(' . implode(')|(', $prefixes) . ')_/', $functions['user']);
foreach ($cache as $hook => $info) {
foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
......@@ -1264,7 +1265,7 @@ function drupal_find_theme_functions($cache, $prefixes) {
// intermediary suggestion.
$pattern = isset($info['pattern']) ? $info['pattern'] : ($hook . '__');
if (!isset($info['base hook']) && !empty($pattern)) {
$matches = preg_grep('/^' . $prefix . '_' . $pattern . '/', $functions['user']);
$matches = preg_grep('/^' . $prefix . '_' . $pattern . '/', $theme_functions);
if ($matches) {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$new_hook = substr($match, strlen($prefix) + 1);
......@@ -1554,7 +1555,7 @@ function _theme_render_template_debug($template_function, $template_file, $varia
'debug_suffix' => '',
$output['debug_prefix'] .= "\n\n<!-- THEME DEBUG -->";
$output['debug_prefix'] .= "\n<!-- CALL: theme('{$variables['theme_hook_original']}') -->";
$output['debug_prefix'] .= "\n<!-- CALL: theme('" . check_plain($variables['theme_hook_original']) . "') -->";
// If there are theme suggestions, reverse the array so more specific
// suggestions are shown first.
if (!empty($variables['theme_hook_suggestions'])) {
......@@ -1587,10 +1588,10 @@ function _theme_render_template_debug($template_function, $template_file, $varia
$prefix = ($template == $current_template) ? 'x' : '*';
$suggestion = $prefix . ' ' . $template;
$output['debug_info'] .= "\n<!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS:\n " . implode("\n ", $suggestions) . "\n-->";
$output['debug_info'] .= "\n<!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS:\n " . check_plain(implode("\n ", $suggestions)) . "\n-->";
$output['debug_info'] .= "\n<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from '{$template_file}' -->\n";
$output['debug_suffix'] .= "\n<!-- END OUTPUT from '{$template_file}' -->\n\n";
$output['debug_info'] .= "\n<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from '" . check_plain($template_file) . "' -->\n";
$output['debug_suffix'] .= "\n<!-- END OUTPUT from '" . check_plain($template_file) . "' -->\n\n";
return implode('', $output);
......@@ -1691,7 +1692,7 @@ function theme_status_messages($variables) {
$output .= " </ul>\n";
else {
$output .= $messages[0];
$output .= reset($messages);
$output .= "</div>\n";
......@@ -1710,11 +1711,29 @@ function theme_status_messages($variables) {
* copy if none of the enabled modules or the active theme implement any
* preprocess or process functions or override this theme implementation.
* @param $variables
* An associative array containing the keys 'text', 'path', and 'options'.
* See the l() function for information about these variables.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing the keys:
* - text: The text of the link.
* - path: The internal path or external URL being linked to. It is used as
* the $path parameter of the url() function.
* - options: (optional) An array that defaults to empty, but can contain:
* - attributes: Can contain optional attributes:
* - class: must be declared in an array. Example: 'class' =>
* array('class_name1','class_name2').
* - title: must be a string. Example: 'title' => 'Example title'
* - Others are more flexible as long as they work with
* drupal_attributes($variables['options']['attributes]).
* - html: Boolean flag that tells whether text contains HTML or plain
* text. If set to TRUE, the text value will not be sanitized so the
calling function must ensure that it already contains safe HTML.
* The elements $variables['options']['attributes'] and
* $variables['options']['html'] are used in this function similarly to the
* way that $options['attributes'] and $options['html'] are used in l().
* The link itself is built by the url() function, which takes
* $variables['path'] and $variables['options'] as arguments.
* @see l()
* @see url()
function theme_link($variables) {
return '<a href="' . check_plain(url($variables['path'], $variables['options'])) . '"' . drupal_attributes($variables['options']['attributes']) . '>' . ($variables['options']['html'] ? $variables['text'] : check_plain($variables['text'])) . '</a>';
......@@ -1791,7 +1810,8 @@ function theme_links($variables) {
foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
$class = array($key);
// Add first, last and active classes to the list of links to help out themers.
