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  1. Dec 07, 2005
  2. Dec 01, 2005
    • Earl Miles's avatar
      * provide blocks for default views that request them · c7184cd0
      Earl Miles authored
      Fixed a serious bug in List View that printed nodes too many times
    • Earl Miles's avatar
      * get rid of $view->numsorts · f8c376bf
      Earl Miles authored
      *  Try to change hardcoded switch-case statements to callbacks where it
         makes sense to allow modules to extend functionality.
      *  Re-factor sorting info so that it goes into the table data and is assembled,
         rather than being hard-coded as it is now.
      *  Create on-the-fly filtering too
      *  Allow a NOT in the and/or algorithm.
      *  description field for view
      *  Add changed field to prevent multiple admins from saving views simultaneously
  3. Nov 28, 2005
  4. Nov 25, 2005