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 * @file
 * Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.
 * The functions that are critical and need to be available even when serving
 * a cached page are instead located in

use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Yaml;
use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Exception\InvalidDataTypeException;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\SortArray;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssets;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Drupal\Core\PhpStorage\PhpStorageFactory;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\GeneratorNotInitializedException;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AnonymousUserSession;
 * @defgroup php_wrappers PHP wrapper functions
 * @{
 * Functions that are wrappers or custom implementations of PHP functions.
 * Certain PHP functions should not be used in Drupal. Instead, Drupal's
 * replacement functions should be used.
 * For example, for improved or more secure UTF8-handling, or RFC-compliant
 * handling of URLs in Drupal.
 * For ease of use and memorizing, all these wrapper functions use the same name
 * as the original PHP function, but prefixed with "drupal_". Beware, however,
 * that not all wrapper functions support the same arguments as the original
 * functions.
 * You should always use these wrapper functions in your code.
 * Wrong:
 * @code
 *   $my_substring = substr($original_string, 0, 5);
 * @endcode
 * Correct:
 * @code
 *   $my_substring = Unicode::substr($original_string, 0, 5);
 * Return status for saving which involved creating a new item.

 * Return status for saving which involved an update to an existing item.

 * Return status for saving which deleted an existing item.
 * The default aggregation group for CSS files added to the page.
 * The default aggregation group for theme CSS files added to the page.

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style HTML elements ("base" styles).
const CSS_BASE = -200;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that layout a page.
const CSS_LAYOUT = -100;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style design components (and their associated states and themes.)
const CSS_COMPONENT = 0;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style states and are not included with components.
const CSS_STATE = 100;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style themes and are not included with components.
 * The default group for JavaScript settings added to the page.
const JS_SETTING = -200;

 * The default group for JavaScript and jQuery libraries added to the page.
 * The default group for module JavaScript code added to the page.
 * The default group for theme JavaScript code added to the page.
 * The delimiter used to split plural strings.
 * This is the ETX (End of text) character and is used as a minimal means to
 * separate singular and plural variants in source and translation text. It
 * was found to be the most compatible delimiter for the supported databases.

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 * Adds output to the HEAD tag of the HTML page.
 * This function can be called as long as the headers aren't sent. Pass no
 * arguments (or NULL for both) to retrieve the currently stored elements.
 * @param $data
 *   A renderable array. If the '#type' key is not set then 'html_tag' will be
 *   added as the default '#type'.
 * @param $key
 *   A unique string key to allow implementations of hook_html_head_alter() to
 *   identify the element in $data. Required if $data is not NULL.
 * @return
 *   An array of all stored HEAD elements.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\HtmlTag::preRenderHtmlTag()
 * @deprecated in Drupal 8.0.x, will be removed before Drupal 8.0.0
 *   Use #attached on render arrays.
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function _drupal_add_html_head($data = NULL, $key = NULL) {
  $stored_head = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  if (isset($data) && isset($key)) {
    if (!isset($data['#type'])) {
      $data['#type'] = 'html_tag';
    $stored_head[$key] = $data;
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  return $stored_head;

