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Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
# Create a development environment for a given "name" on devwww/devdb
# Include common dev script.
. dev/
# Usage: write_template "template" "path/to/destination"
function write_template {
  sed -e "s/DB_NAME/${db_name}/g;s/NAME/${name}/g;s/SITE/${site}/g;s/DB_PASS/${db_pass}/g" "dev/${1}" > "${2}"

# Fail early if comment is omitted.
[ -z "${COMMENT-}" ] && echo "Comment is required." && exit 1

# Handle vs. sub-domains properly
if [ ${site} == "drupal" ]; then
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Neil Drumm committed
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Neil Drumm committed
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
elif [ ${site} == "drupal_7" ]; then
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Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
  # Strip any _ and following characters from ${site}, and add
  # Such as 'qa_7' -> ''
  fqdn="$(echo "${site}" | sed -e 's/_.*//')"
  # If ${site} has an underscore, use the following characters. Such as
  # 'qa_7' -> ''
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
  repository="${fqdn}$(echo ${site} | sed -ne 's/.*_/-/p')"
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Neil Drumm committed

# DrupalCon São Paulo 2012 and later have a common BZR repository.
if [ "${site}" == "saopaulo2012" -o "${site}" == "sydney2013" -o "${site}" == "portland2013" -o "${site}" == "europe2014" -o "${site}" == "northamerica2014" ]; then

# Sites migrated to D7.
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Neil Drumm committed
if [ "${site}" == "association" -o "${site}" == "api" ]; then

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Neil Drumm committed
drush="drush -r ${web_path}/htdocs -y"
db_pass=$(pwgen -s 16 1)

[ -e "${web_path}" ] && echo "Project webroot already exists!" && exit 1

# Create the webroot and add comment file
mkdir -p "${web_path}/htdocs"
chown -R bender:developers "${web_path}"
echo "${COMMENT}" > "${web_path}/comment"

# Create the vhost config
write_template "vhost.conf.template" "${vhost_path}"

# Configure the database
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE ${db_name};"
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON ${db_name}.* TO '${db_name}'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '${db_pass}';"

# Checkout webroot 
echo "Populating development environment with bzr checkout"
bzr checkout bzr+ssh://${repository} "${web_path}/htdocs"

# Add settings.local.php
write_template "settings.local.php.template" "${web_path}/htdocs/sites/default/settings.local.php"

# Strongarm the permissions
echo "Forcing proper permissions on ${web_path}"
find "${web_path}" -type d -exec chmod g+rwx {} +
find "${web_path}" -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} +
chgrp -R developers "${web_path}"
# Import database
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Neil Drumm committed
rsync -v --copy-links --password-file ~/util.rsync.pass "rsync://${snapshot}" "${WORKSPACE}"
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
bunzip2 < "${WORKSPACE}/${snapshot}" | mysql "${db_name}"
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
# InnoDB handles the url alias table much faster.
echo "ALTER TABLE url_alias ENGINE InnoDB;" | ${drush} sql-cli

# Disable modules that don't work well in development (yet)
${drush} pm-disable paranoia
${drush} pm-disable civicrm
${drush} pm-disable beanstalkd

# Link up the files directory
ln -s /media/${fqdn} "${web_path}/htdocs/$(${drush} status | sed -ne 's/^ *File directory path *: *\([^ ]*\).*$/\1/p')"

# Reload apache with new vhost

# Get ready for development
${drush} vset cache 0
${drush} vdel preprocess_css
${drush} vdel preprocess_js
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
${drush} pm-enable devel
${drush} pm-enable views_ui
${drush} pm-enable imagecache_ui
# Enable UC test gateway
${drush} en test_gateway
${drush} vset uc_payment_credit_gateway test_gateway

# Set up for potential bakery testing
${drush} vdel bakery_slaves
${drush} vset bakery_domain ""
if [ "${site}" == "drupal" ]; then
  # sites are masters
  ${drush} vset bakery_master "http://${name}-${site}"
  ${drush} vset bakery_key "$(pwgen -s 32 1)"
  if [ "${bakery_master-}" ]; then
    # Hook up to a
    ${drush} vset bakery_master "http://${bakery_master}"
Neil Drumm's avatar
Neil Drumm committed
    drush_master="drush -r /var/www/dev/${bakery_master} -l ${bakery_master} -y"
    ${drush} vset bakery_key $(${drush_master} vget bakery_key | sed -ne 's/^.*"\(.*\)"/\1/p')
    ${drush_master} bakery-add-slave "http://${name}-${site}"
    # Don't bother with bakery
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Neil Drumm committed
${drush} upwd bacon --password=bacon
# Prime any big caches
wget -O /dev/null http://${name}-${site} --user=drupal --password=drupal