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 * @file
 * Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request.
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define('VERSION', '7.39-dev');

 * Core API compatibility.

 * Minimum supported version of PHP.
define('DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP', '5.2.4');

 * Minimum recommended value of PHP memory_limit.
 * Error reporting level: display no errors.

 * Error reporting level: display errors and warnings.

 * Error reporting level: display all messages.

 * Indicates that the item should never be removed unless explicitly selected.
 * The item may be removed using cache_clear_all() with a cache ID.
define('CACHE_PERMANENT', 0);

 * Indicates that the item should be removed at the next general cache wipe.
define('CACHE_TEMPORARY', -1);
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 * @defgroup logging_severity_levels Logging severity levels
 * @{
 * Logging severity levels as defined in RFC 3164.
 * The WATCHDOG_* constant definitions correspond to the logging severity levels
 * defined in RFC 3164, section 4.1.1. PHP supplies predefined LOG_* constants
 * for use in the syslog() function, but their values on Windows builds do not
 * correspond to RFC 3164. The associated PHP bug report was closed with the
 * comment, "And it's also not a bug, as Windows just have less log levels,"
 * and "So the behavior you're seeing is perfectly normal."
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see watchdog()
 * @see watchdog_severity_levels()

 * Log message severity -- Emergency: system is unusable.

 * Log message severity -- Alert: action must be taken immediately.
define('WATCHDOG_ALERT', 1);

 * Log message severity -- Critical conditions.

 * Log message severity -- Error conditions.
define('WATCHDOG_ERROR', 3);

 * Log message severity -- Warning conditions.
define('WATCHDOG_WARNING', 4);

 * Log message severity -- Normal but significant conditions.
define('WATCHDOG_NOTICE', 5);

 * Log message severity -- Informational messages.
 * Log message severity -- Debug-level messages.
define('WATCHDOG_DEBUG', 7);
 * First bootstrap phase: initialize configuration.
 * Second bootstrap phase: try to serve a cached page.

 * Third bootstrap phase: initialize database layer.
 * Fourth bootstrap phase: initialize the variable system.
 * Fifth bootstrap phase: initialize session handling.
 * Sixth bootstrap phase: set up the page header.
 * Seventh bootstrap phase: find out language of the page.
 * Final bootstrap phase: Drupal is fully loaded; validate and fix input data.
 * Role ID for anonymous users; should match what's in the "role" table.

 * Role ID for authenticated users; should match what's in the "role" table.
 * The number of bytes in a kilobyte.
 * For more information, visit
 * The language code used when no language is explicitly assigned.
 * The type of language used to define the content language.
define('LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT', 'language_content');
 * The type of language used to select the user interface.
define('LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE', 'language');
 * Language written left to right. Possible value of $language->direction.
define('LANGUAGE_LTR', 0);

 * Language written right to left. Possible value of $language->direction.
define('LANGUAGE_RTL', 1);

 * Time of the current request in seconds elapsed since the Unix Epoch.
 * This differs from $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], which is stored as a float
 * since PHP 5.4.0. Float timestamps confuse most PHP functions
 * (including date_create()).
 * @see
 * @see
 * Flag used to indicate that text is not sanitized, so run check_plain().
 * @see drupal_set_title()
 * Flag used to indicate that text has already been sanitized.
 * @see drupal_set_title()
 * Signals that the registry lookup cache should be reset.
 * Signals that the registry lookup cache should be written to storage.
 * Regular expression to match PHP function names.
 * @see
define('DRUPAL_PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN', '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*');

 * A RFC7231 Compliant date.
 * Example: Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
define('DATE_RFC7231', 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T');

