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views_natural_sort.module 11.5 KiB
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 * @file
 * Contains views_natural_sort.module..
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
 * Implements hook_help().
function views_natural_sort_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    // Main module help for the views_natural_sort module.
    case '':
      $output = '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Sort results naturally on a node&#039;s title skipping articles like &quot;the&quot; and &quot;a.&quot;') . '</p>';
 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function views_natural_sort_module_implements_alter(&$implements, $hook) {
  if ($hook == 'views_data_alter') {
    // Make views natural sort always last so we get all the up to date info.
    $group = $implements['views_natural_sort'];
    $implements['views_natural_sort'] = $group;

 * Implements hook_views_natural_sort_get_entry_types().
 * @Not-Rewritten
function views_natural_sort_views_natural_sort_get_entry_types() {
  $supported_entity_properties = views_natural_sort_get_views_configurable_properties();
  $entry_types = array();
  foreach ($supported_entity_properties as $entity_type => $properties) {
    foreach ($properties as $property => $schema_info) {
      $entry_types[] = array(
        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
        'field' => $property,
  return $entry_types;

 * Implements hook_views_natural_sort_get_rebuild_data();
 * @Not-Rewritten
function views_natural_sort_views_natural_sort_get_rebuild_data($entry_type){
  $supported_entity_properties = views_natural_sort_get_views_configurable_properties();
  if (empty($supported_entity_properties[$entry_type['entity_type']]) ||
    empty($supported_entity_properties[$entry_type['entity_type']][$entry_type['field']])) {
    return array();

  $query = Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type['entity_type']);

  $entity_ids = $query->execute();

  $storage = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage($entity_type['entity_type']);
  $data = array();

  foreach ($entity_ids as $entity_id) {
    $entity = $storage->load($entity_id);
    $data[] = array(
      'eid' => $entity_id,
      'entity_type' => $entry_type['entity_type'],
      'field' => $entry_type['field'],
      'delta' => 0,
      'content' => $entity->{$entry_type['field']}->getValue(),

  return $data;

 * Implements hook_entity_insert().
 * This keeps our natural sort index up to date.
function views_natural_sort_entity_insert(EntityInterface $entity) {
  $service = Drupal::service('views_natural_sort.service');
  $supported_entity_properties = $service->getSupportedEntityProperties();
  if (isset($supported_entity_properties[$entity->getEntityTypeId()])) {

 * Implementation of hook_entity_update().
 * This keeps our natural sort index up to date.
function views_natural_sort_entity_update(EntityInterface $entity) {

 * Implementation of hook_entity_delete().
 * This keeps our natural sort index clean.
function views_natural_sort_entity_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
  views_natural_sort_remove($entry = array(
    'eid' => $entity->id(),
    'entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(),

 * Store Multiple views_natural_sort entries
 * @param array $index_entries
 *   An array of entries to store in the views_natural_sort table.
 * @see views_natural_sort_store
 * @Not-Rewritten
function views_natural_sort_store_multiple(array $index_entries) {
  foreach($index_entries as $entry) {

 * Save an entry to the database that represents a views_natural_sort index
 * @param array $index_entry
 *   Mirrors the views_natural_sort table
 *     $eid - Entity Id of the item referenced
 *     $entity_type - The Entity Type. Ex. node
 *     $field - reference to the property or field name
 *     $delta - the item number in that field or property
 *     $content - The transformed data that a field will
 *                be sorted by.
 * @Not-Rewritten
function views_natural_sort_store(array $index_entry) {
  // This should take a formatted object and store it into the views_natural_sort table.
  $string = views_natural_sort_transform($index_entry);

  // The size limit on the content field for views_natural_sort is sometimes not
  // enough. Let's truncate all data down to that size. I personally feel the
  // inaccuracy is an acceptable loss, as the bigger the string gets, the less
  // permanent the sort.
  // TODO: Have this pick up off of the schema so if someone does a
  // hook_schema_alter() on me.
  return db_merge('views_natural_sort')
      'eid' => $index_entry['eid'],
      'entity_type' => $index_entry['entity_type'],
      'field' => $index_entry['field'],
      'delta' => $index_entry['delta'],
      'eid' => $index_entry['eid'],
      'entity_type' => $index_entry['entity_type'],
      'field' => $index_entry['field'],
      'delta' => $index_entry['delta'],
      'content' => substr($string, 0, 255),