// Add first, last and active classes to the list of links to help out
// themers.
if ($i == 1) {
$class[] = 'first';
......@@ -1809,7 +1829,8 @@ function theme_links($variables) {
$output .= l($link['title'], $link['href'], $link);
elseif (!empty($link['title'])) {
// Some links are actually not links, but we wrap these in <span> for adding title and class attributes.
// Some links are actually not links, but we wrap these in <span> for
// adding title and class attributes.
if (empty($link['html'])) {
$link['title'] = check_plain($link['title']);
......@@ -2618,10 +2639,13 @@ function template_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
// Move some variables to the top level for themer convenience and template cleanliness.
$variables['show_messages'] = $variables['page']['#show_messages'];
foreach (system_region_list($GLOBALS['theme']) as $region_key => $region_name) {
foreach (system_region_list($GLOBALS['theme'], REGIONS_ALL, FALSE) as $region_key) {
if (!isset($variables['page'][$region_key])) {
$variables['page'][$region_key] = array();
if ($region_content = drupal_get_region_content($region_key)) {
$variables['page'][$region_key][]['#markup'] = $region_content;
// Set up layout variable.
......@@ -795,6 +795,14 @@ function update_fix_d7_requirements() {
function update_fix_d7_install_profile() {
$profile = drupal_get_profile();
// 'Default' profile has been renamed to 'Standard' in D7.
// We change the profile here to prevent a broken record in the system table.
// See system_update_7049().
if ($profile == 'default') {
$profile = 'standard';
variable_set('install_profile', $profile);
$results = db_select('system', 's')
->fields('s', array('name', 'schema_version'))
->condition('name', $profile)
......@@ -908,6 +916,8 @@ function update_get_d6_session_name() {
* Implements callback_batch_operation().
* Performs one update and stores the results for display on the results page.
* If an update function completes successfully, it should return a message
......@@ -1078,6 +1088,8 @@ function update_batch($start, $redirect = NULL, $url = NULL, $batch = array(), $
* Implements callback_batch_finished().
* Finishes the update process and stores the results for eventual display.
* After the updates run, all caches are flushed. The update results are
......@@ -264,6 +264,10 @@ function xmlrpc_server_call($xmlrpc_server, $methodname, $args) {
function xmlrpc_server_multicall($methodcalls) {
// See$1208
// To avoid multicall expansion attacks, limit the number of duplicate method
// calls allowed with a default of 1. Set to -1 for unlimited.
$duplicate_method_limit = variable_get('xmlrpc_multicall_duplicate_method_limit', 1);
$method_count = array();
$return = array();
$xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_get();
foreach ($methodcalls as $call) {
......@@ -273,10 +277,14 @@ function xmlrpc_server_multicall($methodcalls) {
$ok = FALSE;
$method = $call['methodName'];
$method_count[$method] = isset($method_count[$method]) ? $method_count[$method] + 1 : 1;
$params = $call['params'];
if ($method == 'system.multicall') {
$result = xmlrpc_error(-32600, t('Recursive calls to system.multicall are forbidden.'));
elseif ($duplicate_method_limit > 0 && $method_count[$method] > $duplicate_method_limit) {
$result = xmlrpc_error(-156579, t('Too many duplicate method calls in system.multicall.'));
elseif ($ok) {
$result = xmlrpc_server_call($xmlrpc_server, $method, $params);
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
Drupal.ajax = Drupal.ajax || {};
Drupal.settings.urlIsAjaxTrusted = Drupal.settings.urlIsAjaxTrusted || {};
* Attaches the Ajax behavior to each Ajax form element.
......@@ -130,6 +132,11 @@ Drupal.ajax = function (base, element, element_settings) {
// 5. /nojs# - Followed by a fragment.