 * Provides a caching wrapper to be used in place of large array structures.
 * This class should be extended by systems that need to cache large amounts
 * of data and have it represented as an array to calling functions. These
 * arrays can become very large, so ArrayAccess is used to allow different
 * strategies to be used for caching internally (lazy loading, building caches
 * over time etc.). This can dramatically reduce the amount of data that needs
 * to be loaded from cache backends on each request, and memory usage from
 * static caches of that same data.
 * Note that array_* functions do not work with ArrayAccess. Systems using
 * DrupalCacheArray should use this only internally. If providing API functions
 * that return the full array, this can be cached separately or returned
 * directly. However since DrupalCacheArray holds partial content by design, it
 * should be a normal PHP array or otherwise contain the full structure.
 * Note also that due to limitations in PHP prior to 5.3.4, it is impossible to
 * write directly to the contents of nested arrays contained in this object.
 * Only writes to the top-level array elements are possible. So if you
 * previously had set $object['foo'] = array(1, 2, 'bar' => 'baz'), but later
 * want to change the value of 'bar' from 'baz' to 'foobar', you cannot do so
 * a targeted write like $object['foo']['bar'] = 'foobar'. Instead, you must
 * overwrite the entire top-level 'foo' array with the entire set of new
 * values: $object['foo'] = array(1, 2, 'bar' => 'foobar'). Due to this same
 * limitation, attempts to create references to any contained data, nested or
 * otherwise, will fail silently. So $var = &$object['foo'] will not throw an
 * error, and $var will be populated with the contents of $object['foo'], but
 * that data will be passed by value, not reference. For more information on
 * the PHP limitation, see the note in the official PHP documentation at·
 * on
 * ArrayAccess::offsetGet().
 * By default, the class accounts for caches where calling functions might
 * request keys in the array that won't exist even after a cache rebuild. This
 * prevents situations where a cache rebuild would be triggered over and over
 * due to a 'missing' item. These cases are stored internally as a value of
 * NULL. This means that the offsetGet() and offsetExists() methods
 * must be overridden if caching an array where the top level values can
 * legitimately be NULL, and where $object->offsetExists() needs to correctly
 * return (equivalent to array_key_exists() vs. isset()). This should not
 * be necessary in the majority of cases.
 * Classes extending this class must override at least the
 * resolveCacheMiss() method to have a working implementation.
 * offsetSet() is not overridden by this class by default. In practice this
 * means that assigning an offset via arrayAccess will only apply while the
 * object is in scope and will not be written back to the persistent cache.
 * This follows a similar pattern to static vs. persistent caching in
 * procedural code. Extending classes may wish to alter this behavior, for
 * example by overriding offsetSet() and adding an automatic call to persist().
 * @see SchemaCache
abstract class DrupalCacheArray implements ArrayAccess {

   * A cid to pass to cache_set() and cache_get().

   * A bin to pass to cache_set() and cache_get().

   * An array of keys to add to the cache at the end of the request.
  protected $keysToPersist = array();

   * Storage for the data itself.
  protected $storage = array();

   * @param $cid
   *   The cid for the array being cached.
   * @param $bin
   *   The bin to cache the array.
  public function __construct($cid, $bin) {
    $this->cid = $cid;
    $this->bin = $bin;

    if ($cached = cache_get($this->cid, $this->bin)) {
     $this->storage = $cached->data;

  public function offsetExists($offset) {
    return $this->offsetGet($offset) !== NULL;

  public function offsetGet($offset) {
    if (isset($this->storage[$offset]) || array_key_exists($offset, $this->storage)) {
      return $this->storage[$offset];
    else {
      return $this->resolveCacheMiss($offset);

  public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
    $this->storage[$offset] = $value;

  public function offsetUnset($offset) {

   * Flags an offset value to be written to the persistent cache.
   * If a value is assigned to a cache object with offsetSet(), by default it
   * will not be written to the persistent cache unless it is flagged with this
   * method. This allows items to be cached for the duration of a request,
   * without necessarily writing back to the persistent cache at the end.
   * @param $offset
   * @param $persist
   *   Optional boolean to specify whether the offset should be persisted or
   *   not, defaults to TRUE. When called with $persist = FALSE the offset will
   *   be unflagged so that it will not be written at the end of the request.
  protected function persist($offset, $persist = TRUE) {
    $this->keysToPersist[$offset] = $persist;