 * Remove a views_natural_sort index entry based on keys
 * @param array $index_entry
 *   Mirrors the views_natural_sort table
 *     $eid - Entity Id of the item referenced
 *     $entity_type - The Entity Type. Ex. node
 *     $field - (optional) reference to the property or field name
 *     $delta - (optional)the item number in that field or property
 *   If an optional parameter doesn't exist, this is treated as a wild card
 *   delete
 * @Not-Rewritten
function views_natural_sort_remove($index_entry) {
  $query = db_delete('views_natural_sort')
    ->condition('eid', $index_entry['eid'])
    ->condition('entity_type', $index_entry['entity_type']);
  if (isset($index_entry['field'])) {
    $query->condition('field', $index_entry['field']);
  if (isset($index_entry['delta'])) {
    $query->condition('delta', $index_entry['delta']);

 * Encodes a string into an ascii-sortable string such as:
 *  - Leading articles in common languages are ignored: The A An El La Le Il
 *  - Unimportant punctuation is ignored: # ' " ( )
 *  - Unimportant words are ignored: and of or
 * @param array $index_entry
 *   Mirrors the views_natural_sort table
 *     $eid - Entity Id of the item referenced
 *     $entity_type - The Entity Type. Ex. node
 *     $field - reference to the property or field name
 *     $delta - the item number in that field or property
 * @return string
 *   The transformed string
 * @Not-Rewritten
function views_natural_sort_transform($index_entry) {
  // Get copy the original string.
  $string = $index_entry['content'];
  module_load_include('inc', 'views_natural_sort', 'views_natural_sort');
  foreach (views_natural_sort_get_transformations($index_entry) as $transformation_method) {
    $string = $transformation_method($string);
  return $string;

 * Get the full list of transformations to run when saving a natural sort entry.
 * @param array $index_entry
 *   The original entry to be written to the views_natural_sort table.
 *     $eid - Entity Id of the item referenced
 *     $entity_type - The Entity Type. Ex. node
 *     $field - reference to the property or field name
 *     $delta - the item number in that field or property
 *     $content - The transformed data that a field will
 *                be sorted by.
 * @return array
 *   The final list of transformations.
function views_natural_sort_get_transformations($index_entry) {
  $transformations = array(
  // Allow other modules to modify the transformation that happens here if
  // needed.
  Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('views_natural_sort_transformations', $transformations, $index_entry);
  return $transformations;

 * Retrieve the full list of entities and properties that can be supported.
 * @return array
 *  An array of property information keyed by entity machine name. Example:
 *  array (
 *    'node' => array (
 *      'type' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'node',
 *        'schema_field' => 'type',
 *      ),
 *      'title' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'node',
 *        'schema_field' => 'title',
 *      ),
 *      'language' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'node',
 *        'schema_field' => 'language',
 *      ),
 *    ),
 *    'user' => array (
 *      'name' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'users',
 *        'schema_field' => 'name',
 *      ),
 *      'mail' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'users',
 *        'schema_field' => 'mail',
 *      ),
 *      'theme' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'users',
 *        'schema_field' => 'theme',
 *      ),
 *    ),
 *    'file' => array (
 *      'name' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'file_managed',
 *        'schema_field' => 'filename',
 *      ),
 *      'mime' => array (
 *        'base_table' => 'file_managed',
 *        'schema_field' => 'filemime',
 *      ),
 *    ),
 *  )
function views_natural_sort_get_supported_entity_properties() {
  $supported_properties = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($supported_properties)) {
    $supported_properties = [
      'node' => [
        'title' => [
          'base_table' => 'node_field_data',
          'schema_field' => 'title',
  return $supported_properties;

 * Returns a list of properties that we know views will allow us to alter.
 * This list of properties is more realistic than "supported properties" because
 * it factors in what views actually contains handlers for. This is used by
 * all the administration functions to determine what properties need to be
 * affected by VNS.
 * @return mixed
 *   Returns an array formatted as views_natural_sort_get_supported_entity_properties
 *   or FALSE when views hasn't been initialized yet.
 * @see views_natural_sort_get_supported_entity_properties
function views_natural_sort_get_views_configurable_properties() {
  $views_configurable_properties = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($supported_properties)) {
    $supported_entity_properties = views_natural_sort_get_supported_entity_properties();
  return $supported_entity_properties;

 * A helper function for creating a VNS record for storage.
 * @param stdClass $entity
 * @param string $field
 * @return array
 *   An array that represents the VNS table row to be inserted.
function views_natural_sort_entity_to_vns(EntityInterface $entity, $field) {
  $entity_type = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
  $supported_entity_properties = views_natural_sort_get_views_configurable_properties();
  if (empty($supported_entity_properties[$entity_type]) ||
    empty($supported_entity_properties[$entity_type][$field])) {
    throw new Exception("$entity_type -> $field doesn't exist. Cannot create Views Natural Sort record");
  $data = [];
  foreach ($entity->get($field)->getValue() as $delta => $value) {
    $data[] = [
      'eid' => $entity->id(),
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'field' => $field,
      'delta' => $delta,
      // This may have to be passed in if it's not always ['value'].
      'content' => $value['value'],
  return $data;