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namespace Aegir\Provision\Command;

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use Aegir\Provision\Console\ProvisionStyle;
use Aegir\Provision\Context\PlatformContext;
use Aegir\Provision\Context\ServerContext;
use Aegir\Provision\Context\SiteContext;
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use Aegir\Provision\Property;
use Aegir\Provision\Provision;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidOptionException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * Class SaveCommand
 * @package Aegir\Provision\Command
class SaveCommand extends Command
     * @var string
    private $context_type;
     * @var bool
    private $newContext = FALSE;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Save Provision Context.')
                'Saves a ProvisionContext object to file. Currently just passes to "drush provision-save".'
     * Generate the list of options derived from ProvisionContextType classes.
     * @return \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition
    protected function getCommandDefinition()
        $inputDefinition = ServicesCommand::getCommandOptions();
        $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption(
          'server, platform, or site'
        $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption(
          'Remove the alias.'
        $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption(
          'Run a verify command after saving the context.'

        $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption(
            'Ask for property values even if a default is provided.'

      // Load all Aegir\Provision\Context and inject their options.
      // @TODO: Use CommandFileDiscovery to include all classes that inherit Aegir\Provision\Context
      $contexts[] = SiteContext::class;
      $contexts[] = PlatformContext::class;
      $contexts[] = ServerContext::class;

      // For each context type...
      foreach ($contexts as $Context) {

          // Load serviceRequirements into input options.
          $all_services = $Context::getServiceOptions();
          foreach ($Context::serviceRequirements() as $type) {
              $option = "server_{$type}";
              $description = $Context::TYPE . ": " . $all_services[$type];
              $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption($option, NULL, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, $description);
          // Load contextRequirements into input options.
          $this_type = $Context::TYPE;
          foreach ($Context::contextRequirements() as $option => $context_type) {
              $description = "{$this_type}: {$option} context name (Must be type: {$context_type}.)";
              $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption($option, NULL, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, $description);

          // Load option_documentation() into input options.
          foreach ($Context::option_documentation() as $option => $description) {
              $inputDefinition[] = new InputOption($option, NULL, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, $description);
      return new InputDefinition($inputDefinition);
     * Load commonly used properties context_name and context_type.
     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface   $input
     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
    protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $this->context_name = $input->getOption('context');
        $this->context_type = $input->getOption('context_type');
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
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        $context_type = $input->getOption('context_type');
        // If this is a new context...
        if (empty($this->context)) {
            $this->newContext = TRUE;

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            // If context_type is still empty, throw an exception. Happens if using -n
            if (empty($context_type)) {
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                throw new \Exception('Option --context_type must be specified.');
            else {
                $this->input->setOption('context_type', $context_type);
            // Handle invalid context_type.
            if (!class_exists(Context::getClassName($context_type))) {
                $types = Context::getContextTypeOptions();
                throw new \Exception(strtr("Context type !type is invalid. Valid options are: !types", [
                    '!type' => $context_type,
                    '!types' => implode(", ", array_keys($types))

            // Check for context type service requirements.
            $exit = FALSE;
            $reqs = $this->getProvision()->checkServiceRequirements($context_type);
                $this->io->block("Checking service requirements for context type {$context_type}...");
                foreach ($reqs as $service => $available) {
                    if ($available) {
                        $this->io->successLite("Service $service: Available");
                    else {
                        $this->io->warningLite("There is no server that provides the service '$service'.");
                        $exit = TRUE;
            if ($exit) {
                $this->io->error('Service requirements are unfulfillable. Please create a new server (provision save) or add to an existing server (provision services).');

            $options = $this->askForContextProperties();
            $options['name'] = $this->context_name;
            $options['type'] = $this->context_type;
            $class = Context::getClassName($this->input->getOption('context_type'));
            $this->context = new $class($input->getOption('context'), $this->getProvision(), $options);
            $this->getProvision()->io()->helpBlock("Editing context {$this->context->name}...", ProvisionStyle::ICON_EDIT);

            // Save over existing contexts.
            $this->newContext = FALSE;
            $this->input->setOption('context_type', $this->context->type);
            $properties = $this->askForContextProperties();

            // Write over each property with new values.
            foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
                $this->context->setProperty($name, $value);

            $context_type = $this->context->type;
            $this->input->setOption('context_type', $this->context->type);

        // Delete context config.
        if ($input->getOption('delete')) {
            if (!$input->isInteractive() || $this->io->confirm("Delete context '{$this->context_name}' configuration ($this->context->config_path)?")) {
                if ($this->context->deleteConfig()) {
                    $this->io->info('Context file deleted.');
                else {
                    $this->io->error('Unable to delete ' . $this->context->config_path);

        foreach ($this->context->getProperties() as $name => $value) {
            if ($name == 'services' || $name == 'service_subscriptions') {
            $value = is_array($value)? implode(', ', $value): $value;
        $this->io->table(['Saving Context:', $this->context->name], $rows);
        if ($this->io->confirm("Save <comment>{$this->context->type}</comment> context <comment>{$this->context->name}</comment> to <fg=white>{$this->context->config_path}</>?")) {
            if ($this->context->save()) {
                $this->io->success("Configuration saved to {$this->context->config_path}");
                $this->io->error("Unable to save configuration to {$this->context->config_path}. ");
        else {
            $this->io->warningLite('Context not saved.');
//        $command = 'drush provision-save '.$input->getOption('context');
        // If editing a context, exit here.
        if (!$this->newContext) {

        if ($context_type == 'server') {
        else {
        // Offer to verify. (only if --verify option was specified or is interactive and confirmation is made.
        if ($this->input->getOption('verify') || ($this->input->isInteractive() && $this->io->confirm('Would you like to run `provision verify` on this ' . $this->input->getOption('context_type') . '?'))) {
            $command = $this->getApplication()->find('verify');
            $arguments['--context'] = $this->context_name;
            $input = new ArrayInput($arguments);
            exit($command->run($input, $this->output));