 * Retrieves output to be displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page.
 * @param bool $render
 *   If TRUE render the HEAD elements, otherwise return just the elements.
 * @return string|array
 *   Return the rendered HTML head or the elements itself.
 * @deprecated in Drupal 8.0.x, will be removed before Drupal 8.0.0
 *   Use #attached on render arrays.
function drupal_get_html_head($render = TRUE) {
  $elements = _drupal_add_html_head();
  \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('html_head', $elements);
  if ($render) {
    return drupal_render($elements);
  else {
    return $elements;
 * Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with url().
 * Used to direct the user back to the referring page after completing a form.
 * By default the current URL is returned. If a destination exists in the
 * previous request, that destination is returned. As such, a destination can
 * persist across multiple pages.
 *   - destination: The value of the current request's 'destination' query
 *     parameter, if present. This can be either a relative or absolute URL.
 *     However, for security, redirection to external URLs is not performed.
 *     If the query parameter isn't present, then the URL of the current
 *     request is returned.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\RedirectResponseSubscriber::checkRedirectUrl()
 * @deprecated in Drupal 8.0.x-dev, will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0.
 *   Use the redirect.destination service.
  return \Drupal::destination()->getAsArray();
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 * @defgroup validation Input validation
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 * @{
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 * Functions to validate user input.
 * Verifies the syntax of the given email address.
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 *   A string containing an email address.
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 *   TRUE if the address is in a valid format.
 * @deprecated in Drupal 8.0.x-dev, will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal::service('email.validator')->isValid().
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function valid_email_address($mail) {
  return \Drupal::service('email.validator')->isValid($mail);
 * @defgroup sanitization Sanitization functions
 * @{
 * Functions to sanitize values.
 * See for information
 * on writing secure code.
 * Strips dangerous protocols from a URI and encodes it for output to HTML.
 * @param $uri
 *   A plain-text URI that might contain dangerous protocols.
 * @return
 *   A URI stripped of dangerous protocols and encoded for output to an HTML
 *   attribute value. Because it is already encoded, it should not be set as a
 *   value within a $attributes array passed to Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute,
 *   because Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute expects those values to be
 *   plain-text strings. To pass a filtered URI to
 *   \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() instead.
 * @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
 * @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup::checkPlain()
function check_url($uri) {
  return SafeMarkup::checkPlain(UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols($uri));
 * @} End of "defgroup sanitization".

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 * @defgroup format Formatting
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 * @{
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 * Functions to format numbers, strings, dates, etc.
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 * Note: It is the caller's responsibility to sanitize any input parameters.
 * This function does not perform sanitization.
 *   An array where each item represents an element and is either a:
 *   - (key => value) pair (<key>value</key>)
 *   - Associative array with fields:
 *     - 'key': The element name. Element names are not sanitized, so do not
 *       pass user input.
 *     - 'value': element contents
 *     - 'attributes': associative array of element attributes
 * In both cases, 'value' can be a simple string, or it can be another array
 * with the same format as $array itself for nesting.
function format_xml_elements($array) {
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    if (is_numeric($key)) {
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      if ($value['key']) {
        if (isset($value['attributes']) && is_array($value['attributes'])) {
          $output .= new Attribute($value['attributes']);
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        if (isset($value['value']) && $value['value'] != '') {
          $output .= '>' . (is_array($value['value']) ? format_xml_elements($value['value']) : SafeMarkup::checkPlain($value['value'])) . '</' . $value['key'] . ">\n";
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        else {
          $output .= " />\n";
    else {
      $output .= ' <' . $key . '>' . (is_array($value) ? format_xml_elements($value) : SafeMarkup::checkPlain($value)) . "</$key>\n";
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  // @todo This is marking the output string as safe HTML, but we have only
  //   sanitized the attributes and tag values, not the tag names, and we
  //   cannot guarantee the assembled markup is safe. Consider a fix in:
  return SafeMarkup::set($output);
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 * Generates a string representation for the given byte count.
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 * @param $size
 *   Optional language code to translate to a language other than what is used
 *   to display the page.
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 * @return
 *   A translated string representation of the size.
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function format_size($size, $langcode = NULL) {
    return \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural($size, '1 byte', '@count bytes', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode));
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    $size = $size / Bytes::KILOBYTE; // Convert bytes to kilobytes.
      t('@size KB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size MB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size GB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size TB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size PB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size EB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size ZB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      t('@size YB', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)),
      if (round($size, 2) >= Bytes::KILOBYTE) {
        $size = $size / Bytes::KILOBYTE;
    return str_replace('@size', round($size, 2), $unit);
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 * Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
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 * @param $timestamp
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 * @param $type
 *   (optional) The format to use, one of:
 *   - One of the built-in formats: 'short', 'medium',
 *     'long', 'html_datetime', 'html_date', 'html_time',
 *     'html_yearless_date', 'html_week', 'html_month', 'html_year'.
 *   - The name of a date type defined by a date format config entity.
 *   - The machine name of an administrator-defined date format.
 *   - 'custom', to use $format.
 *   Defaults to 'medium'.
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 * @param $format
 *   (optional) If $type is 'custom', a PHP date format string suitable for
 *   input to date(). Use a backslash to escape ordinary text, so it does not
 *   get interpreted as date format characters.
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 * @param $timezone
 *   (optional) Time zone identifier, as described at
 * Defaults to the time zone used to
 *   (optional) Language code to translate to. Defaults to the language used to
 *   display the page.
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 * @return
 *   A translated date string in the requested format.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter::format()
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function format_date($timestamp, $type = 'medium', $format = '', $timezone = NULL, $langcode = NULL) {
  return \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($timestamp, $type, $format, $timezone, $langcode);
 * Returns an ISO8601 formatted date based on the given date.
 * @param $date
 *   A UNIX timestamp.
 * @return string
 *   An ISO8601 formatted date.
function date_iso8601($date) {
  // The DATE_ISO8601 constant cannot be used here because it does not match
  // date('c') and produces invalid RDF markup.
  return date('c', $date);