   * Resolves a cache miss.
   * When an offset is not found in the object, this is treated as a cache
   * miss. This method allows classes implementing the interface to look up
   * the actual value and allow it to be cached.
   * @param $offset
   *   The offset that was requested.
   * @return
   *   The value of the offset, or NULL if no value was found.
  abstract protected function resolveCacheMiss($offset);

   * Writes a value to the persistent cache immediately.
   * @param $data
   *   The data to write to the persistent cache.
   * @param $lock
   *   Whether to acquire a lock before writing to cache.
  protected function set($data, $lock = TRUE) {
    // Lock cache writes to help avoid stampedes.
    // To implement locking for cache misses, override __construct().
    $lock_name = $this->cid . ':' . $this->bin;
    if (!$lock || lock_acquire($lock_name)) {
      if ($cached = cache_get($this->cid, $this->bin)) {
      cache_set($this->cid, $data, $this->bin);
  public function __destruct() {
    $data = array();
    foreach ($this->keysToPersist as $offset => $persist) {
      if ($persist) {
        $data[$offset] = $this->storage[$offset];
    if (!empty($data)) {
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 * Starts the timer with the specified name.
 * If you start and stop the same timer multiple times, the measured intervals
 * will be accumulated.
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 *   The name of the timer.
function timer_start($name) {
  global $timers;

  $timers[$name]['start'] = microtime(TRUE);
  $timers[$name]['count'] = isset($timers[$name]['count']) ? ++$timers[$name]['count'] : 1;
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 * Reads the current timer value without stopping the timer.
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 *   The name of the timer.
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 * @return
 *   The current timer value in ms.
function timer_read($name) {
  global $timers;

  if (isset($timers[$name]['start'])) {
    $diff = round(($stop - $timers[$name]['start']) * 1000, 2);
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    if (isset($timers[$name]['time'])) {
      $diff += $timers[$name]['time'];
    return $diff;
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 *   The name of the timer.
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 * @return
 *   A timer array. The array contains the number of times the timer has been
 *   started and stopped (count) and the accumulated timer value in ms (time).
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function timer_stop($name) {
  global $timers;

  if (isset($timers[$name]['start'])) {
    $stop = microtime(TRUE);
    $diff = round(($stop - $timers[$name]['start']) * 1000, 2);
    if (isset($timers[$name]['time'])) {
      $timers[$name]['time'] += $diff;
    else {
      $timers[$name]['time'] = $diff;
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  return $timers[$name];
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 * Returns the configuration path based on the site's hostname, port, and
 * pathname. See default.settings.php for examples on how the URL is converted
 * to a directory.
 * @param bool $require_settings
 *   Only configuration directories with an existing settings.php file
 *   will be recognized. Defaults to TRUE. During initial installation,
 *   this is set to FALSE so that Drupal can detect a matching directory,
 *   then create a new settings.php file in it.
 *   Force a full search for matching directories even if one had been
 *   found previously. Defaults to FALSE.
 * @return
 *   The path of the matching directory.
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function conf_path($require_settings = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  $conf = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, '');
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  $confdir = 'sites';

  $sites = array();
  if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $confdir . '/sites.php')) {
    // This will overwrite $sites with the desired mappings.
    include(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $confdir . '/sites.php');

