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CHANGELOG.txt 1.03 KiB
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Relation 7.x-1.x-beta1

Relation 7.x-1.x-alpha1
#1113654 by chx, naught101:
 - return to original awesomerelationships-style schema (remove field storage)
 - add relation types (bundles) with settings for arity, directionality, transitivity.
 - CRUD and validation functions for relations and relation types.
 - relation dropzone UI for creating relations. You load 'em, we relate 'em.
 - relation dummy field for displaying relations inline on enities they relate.
 - relation query builder.
 - full doxygen.

Relation 7.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
by sun: Removed stale field settings.
#981364 by sun, naught101, chx: Fixed field schema column and variable names,
  and hook_field_is_empty() implementation.
#981364 by naught101, sun, chx: Re-use field storage for relation data.
#957742 by naught101, sun: Added missing files[] entry for
#977016 by sun: Moved Awesomerelationship into Relation project.
by sun: Added initial baseline of module files.