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                     D R U P A L    M O D U L E
Name: TinyMCE module
Authors: Matt Westgate <drupal at asitis dot org> and
         Richard Bennett <richard.b at gritechnologies dot com>
         Jeff Robbins <robbins at jjeff dot com>
  This module requires the third-party TinyMCE editor and a
  Javascript-enabled web browser.  Currently it is known to work
  with Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox and degrade gracefully
  for Safari and Konqueror users. A browser compatibility chart is here:

1. Place the entire tinymce directory into your Drupal modules/

Ted Serbinski's avatar
Ted Serbinski committed

   Remember to uncompress the file and make sure the folder is named
3. Place the entire 'tinymce' engine folder inside your modules/tinymce
4. Load the database definition file (tinymce.mysql) using the
   tool of your choice (e.g. phpmyadmin). For mysql and command line
   access use:

     mysql -u user -p drupal < tinymce.mysql

   Replace 'user' with the MySQL username, and 'drupal' with the
   database being used.

4. Enable this module by navigating to:

     administer > modules

5. Setup role based tinymce profiles via
     administer > settings > tinymce
6. Optionally download the "TinyMCE compressor" from

   And follow the instructions that come with that package.

Create new content as a role that has TinyMCE permissions and see TinyMCE in

Once TinyMCE is enabled, the default behavior is that all textareas
will use TinyMCE for all users. The admin can change these defaults

  administer > settings > tinymce

The admin can choose what theme TinyMCE should be the default and
user's can override this by editing their account (if they've been
given permissions to do so). User's also have the option of disabling
TinyMCE completely.

The admin can also define which pages TinyMCE should be used on.
This cannot be changed on a per user basis.

NOTE: If you want to use img_assist with TinyMCE, you don't have to
      install a plugin. Just enable the img_assist module and click
      the photo icon that appears below each textarea.

Located in the plugins directory are Drupal specific plugins for
TinyMCE. Once you've downloaded and installed the TinyMCE engine,
copy this plugins over the directory of TinyMCE
(tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/). Most of these plugins will already be
active if you use the 'advanced' theme for tinymce. See the
documentation in each plugin folder for more details.

By default, Drupal uses the 'Filtered HTML' input format for adding
content to the site and this can create conflicts with TinyMCE. It's
best when using this editor to use an input format that has all
filters disabled. What I usually do is create an input format called
'Rich-text editing' and set that as the default format for roles which
use TinyMCE exclusively. To modify your input formats go to:

    Administer > input formats > configure > configure filters

Developers have complete control over when and how tinymce is enabled
for each textarea inside Drupal by creating a custom Drupal theme
function. The following example assumes you're using a phptemplate based theme.

Put the following function in your themes template.php file:

 * Customize a TinyMCE theme.
 * @param init
 *   An array of settings TinyMCE should invoke a theme. You may override any
 *   of the TinyMCE settings. Details here:
 * @param textarea_name
 *   The name of the textarea TinyMCE wants to enable.
 * @param theme_name
 *   The default tinymce theme name to be enabled for this textarea. The
 *   sitewide default is 'simple', but the user may also override this.
 * @param is_running
 *   A boolean flag that identifies id TinyMCE is currently running for this
 *   request life cycle. It can be ignored.
function phptemplate_tinymce_theme($init, $textarea_name, $theme_name, $is_running) {
  switch ($textarea_name) {
    // Disable tinymce for these textareas
    case 'log':
    case 'img_assist_pages':
    case 'caption':

    // Force the 'simple' theme for some of the smaller textareas.
    case 'signature':
    case 'site_mission':
    case 'site_footer':
    case 'settings][access_pages':
      $init['theme'] = 'simple';

  // Add some extra features when using the advanced theme.
      $init['extended_valid_elements'] = array('a[href|target|name|title|onclick]');
      $init['theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before'] = array('tablecontrols');
  // Always return $init; !!
  return $init;
If you study the above function you can see that tinymce can be completely
disabled or you can even switch themes for a given textarea.
See the TinyMCE manual for details on the parameters that can be
sent to TinyMCE:

Ctrl+Z  Undo
Ctrl+Y  Redo
Ctrl+B  Bold
Ctrl+I  Italic
Ctrl+U  Underline