  $server = explode('.', implode('.', array_reverse(explode(':', rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.')))));
  for ($i = count($uri) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
    for ($j = count($server); $j > 0; $j--) {
      $dir = implode('.', array_slice($server, -$j)) . implode('.', array_slice($uri, 0, $i));
      if (isset($sites[$dir]) && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $confdir . '/' . $sites[$dir])) {
        $dir = $sites[$dir];
      if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $confdir . '/' . $dir . '/settings.php') || (!$require_settings && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $confdir . '/' . $dir))) {
        $conf = "$confdir/$dir";
        return $conf;
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  $conf = "$confdir/default";
  return $conf;
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 * Sets appropriate server variables needed for command line scripts to work.
 * This function can be called by command line scripts before bootstrapping
 * Drupal, to ensure that the page loads with the desired server parameters.
 * This is because many parts of Drupal assume that they are running in a web
 * browser and therefore use information from the global PHP $_SERVER variable
 * that does not get set when Drupal is run from the command line.
 * In many cases, the default way in which this function populates the $_SERVER
 * variable is sufficient, and it can therefore be called without passing in
 * any input. However, command line scripts running on a multisite installation
 * (or on any installation that has settings.php stored somewhere other than
 * the sites/default folder) need to pass in the URL of the site to allow
 * Drupal to detect the correct location of the settings.php file. Passing in
 * the 'url' parameter is also required for functions like request_uri() to
 * return the expected values.
 * Most other parameters do not need to be passed in, but may be necessary in
 * some cases; for example, if Drupal's ip_address() function needs to return
 * anything but the standard localhost value (''), the command line
 * script should pass in the desired value via the 'REMOTE_ADDR' key.
 * @param $variables
 *   (optional) An associative array of variables within $_SERVER that should
 *   be replaced. If the special element 'url' is provided in this array, it
 *   will be used to populate some of the server defaults; it should be set to
 *   the URL of the current page request, excluding any $_GET request but
 *   including the script name (e.g.,
 * @see conf_path()
 * @see request_uri()
 * @see ip_address()
function drupal_override_server_variables($variables = array()) {
  // Allow the provided URL to override any existing values in $_SERVER.
  if (isset($variables['url'])) {
    $url = parse_url($variables['url']);
    if (isset($url['host'])) {
      $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $url['host'];
    if (isset($url['path'])) {
      $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $url['path'];
  // Define default values for $_SERVER keys. These will be used if $_SERVER
  // does not already define them and no other values are passed in to this
  // function.
    'HTTP_HOST' => 'localhost',
    'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
  // Replace elements of the $_SERVER array, as appropriate.
  $_SERVER = $variables + $_SERVER + $defaults;

  if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = '';
  if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) || ($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] != 'HTTP/1.0' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] != 'HTTP/1.1')) {
  if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
    // As HTTP_HOST is user input, ensure it only contains characters allowed
    // in hostnames. See RFC 952 (and RFC 2181).
    // $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is lowercased here per specifications.
    $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    if (!drupal_valid_http_host($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
      // HTTP_HOST is invalid, e.g. if containing slashes it may be an attack.
      header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 400 Bad Request');
  else {
    // Some pre-HTTP/1.1 clients will not send a Host header. Ensure the key is
    // defined for E_ALL compliance.
    $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = '';
  // When clean URLs are enabled, emulate ?q=foo/bar using REQUEST_URI. It is
  // not possible to append the query string using mod_rewrite without the B
  // flag (this was added in Apache 2.2.8), because mod_rewrite unescapes the
  // path before passing it on to PHP. This is a problem when the path contains
  // e.g. "&" or "%" that have special meanings in URLs and must be encoded.
  $_GET['q'] = request_path();

  // Enforce E_ALL, but allow users to set levels not part of E_ALL.
  error_reporting(E_ALL | error_reporting());
  // Override PHP settings required for Drupal to work properly.
  // sites/default/default.settings.php contains more runtime settings.
  // The .htaccess file contains settings that cannot be changed at runtime.
  // Don't escape quotes when reading files from the database, disk, etc.
  ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', '0');
  // Use session cookies, not transparent sessions that puts the session id in
  // the query string.
  ini_set('session.use_cookies', '1');
  ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');
  // Don't send HTTP headers using PHP's session handler.
  // An empty string is used here to disable the cache limiter.
  ini_set('session.cache_limiter', '');
  // Use httponly session cookies.
  ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', '1');

  // Set sane locale settings, to ensure consistent string, dates, times and
  // numbers handling.
  setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
 * Validates that a hostname (for example $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) is safe.
 * @return
 *  TRUE if only containing valid characters, or FALSE otherwise.
function drupal_valid_http_host($host) {
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  // Limit the length of the host name to 1000 bytes to prevent DoS attacks with
  // long host names.
  return strlen($host) <= 1000
    // Limit the number of subdomains and port separators to prevent DoS attacks
    // in conf_path().
    && substr_count($host, '.') <= 100
    && substr_count($host, ':') <= 100
    && preg_match('/^\[?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-:\]_]+\.?)+$/', $host);
 * Sets the base URL, cookie domain, and session name from configuration.
  global $base_url, $base_path, $base_root;

