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 * The main file for short_answer.
 * Short answer is structurally similar to long answer. However, the module
 * mechanism makes it very difficult for these two modules (either one of
 * which may be disabled) to effectively share code.
 * @file

 * Implements hook_help().
function short_answer_help($path, $args) {
  if ($path == 'admin/help#short_answer') {
    return t('This module provides a short answer question type for Quiz.');

 * Implements hook_permission().
function short_answer_permission() {
  return array(
    'use regex for short answer' => array(
      'title' => t('use regex for short answer'),
      'description' => t('Use PHP "regular expressions" the advanced option for automated response evaluation.'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_menu().
function short_answer_menu() {
  $items['admin/quiz/reports/score-short-answer'] = array(
    'title' => 'Score short answer questions',
    'description' => 'Score the answers from quizzes that use short answer questions.',
    'page callback' => 'short_answer_view_unscored',
    'access arguments' => array('score any quiz', 'score own quiz', 'score taken quiz answer'),
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    'access callback' => 'quiz_access_multi_or',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'file' => '',
  // Pass vid and rid to this path.
  $items['admin/quiz/reports/score-short-answer/%/%'] = array(
    'title' => 'Score short answer response',
    'description' => 'Score a response to a short answer question.',
    'page callback' => 'short_answer_edit_score',
    'page arguments' => array(4, 5),
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'access arguments' => array(4, 5),
    'access callback' => 'quiz_question_access_to_score',
    'file' => ''

  return $items;

 * Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
function short_answer_quiz_question_info() {
  return array(
    'short_answer' => array(
      'name' => t('Short answer question'),
      'description' => t('Quiz questions that allow a user to enter a line of text.'),
      'question provider' => 'ShortAnswerQuestion',
      'response provider' => 'ShortAnswerResponse',
      'module' => 'quiz_question', // All wrapper functions are in that module.

 * Implements hook_config().
function short_answer_config() {
  return FALSE; // No config options available for the short answer question type

 * Implements hook_theme().
function short_answer_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'short_answer');
  return array(
    'short_answer_view_unscored' => array(
      'variables' => array('unscored' => array()),
      'path' => $module_path . '/theme',
      'file' => '',
    'short_answer_response_form' => array(
      'render element' => 'form',
      'path' => $module_path . '/theme',
      'file' => '',
    'short_answer_user_answer' => array(
      'variables' => array('answer' => NULL, 'correct' => NULL),
      'path' => $module_path . '/theme',
      'file' => '',
    'short_answer_answering_form' => array(
      'render element' => 'form',
      'path' => $module_path . '/theme',
      'template' => 'short-answer-answering-form',

 * Set a score for a short answer question.
 * This stores a score for a short answer question and marks that question as having been evaluated.
 * The function updates all of the necessary data sources so that the individual answer results should be
 * reflected in the total scoring table.
 * @param $quiz
 *  Quiz node.
 * @param $nid
 *  Node ID of question.
 * @param $vid
 *  Version ID of question.
 * @param $rid
 *  Result ID for the quiz results.
 * @param $score
 *  The numeric score to assign the result.
 * @param $update_total
 *  Shall the total score for a quiz be updated?
 * @return int
 *  Number of scores adjusted. If a change was made, this should be 1.
function short_answer_score_an_answer($values, $update_total = TRUE) {
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  // When we set the score we make sure that the max score in the quiz the question belongs to is considered
  $question_max_score = db_query('SELECT max_score FROM {quiz_question_properties} WHERE nid = :nid AND vid = :vid', array(':nid' => $nid, ':vid' => $vid))->FetchField();

  $quiz_max_score = db_query('SELECT max_score FROM {quiz_node_relationship} WHERE parent_vid = :pvid AND child_vid = :cvid', array(':pvid' => $quiz->vid, ':cvid' => $vid))->fetchField();

  $changed = db_update('quiz_short_answer_user_answers')
      'score' => $score * $question_max_score / $quiz_max_score,
      'is_evaluated' => 1,
      'answer_feedback' => empty($answer_feedback) ? '' : $answer_feedback
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    ->condition('question_nid', $nid)
    ->condition('question_vid', $vid)
    ->condition('result_id', $rid)
  // Now the short answer user data has been updated. We also need to update the data in the quiz tables
  if ($changed > 0) {
    $max = db_query('SELECT max_score FROM {quiz_question_properties} WHERE vid = :vid', array(':vid' => $vid))->fetchField();
    if ($max <= 0) {
      $is_correct = 0;
      $points_awarded = 0;
    else {
      $is_correct = ($score / $max > 0.5) ? 1 : 0;
      $points_awarded = $score;

        'points_awarded' => $points_awarded,
        'is_correct' => $is_correct,
      ->condition('question_vid', $vid)
      ->condition('result_id', $rid)

    // Third, we update the main quiz results table
    if ($update_total) {
      quiz_update_total_score($quiz, $rid);
  return $changed;

 * Validate the result report for short answer
function short_answer_report_validate($values, $form_key) {
  // Check to make sure that entered score is not higher than max allowed score.
  if (!_quiz_is_int($values['score'], 0, (int) $values['max_score'])) {
    form_set_error($form_key . '][score', t('The score needs to be a number between 0 and @max', array('@max' => (int) $values['max_score'])));

 * Submit the result report for short answer
function short_answer_report_submit($values) {
  short_answer_score_an_answer($values, FALSE);
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 * Get the answer for a question.
 * This stores a score for a short answer question and marks that question as having been evaluated.
 * @param $question_nid
 *  Node ID of question.
 * @param $question_vid
 *  Version ID of question.
 * @param $result_id
 *  Result ID for the quiz results.
 * @return Assoc array
 *  An array if successful, or FALSE if no result could be found. The array contains the following properties:
 *  <code>
 *  answer_id; // The answer ID
 *  answer; // The full text of the answer
 *  is_evaluated; // 0 if the question has not been evaluated, 1 if it has
 *  score; // The score the evaluator gave the user; this should be 0 if is_evaluated is 0.
 *  question_vid
 *  question_nid
 *  result_id
 *  </code>
function short_answer_get_answer($question_nid, $question_vid, $result_id) {
  $results = db_query('SELECT sa.answer_id, sa.answer, sa.is_evaluated, sa.score, sa.question_vid, sa.question_nid, sa.result_id, sa.answer_feedback, rel.max_score AS rel_max_score
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    FROM {quiz_short_answer_user_answers} sa
    JOIN {quiz_node_results} qnr ON (sa.result_id = qnr.result_id)
    JOIN {quiz_node_relationship} rel ON (qnr.vid = rel.parent_vid AND rel.child_vid = sa.question_vid)
    WHERE sa.question_nid = :qnid AND sa.question_vid = :qvid AND sa.result_id = :rid', array(':qnid' => $question_nid, ':qvid' => $question_vid, ':rid' => $result_id))->fetchAssoc();
  return $results ? $results : FALSE;