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Dominique CLAUSE's avatar
Dominique CLAUSE committed
 * @file
 * Views style plugin to render nodes in the JSON data format.
 * @see
 * @ingroup views_plugins

 * Implements hook_views_plugins().
function search_autocomplete_views_plugins() {

  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'search_autocomplete') . '/views';
  return array(
    'module' => 'search_autocomplete',
    'style' => array(
      'search_autocomplete' => array(
        'title'             => t('Autocompletion JSON'),
        'path'              => $path . '/plugins',
        'help'              => t('Displays nodes in the JSON data format.'),
        'handler'           => 'SearchAutocompleteViewsPluginStyle',
Dominique CLAUSE's avatar
Dominique CLAUSE committed
        'theme'             => 'views_search_autocomplete_style',
        'theme file'        => '',
        'theme path'        => $path . '/theme',
        'uses row plugin'   => FALSE,
        'uses fields'       => TRUE,
        'uses options'      => TRUE,
        'type'              => 'normal',
        'help_topic'        => 'style-autocomplete',
        'even empty'        => TRUE,