  // Export these settings.php variables to the global namespace.
  global $databases, $cookie_domain, $conf, $installed_profile, $update_free_access, $db_url, $db_prefix, $drupal_hash_salt, $is_https, $base_secure_url, $base_insecure_url;
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  $conf = array();

  if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . conf_path() . '/settings.php')) {
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . conf_path() . '/settings.php';
  $is_https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on';

  if (isset($base_url)) {
    // Parse fixed base URL from settings.php.
    $parts = parse_url($base_url);
    if (!isset($parts['path'])) {
      $parts['path'] = '';
    // Build $base_root (everything until first slash after "scheme://").
    $base_root = substr($base_url, 0, strlen($base_url) - strlen($parts['path']));
  else {
    $base_root = $http_protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

    // $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] can, in contrast to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], not
    // be modified by a visitor.
    if ($dir = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '\/')) {
      $base_path = $dir;
      $base_url .= $base_path;
      $base_path .= '/';
    else {
      $base_path = '/';
  $base_secure_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $base_url);
  $base_insecure_url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $base_url);

  if ($cookie_domain) {
    // If the user specifies the cookie domain, also use it for session name.
    $session_name = $cookie_domain;
  else {
    // Otherwise use $base_url as session name, without the protocol
    // to use the same session identifiers across HTTP and HTTPS.
    list( , $session_name) = explode('://', $base_url, 2);
    // HTTP_HOST can be modified by a visitor, but we already sanitized it
    // in drupal_settings_initialize().
      $cookie_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
      // Strip leading periods, www., and port numbers from cookie domain.
      $cookie_domain = ltrim($cookie_domain, '.');
      if (strpos($cookie_domain, 'www.') === 0) {
        $cookie_domain = substr($cookie_domain, 4);
      $cookie_domain = explode(':', $cookie_domain);
      $cookie_domain = '.' . $cookie_domain[0];
  // Per RFC 2109, cookie domains must contain at least one dot other than the
  // first. For hosts such as 'localhost' or IP Addresses we don't set a cookie domain.
  if (count(explode('.', $cookie_domain)) > 2 && !is_numeric(str_replace('.', '', $cookie_domain))) {
    ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $cookie_domain);
  // To prevent session cookies from being hijacked, a user can configure the
  // SSL version of their website to only transfer session cookies via SSL by
  // using PHP's session.cookie_secure setting. The browser will then use two
  // separate session cookies for the HTTPS and HTTP versions of the site. So we
  // must use different session identifiers for HTTPS and HTTP to prevent a
  // cookie collision.
  if ($is_https) {
    ini_set('session.cookie_secure', TRUE);
  $prefix = ini_get('session.cookie_secure') ? 'SSESS' : 'SESS';
  session_name($prefix . substr(hash('sha256', $session_name), 0, 32));
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 * Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system resource.
 * The filename, whether provided, cached, or retrieved from the database, is
 * only returned if the file exists.
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 * This function plays a key role in allowing Drupal's resources (modules
 * and themes) to be located in different places depending on a site's
 * configuration. For example, a module 'foo' may legally be located
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 * in any of these three places:
 * modules/foo/foo.module
 * sites/all/modules/foo/foo.module
 * sites/
 * Calling drupal_get_filename('module', 'foo') will give you one of
 * the above, depending on where the module is located.
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 * @param $type
 *   The type of the item (theme, theme_engine, module, profile).
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 * @param $name
 *   The name of the item for which the filename is requested.
 * @param $filename
 *   The filename of the item if it is to be set explicitly rather
 *   than by consulting the database.
 * @return
 *   The filename of the requested item or NULL if the item is not found.
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function drupal_get_filename($type, $name, $filename = NULL) {
  // The location of files will not change during the request, so do not use
  // drupal_static().
  // Profiles are a special case: they have a fixed location and naming.
  if ($type == 'profile') {
    $profile_filename = "profiles/$name/$name.profile";
    $files[$type][$name] = file_exists($profile_filename) ? $profile_filename : FALSE;
  if (!isset($files[$type])) {
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    $files[$type] = array();