 * Translates a formatted date string.
 * Callback for preg_replace_callback() within format_date().
function _format_date_callback(array $matches = NULL, $new_langcode = NULL) {
  // We cache translations to avoid redundant and rather costly calls to t().
  static $cache, $langcode;

  if (!isset($matches)) {
    $langcode = $new_langcode;

  $code = $matches[1];
  $string = $matches[2];

  if (!isset($cache[$langcode][$code][$string])) {
    $options = array(
      'langcode' => $langcode,

    if ($code == 'F') {
      $options['context'] = 'Long month name';
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    if ($code == '') {
      $cache[$langcode][$code][$string] = $string;
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    else {
      $cache[$langcode][$code][$string] = t($string, array(), $options);
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  return $cache[$langcode][$code][$string];
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 * @} End of "defgroup format".
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 * Formats an attribute string for an HTTP header.
 * @param $attributes
 *   An associative array of attributes such as 'rel'.
 * @return
 *   A ; separated string ready for insertion in a HTTP header. No escaping is
 *   performed for HTML entities, so this string is not safe to be printed.
function drupal_http_header_attributes(array $attributes = array()) {
  foreach ($attributes as $attribute => &$data) {
    if (is_array($data)) {
      $data = implode(' ', $data);
    $data = $attribute . '="' . $data . '"';
  return $attributes ? ' ' . implode('; ', $attributes) : '';

 * Attempts to set the PHP maximum execution time.
 * This function is a wrapper around the PHP function set_time_limit().
 * When called, set_time_limit() restarts the timeout counter from zero.
 * In other words, if the timeout is the default 30 seconds, and 25 seconds
 * into script execution a call such as set_time_limit(20) is made, the
 * script will run for a total of 45 seconds before timing out.
 * If the current time limit is not unlimited it is possible to decrease the
 * total time limit if the sum of the new time limit and the current time spent
 * running the script is inferior to the original time limit. It is inherent to
 * the way set_time_limit() works, it should rather be called with an
 * appropriate value every time you need to allocate a certain amount of time
 * to execute a task than only once at the beginning of the script.
 * Before calling set_time_limit(), we check if this function is available
 * because it could be disabled by the server administrator. We also hide all
 * the errors that could occur when calling set_time_limit(), because it is
 * not possible to reliably ensure that PHP or a security extension will
 * not issue a warning/error if they prevent the use of this function.
 * @param $time_limit
 *   An integer specifying the new time limit, in seconds. A value of 0
 *   indicates unlimited execution time.
function drupal_set_time_limit($time_limit) {
  if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
    $current = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    // Do not set time limit if it is currently unlimited.
 * Returns the base URL path (i.e., directory) of the Drupal installation.
 * base_path() adds a "/" to the beginning and end of the returned path if the
 * path is not empty. At the very least, this will return "/".
 * Examples:
 * - returns "/" because the path is empty.
 * - returns "/drupal/folder/".
function base_path() {
 * Adds a LINK tag with a distinct 'rel' attribute to the page's HEAD.
 * This function can be called as long the HTML header hasn't been sent, which
 * on normal pages is up through the preprocess step of _theme('html'). Adding
 * a link will overwrite a prior link with the exact same 'rel' and 'href'
 * attributes.
 * @param $attributes
 *   Associative array of element attributes including 'href' and 'rel'.
 * @param $header
 *   Optional flag to determine if a HTTP 'Link:' header should be sent.
 * @deprecated in Drupal 8.0.x, will be removed before Drupal 8.0.0
 *   Use #attached on render arrays.
function _drupal_add_html_head_link($attributes, $header = FALSE) {
  $element = array(
    '#tag' => 'link',
    '#attributes' => $attributes,
  $href = $attributes['href'];