// E.g.: path/nojs#myfragment
this.url = element_settings.url.replace(/\/nojs(\/|$|\?|&|#)/g, '/ajax$1');
// If the 'nojs' version of the URL is trusted, also trust the 'ajax' version.
if (Drupal.settings.urlIsAjaxTrusted[element_settings.url]) {
Drupal.settings.urlIsAjaxTrusted[this.url] = true;
this.wrapper = '#' + element_settings.wrapper;
// If there isn't a form, jQuery.ajax() will be used instead, allowing us to
......@@ -155,18 +162,36 @@ Drupal.ajax = function (base, element, element_settings) {
ajax.ajaxing = true;
return ajax.beforeSend(xmlhttprequest, options);
success: function (response, status) {
success: function (response, status, xmlhttprequest) {
// Sanity check for browser support (object expected).
// When using iFrame uploads, responses must be returned as a string.
if (typeof response == 'string') {
response = $.parseJSON(response);
// Prior to invoking the response's commands, verify that they can be
// trusted by checking for a response header. See
// ajax_set_verification_header() for details.
// - Empty responses are harmless so can bypass verification. This avoids
// an alert message for server-generated no-op responses that skip Ajax
// rendering.
// - Ajax objects with trusted URLs (e.g., ones defined server-side via
// #ajax) can bypass header verification. This is especially useful for
// Ajax with multipart forms. Because IFRAME transport is used, the
// response headers cannot be accessed for verification.
if (response !== null && !Drupal.settings.urlIsAjaxTrusted[ajax.url]) {
if (xmlhttprequest.getResponseHeader('X-Drupal-Ajax-Token') !== '1') {
var customMessage = Drupal.t("The response failed verification so will not be processed.");
return ajax.error(xmlhttprequest, ajax.url, customMessage);
return ajax.success(response, status);
complete: function (response, status) {
complete: function (xmlhttprequest, status) {
ajax.ajaxing = false;
if (status == 'error' || status == 'parsererror') {
return ajax.error(response, ajax.url);
return ajax.error(xmlhttprequest, ajax.url);
dataType: 'json',
......@@ -175,6 +200,9 @@ Drupal.ajax = function (base, element, element_settings) {
// Bind the ajaxSubmit function to the element event.
$(ajax.element).bind(element_settings.event, function (event) {
if (!Drupal.settings.urlIsAjaxTrusted[ajax.url] && !Drupal.urlIsLocal(ajax.url)) {
throw new Error(Drupal.t('The callback URL is not local and not trusted: !url', {'!url': ajax.url}));
return ajax.eventResponse(this, event);
......@@ -447,8 +475,8 @@ Drupal.ajax.prototype.getEffect = function (response) {
* Handler for the form redirection error.
Drupal.ajax.prototype.error = function (response, uri) {
alert(Drupal.ajaxError(response, uri));
Drupal.ajax.prototype.error = function (xmlhttprequest, uri, customMessage) {
Drupal.displayAjaxError(Drupal.ajaxError(xmlhttprequest, uri, customMessage));
// Remove the progress element.
if (this.progress.element) {
......@@ -462,7 +490,7 @@ Drupal.ajax.prototype.error = function (response, uri) {
// Reattach behaviors, if they were detached in beforeSerialize().
if (this.form) {
var settings = response.settings || this.settings || Drupal.settings;
var settings = this.settings || Drupal.settings;
Drupal.attachBehaviors(this.form, settings);
......@@ -618,6 +646,26 @@ Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands = {
* Command to add css.
* Uses the proprietary addImport method if available as browsers which
* support that method ignore @import statements in dynamically added
* stylesheets.
add_css: function (ajax, response, status) {
// Add the styles in the normal way.
// Add imports in the styles using the addImport method if available.
var match, importMatch = /^@import url\("(.*)"\);$/igm;
if (document.styleSheets[0].addImport && importMatch.test( {
importMatch.lastIndex = 0;
while (match = importMatch.exec( {
* Command to update a form's build ID.