  if (!empty($filename) && file_exists($filename)) {
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    $files[$type][$name] = $filename;
  elseif (isset($files[$type][$name])) {
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    // nothing
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  // Verify that we have an active database connection, before querying
  // the database. This is required because this function is called both
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  // before we have a database connection (i.e. during installation) and
  // when a database connection fails.
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  else {
      if (function_exists('db_query')) {
        $file = db_query("SELECT filename FROM {system} WHERE name = :name AND type = :type", array(':name' => $name, ':type' => $type))->fetchField();
        if ($file !== FALSE && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $file)) {
      // The database table may not exist because Drupal is not yet installed,
      // or the database might be down. We have a fallback for this case so we
      // hide the error completely.
    // Fallback to searching the filesystem if the database could not find the
    // file or the file returned by the database is not found.
    if (!isset($files[$type][$name])) {
      // We have a consistent directory naming: modules, themes...
      $dir = $type . 's';
      if ($type == 'theme_engine') {
        $dir = 'themes/engines';
      if (!isset($dirs[$dir][$extension])) {
        $dirs[$dir][$extension] = TRUE;
        if (!function_exists('drupal_system_listing')) {
          require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
        // Scan the appropriate directories for all files with the requested
        // extension, not just the file we are currently looking for. This
        // prevents unnecessary scans from being repeated when this function is
        // called more than once in the same page request.
        $matches = drupal_system_listing("/^" . DRUPAL_PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN . "\.$extension$/", $dir, 'name', 0);
        foreach ($matches as $matched_name => $file) {
          $files[$type][$matched_name] = $file->uri;
  if (isset($files[$type][$name])) {
    return $files[$type][$name];
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 * The variable table is composed of values that have been saved in the table
 * with variable_set() as well as those explicitly specified in the
 * configuration file.
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function variable_initialize($conf = array()) {
  // NOTE: caching the variables improves performance by 20% when serving
  // cached pages.
  if ($cached = cache_get('variables', 'cache_bootstrap')) {
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  else {
    // Cache miss. Avoid a stampede.
    $name = 'variable_init';
    if (!lock_acquire($name, 1)) {
      // Another request is building the variable cache.
      // Wait, then re-run this function.
      return variable_initialize($conf);
    else {
      // Proceed with variable rebuild.
      $variables = array_map('unserialize', db_query('SELECT name, value FROM {variable}')->fetchAllKeyed());
      cache_set('variables', $variables, 'cache_bootstrap');
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  foreach ($conf as $name => $value) {
    $variables[$name] = $value;
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  return $variables;
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 * Returns a persistent variable.
 * Case-sensitivity of the variable_* functions depends on the database
 * collation used. To avoid problems, always use lower case for persistent
 * variable names.
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 * @param $name
 *   The name of the variable to return.
 * @param $default
 *   The default value to use if this variable has never been set.
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 * @return
 *   The value of the variable. Unserialization is taken care of as necessary.
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function variable_get($name, $default = NULL) {
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  global $conf;

  return isset($conf[$name]) ? $conf[$name] : $default;

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 * Sets a persistent variable.
 * Case-sensitivity of the variable_* functions depends on the database
 * collation used. To avoid problems, always use lower case for persistent
 * variable names.
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Dries Buytaert committed
 * @param $name
 *   The name of the variable to set.
 * @param $value
 *   The value to set. This can be any PHP data type; these functions take care
 *   of serialization as necessary.
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function variable_set($name, $value) {
  global $conf;

  db_merge('variable')->key(array('name' => $name))->fields(array('value' => serialize($value)))->execute();
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  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache_bootstrap');
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  $conf[$name] = $value;

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