  if ($header) {
    // Also add a HTTP header "Link:".
    $href = '<' . SafeMarkup::checkPlain($attributes['href']) . '>;';
    $element['#attached']['http_header'][] = array('Link',  $href . drupal_http_header_attributes($attributes), TRUE);
  _drupal_add_html_head($element, 'html_head_link:' . $attributes['rel'] . ':' . $href);
 * @deprecated in Drupal 8.x, will be removed before Drupal 9.0.
 *   Use \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::deleteAll().
function drupal_clear_css_cache() {
 * Constructs an array of the defaults that are used for JavaScript assets.
 *   (optional) The default data parameter for the JavaScript asset array.
function drupal_js_defaults($data = NULL) {
  return array(
    'type' => 'file',
    'group' => JS_DEFAULT,
    'every_page' => FALSE,
    'weight' => 0,
 * The values under the 'drupalSettings' key are merged in a special way, to
 * @code
 *   jQuery.extend(true, {}, $settings_items[0], $settings_items[1], ...)
 * @endcode
 * This means integer indices are preserved just like string indices are,
 * rather than re-indexed as is common in PHP array merging.
 * Example:
 * @code
 * function module1_page_attachments(&$page) {
 *   $page['a']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['foo'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
 * function module2_page_attachments(&$page) {
 *   $page['#attached']['drupalSettings']['foo'] = ['d'];
 * }
 * // When the page is rendered after the above code, and the browser runs the
 * // resulting <SCRIPT> tags, the value of is
 * // ['d', 'b', 'c'], not ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].
 * @endcode
 * By following jQuery.extend() merge logic rather than common PHP array merge
 * logic, the following are ensured:
 * - Attaching JavaScript settings is idempotent: attaching the same settings
 *   twice does not change the output sent to the browser.
 * - If pieces of the page are rendered in separate PHP requests and the
 *   returned settings are merged by JavaScript, the resulting settings are the
 *   same as if rendered in one PHP request and merged by PHP.
 * @param array $a
 *   An #attached array.
 * @param array $b
 *   Another #attached array.
 * @return array
 *   The merged #attached array.
 * @deprecated To be removed in Drupal 8.0.x. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer::mergeAttachments() instead.
function drupal_merge_attached(array $a, array $b) {
  return \Drupal::service('renderer')->mergeAttachments($a, $b);
 * Processes non-asset attachments in a render() structure.
 * Libraries, JavaScript settings, feeds, HTML <head> tags and HTML <head> links
 * are attached to elements using the #attached property. The #attached property
 * is an associative array, where the keys are the attachment types and the
 * values are the attached data. For example:
 * $build['#attached'] = [
 *   'library' => ['core/jquery']
 * ];
 * $build['#attached']['http_header'] = [
 *   ['Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8'],
 * ];
 * The available keys are:
 * - 'library' (asset libraries)
 * - 'drupalSettings' (JavaScript settings)
 * - 'feed' (RSS feeds)
 * - 'html_head' (tags in HTML <head>)
 * - 'html_head_link' (<link> tags in HTML <head>)
 * - 'http_header' (HTTP headers)
 * This function processes all non-asset attachments, to apply them to the
 * current response (that means all keys except 'library' and 'drupalSettings').
 *   The structured array describing the data being rendered.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetResolver
 * @throws LogicException
 *   When attaching something of a non-existing attachment type.
function drupal_process_attached(array $elements) {
  // Asset attachments are handled by \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetResolver.
  foreach (array('library', 'drupalSettings') as $type) {
  // Add additional types of attachments specified in the render() structure.
  foreach ($elements['#attached'] as $callback => $options) {
    foreach ($elements['#attached'][$callback] as $args) {
      // Limit the amount allowed entries.
      switch ($callback) {
        case 'html_head':
          call_user_func_array('_drupal_add_html_head', $args);
        case 'feed':
          $args = [[
            'href' => $args[0],
            'rel' => 'alternate',
            'title' => $args[1],
            'type' => 'application/rss+xml',
          call_user_func_array('_drupal_add_html_head_link', $args);
        case 'html_head_link':
          call_user_func_array('_drupal_add_html_head_link', $args);
        case 'http_header':
          call_user_func_array('_drupal_add_http_header', $args);
          throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You are not allowed to use %s in #attached', $callback));
 * Adds JavaScript to change the state of an element based on another element.
 * A "state" means a certain property on a DOM element, such as "visible" or
 * "checked". A state can be applied to an element, depending on the state of
 * another element on the page. In general, states depend on HTML attributes and
 * DOM element properties, which change due to user interaction.
 * Since states are driven by JavaScript only, it is important to understand
 * that all states are applied on presentation only, none of the states force
 * any server-side logic, and that they will not be applied for site visitors
 * without JavaScript support. All modules implementing states have to make
 * sure that the intended logic also works without JavaScript being enabled.
 * #states is an associative array in the form of:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   ...
 * )
 * @endcode
 * Each key is the name of a state to apply to the element, such as 'visible'.
 * Each value is a list of conditions that denote when the state should be
 * applied.
 * Multiple different states may be specified to act on complex conditions:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'visible' => CONDITIONS,
 *   'checked' => OTHER_CONDITIONS,
 * )
 * @endcode
 * Every condition is a key/value pair, whose key is a jQuery selector that
 * denotes another element on the page, and whose value is an array of
 * conditions, which must bet met on that element:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'visible' => array(
 *     ...
 *   ),
 * )
 * @endcode
 * All conditions must be met for the state to be applied.
 * Each remote condition is a key/value pair specifying conditions on the other
 * element that need to be met to apply the state to the element:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'visible' => array(
 *     ':input[name="remote_checkbox"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
 *   ),
 * )
 * @endcode
 * For example, to show a textfield only when a checkbox is checked:
 * @code
 * $form['toggle_me'] = array(
 *   '#type' => 'checkbox',
 *   '#title' => t('Tick this box to type'),
 * );
 * $form['settings'] = array(
 *   '#type' => 'textfield',
 *   '#states' => array(
 *     // Only show this field when the 'toggle_me' checkbox is enabled.
 *     'visible' => array(
 *       ':input[name="toggle_me"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
 *   ),
 * );
 * @endcode
 * The following states may be applied to an element:
 * - enabled
 * - disabled
 * - visible
 * - invisible
 * - checked
 * - unchecked
 * - expanded
 * - collapsed
 * The following states may be used in remote conditions:
 * The following states exist for both elements and remote conditions, but are
 * not fully implemented and may not change anything on the element:
 * - relevant
 * - irrelevant
 * - valid
 * - invalid
 * - touched
 * - untouched
 * - readwrite
 * - readonly
 * When referencing select lists and radio buttons in remote conditions, a
 * 'value' condition must be used:
 * @code
 *   '#states' => array(
 *     // Show the settings if 'bar' has been selected for 'foo'.
 *     'visible' => array(
 *       ':input[name="foo"]' => array('value' => 'bar'),
 *     ),
 *   ),
 * @endcode
 * @param $elements
 *   A renderable array element having a #states property as described above.
 * @see form_example_states_form()
  $elements['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.states';
  // Elements of '#type' => 'item' are not actual form input elements, but we
  // still want to be able to show/hide them. Since there's no actual HTML input
  // element available, setting #attributes does not make sense, but a wrapper
  // is available, so setting #wrapper_attributes makes it work.
  $key = ($elements['#type'] == 'item') ? '#wrapper_attributes' : '#attributes';
  $elements[$key]['data-drupal-states'] = JSON::encode($elements['#states']);
 * Assists in attaching the tableDrag JavaScript behavior to a themed table.
 * Draggable tables should be used wherever an outline or list of sortable items
 * needs to be arranged by an end-user. Draggable tables are very flexible and
 * can manipulate the value of form elements placed within individual columns.
 * To set up a table to use drag and drop in place of weight select-lists or in
 * place of a form that contains parent relationships, the form must be themed
 * into a table. The table must have an ID attribute set and it
 * may be set as follows:
 * $table = array(
 *   '#type' => 'table',
 *   '#header' => $header,
 *   '#rows' => $rows,
 *   '#attributes' => array(
