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question.test 4.45 KiB
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// $Id$

 * @file
 * Simpletests for Question module 6.x.
 * Verify Question module functionality.

 * Functionality tests for question module.
class QuestionTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Question',
      'description' => 'Verify functionality of the question module.',
      'group' => 'Question',

  function setUp() {
    // Enable the module.
    // Create a user that has the privilege to ask questions
    $this->question_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('ask questions'));
    // Create a user that has the privilege to manage questions
    $this->question_admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('manage questions'));

   * Verify the functionality of the Question module.
  function testQuestionWorkflow() {
    // Check that unauthorised users cannot ask questions
    $this->assertResponse(403, t('Make sure unauthorised users cannot access question form.'));

    // Login as a user with permission to ask questions
    // Ask a question
               'questioner' => 'Bobby Test',
               'question' => 'This is the test question asked by Bobby'
             t('Submit Question')
    // Ask another question
               'questioner'  => 'Benny Test',
               'question' => 'This is another test question, this time asked by Benny'
             t('Submit Question')
    // Check that there are two questions in the database
    $count = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {question_queue}'));
    $this->assertEqual($count, 2, t("There are two questions in the database."));
    // Check that an unauthorised user cannot access the question queue
    $this->assertResponse(403, t('Make sure unauthorised users cannot access question queue.'));

    // Log out question_user

    // Login as an admin user
    // Check that the questions appear on the queue page
    $this->assertText("Bobby Test", t("Text 'Bobby Test' found in the question queue"));
    $this->assertText("Benny Test", t("Text 'Benny Test' found in the question queue"));

    // Go to the page to answer the first question
    $this->assertFieldByName('questioner', "Bobby Test", "The questioner field is correctly populated");
    $this->assertFieldByName('question', "This is the test question asked by Bobby", "The question field is correctly populated");

    // Submit an answer to this question
    $edit = array(
      'title' => 'Bobby Test\'s Question',
      'answer' => 'This is the response to Bobby\'s question',
      'questioner' => 'Bobby Test',
      'question' => 'This is the response to Bobby\'s question',
    $this->drupalPost('node/add/question/1', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check that the Question node has been created
    $this->assertRaw(t('!type %title has been created.', array('!type' => 'Question', '%title' => $edit['title'])), t('Question page created.'));

    // Check that the node exists in the database
    $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title']);
    $this->assertTrue($node, t('Node found in database.'));

    // Check that the question has been removed from the queue
    $this->assertNoText("Bobby Test", t("Text 'Bobby Test' does not appear in the question queue"));
    // Check that the row has been removed from the database
    $count = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {question_queue}'));
    $this->assertEqual($count, 1, t("There is one question in the question queue."));

    // Delete the second question
    $this->drupalPost('admin/content/question/delete/2', array(), t('Delete'));

    // Check that the question has been deleted
    $this->assertRaw(t('!type deleted.', array('!type' => 'Question')), t('Question deleted.'));
    // Check that the question queue is now empty
    $count = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {question_queue}'));
    $this->assertEqual($count, 0, t("The question queue is empty."));