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error_js = ERROR: This service requires JavaScript.  Please enable JavaScript in your web browser settings.
error_webrtc = ERROR: This service requires WebRTC.  Please try <a href="">Mozilla Firefox</a> or <a href="">Google Chrome</a>, using the latest version is strongly recommended.
error_no_config = ERROR: JsCommunicator configuration not found.
error_ua_init_failure = ERROR: Failed to initialize user agent.
error_reg_fail = ERROR: SIP Registration failure.
error_call_attempt_failed = ERROR: Failed to start call, check that microphone/webcam are connected, check browser security settings, peer may not support compatible codecs.
error_dynamic = " "
jsc_login_display_name = Display name (may be empty)
jsc_login_sip_uri = SIP address
jsc_login_password = Password
jsc_login_button = Login
ws_link = WebSocket link:
ws_state_connected = Connected
ws_state_disconnected = Disconnected
sip_reg = SIP registration:
sip_reg_up = Registered
sip_reg_down = Not Registered
sip_dest_address = Destination
session_state_outgoing = Dialing ...
session_state_incoming = Incoming call
session_state_accepted = Answering, connectivity checks in progress ...
session_state_active = Call connected
button_session_cancel = Cancel
button_session_reject = Reject
button_session_answer = Answer
button_call_audio = Call (audio only)
button_reg = Register
button_dereg = De-Register
button_call_audio_video = Call (audio and video)
button_session_answer_video = Answer (with video)
button_session_answer_hold = Hold
button_session_answer_hang_up = Hang-up
button_video_control_self_view = Self view
button_video_control_self_hide = Self hide
button_video_control_full_screen = Full screen
welcome = Welcome, 
call = Call
chat = Chat 
enter_contact = Enter contact
type_to_chat = type to chat...
start_chat = start chat
me = me:
logout = Logout
no_contact = Please enter a contact.
remember_me = Remember me