 *     'id' => 'my-module-table',
 *   ),
 * );
 * return drupal_render($table);
 * @endcode
 * In the theme function for the form, a special class must be added to each
 * form element within the same column, "grouping" them together.
 * In a situation where a single weight column is being sorted in the table, the
 * classes could be added like this (in the theme function):
 * @code
 * $form['my_elements'][$delta]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = array('my-elements-weight');
 * Each row of the table must also have a class of "draggable" in order to
 * enable the drag handles:
 * @code
 * $row = array(...);
 * $rows[] = array(
 *   'data' => $row,
 * When tree relationships are present, the two additional classes
 * 'tabledrag-leaf' and 'tabledrag-root' can be used to refine the behavior:
 * - Rows with the 'tabledrag-leaf' class cannot have child rows.
 * - Rows with the 'tabledrag-root' class cannot be nested under a parent row.
 * Calling drupal_attach_tabledrag() would then be written as such:
 * drupal_attach_tabledrag('my-module-table', array(
 *   'action' => 'order',
 *   'relationship' => 'sibling',
 *   'group' => 'my-elements-weight',
 * );
 * @endcode
 * In a more complex case where there are several groups in one column (such as
 * the block regions on the admin/structure/block page), a separate subgroup
 * class must also be added to differentiate the groups.
 * $form['my_elements'][$region][$delta]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = array('my-elements-weight', 'my-elements-weight-' . $region);
 * The 'group' option is still 'my-element-weight', and the additional
 * 'subgroup' option will be passed in as 'my-elements-weight-' . $region. This
 * also means that you'll need to call drupal_attach_tabledrag() once for every
 * region added.
 *   drupal_attach_tabledrag('my-module-table', array(
 *     'action' => 'order',
 *     'relationship' => sibling',
 *     'group' => 'my-elements-weight',
 *     'subgroup' => my-elements-weight-' . $region,
 *   ));
 * }
 * @endcode
 * In a situation where tree relationships are present, adding multiple
 * subgroups is not necessary, because the table will contain indentations that
 * provide enough information about the sibling and parent relationships. See
 * MenuForm::BuildOverviewForm for an example creating a table
 * containing parent relationships.
 * @param $element
 *   A form element to attach the tableDrag behavior to.
 * @param array $options
 *   These options are used to generate JavaScript settings necessary to
 *   configure the tableDrag behavior appropriately for this particular table.
 *   An associative array containing the following keys:
 *   - 'table_id': String containing the target table's id attribute.
 *     If the table does not have an id, one will need to be set,
 *     such as <table id="my-module-table">.
 *   - 'action': String describing the action to be done on the form item.
 *      Either 'match' 'depth', or 'order':
 *     - 'match' is typically used for parent relationships.
 *     - 'order' is typically used to set weights on other form elements with
 *       the same group.
 *     - 'depth' updates the target element with the current indentation.
 *   - 'relationship': String describing where the "action" option
 *     should be performed. Either 'parent', 'sibling', 'group', or 'self':
 *     - 'parent' will only look for fields up the tree.
 *     - 'sibling' will look for fields in the same group in rows above and
 *       below it.
 *     - 'self' affects the dragged row itself.
 *     - 'group' affects the dragged row, plus any children below it (the entire
 *       dragged group).
 *   - 'group': A class name applied on all related form elements for this action.
 *   - 'subgroup': (optional) If the group has several subgroups within it, this
 *     string should contain the class name identifying fields in the same
 *     subgroup.
 *   - 'source': (optional) If the $action is 'match', this string should contain
 *     the classname identifying what field will be used as the source value
 *     when matching the value in $subgroup.
 *   - 'hidden': (optional) The column containing the field elements may be
 *     entirely hidden from view dynamically when the JavaScript is loaded. Set
 *     to FALSE if the column should not be hidden.
 *   - 'limit': (optional) Limit the maximum amount of parenting in this table.
 * @see MenuForm::BuildOverviewForm()
function drupal_attach_tabledrag(&$element, array $options) {
  // Add default values to elements.
  $options = $options + array(
    'subgroup' => NULL,
    'source' => NULL,
    'hidden' => TRUE,
    'limit' => 0
  $group = $options['group'];