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John Albin Wilkins's avatar
John Albin Wilkins committed
  #199682: 'Submitted by' text is shown even if setting is disabled
  #171201: Remove un-localizable date/time format from base theme

  #196223: IE5 always loads @import print stylesheet
  #184232: Add README documentation
  #121991: Source rendering order needs adjustment
  #110897: oversize content causes IE6 layout breakage
  * Added unique classes for each page and website section
  * Added customizable breadcrumb settings
  * Split template.php into multiple files to ease theme developer overload
  * Add prettier tab styling
  #141784: Add conditional IE stylesheets
  * Merge zen-fixed with zen_classic
  * Add optional Theme Settings API integration
  #169359: Base CSS and tpl files don't get loaded (sub-theme with page.tpl.php)
  #171464: Create starter theme; migrate current style to a sub-theme
  * Add ability to change regions in a sub-theme
  * Add complete Drupal 5 CSS for easy reference by theme developers
  #183936: Backport Drupal 6 $body_classes
  #100894: For SEO, H1#site-name should be div#site-name strong
  #118467 by leandrosiow: Screen redraw errors with resizable textareas in Firefox
  #154937 by msonnabaum: add skip navigation for screen readers/mobility impaired
  #122592: Ability to theme each primary link
  #178560 by incognito: Shifting avatars in the comment blocks
  #110553 by rport: Use png instead of gif for images
  #120052: Add linux fonts
  #183360: Empty H2 appears on blocks with no titles
  #121101: zen.css does not validate
  #110902: IE6: text falls outside and to the left of content area
  #183354: Add a div around the feed icons
  #120341: Sidebar has unwanted 5em bottom margin
  #122938: Enabling CSS aggregation messes up the CSS in Safari
  #110897: oversize content causes IE6 layout breakage
  #119270: profile pictures indenting
  #118170 by mr700: blockquote css border has two widths
  #110810: change .submitted span to div
  #100899: don't use sidebar class for widths
  #182130 by joachim: links in h2 and h3 different sizes
  #182556: Added CHANGELOG.

Zen 5.x-0.6
  * Another pre-release.

  * Initial pre-release.

Zen 5.x-0.4
  * Un-released version.