     * Takes --platform option, loads it, and parses properties from that into
     * input options for the site.
    private function loadPlatformProperties() {
        if ($this->context_type == 'site') {
            if ($this->input->getOption('platform') && $platform = $this->getProvision()->getContext($this->input->getOption('platform'))) {

                // Convert HTTP server to server_http option.
                if ($platform->hasService('http')) {
                    $this->input->setOption('server_http', $platform->service('http')->provider->name);

                // Convert all platform properties to $input options.
                foreach ($platform->getProperties() as $name => $value) {
                    if ($name != 'name' && $name != 'type' && $this->input->hasOption($name)) {
                        $this->getProvision()->getLogger()->notice("Setting option '{name}' from platform to '{value}'.", [
                            'name' => $name,
                            'value' => $value,

                        // Detect empty values, and pass FALSE instead.
                        // If we don't, $this->>askForContextProperties() will
                        // not see the option and will ask for it.
                        if (empty($value)) {
                            $value = FALSE;
                        $this->input->setOption($name, $value);

     * Override  to add options
     * @param string $question
    public function askForContext($question = 'Choose a context')
        $options = $this->getProvision()->getAllContextsOptions();

        // If there are options, add "new" to the list.
        if (count($options)) {
            $options['new'] = 'Create a new context.';
            $this->context_name = $this->io->choice($question, $options);

            if ($this->context_name == 'new') {

                if (empty($this->input->getOption('context_type'))) {
                    $type_options = Context::getContextTypeOptions();
                    $context_type = $this->io->choice('Context Type?', $type_options);
                else {
                    $context_type = $this->input->getOption('context_type');
                $this->input->setOption('context_type', $context_type);
                $this->context_name = $this->io->ask('Context name');
        // If there are no options, just ask for the name to create.
        else {
//            // FIRST CONTEXT!
//            // @TODO: Move this to it's own class and methods for onboarding.
//            $this->io->title('Welcome to Provision!');
//            $this->io->block([
//                "The first context you need to create is a server. It is recommended to call this server 'server_master' but you can call it whatever you'd like.",
//            ]);
//            $this->io->writeln([
//                " <fg=blue>Tip: When Provision asks you <info>a question</info>, it may provide a [<comment>default value</comment>].",
//                "      If you just hit enter, that default value will be used.</>"
//            ]);
            $this->input->setOption('context_type', 'server');

            $this->context_name = $this->io->ask('Context name', 'server_master');
     * Loop through this context type's option_documentation() method and ask for each property.
     * @return array
    private function askForContextProperties() {
        if (empty($this->input->getOption('context_type'))) {
            throw new InvalidOptionException('context_type option is required.');
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        $class = Context::getClassName($this->input->getOption('context_type'));
        $options = $class::option_documentation();
        $properties = $this->askForRequiredContexts();
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        foreach ($options as $name => $property) {
            if (!empty($properties[$name])) {
            // Convert string into Property object.
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            // Allows option_documentation to return array of strings for simple properties.
            if ( !$property instanceof Property) {
                $property = Provision::newProperty($property);
            // If we are editing a context, override the default property.
            if (!$this->newContext && $current_value = $this->context->getProperty($name)) {
                $property->default = $current_value;

            // If option does not exist, ask for it.  option is FALSE if loaded from platform with empty property. Prevents console from asking for it if empty.
            if (!empty($this->input->getOption($name)) || $this->input->getOption($name) === FALSE) {
                $properties[$name] = $this->input->getOption($name);
                $this->io->comment("Using option {$name}={$properties[$name]}");
            else {

                // If --ask-defaults is not set and there is a default, use it and do not ask the user.
                if ($property->hidden || !$property->forceAsk && !$this->input->getOption('ask-defaults') && !empty($property->default)) {
                    $properties[$name] = $property->default;
                    $this->io->comment("Using default option {$name}={$properties[$name]}");
                // If user has specifically asked to be asked with the --ask-defaults option, then ask for it.
                else {
                    $properties[$name] = $this->io->ask("{$name} ({$property->description})", $property->default, $property->validate);
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     * When a server is being added, offer to add services to it interactively.
    protected function askForServices() {
        if (!$this->input->isInteractive()){
        $command = $this->getApplication()->find('services');
        $arguments = [
            '--context' => $this->input->getOption('context'),
            'sub_command' => 'add',
        while ($this->io->confirm('Add a service?')) {

            $greetInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
            $returnCode = $command->run($greetInput, $this->output);
            $returnCodes[$returnCode] = $returnCode;
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     * After a Service Subscriber is added, offer to setup service subscriptions.
    protected function askForServiceSubscriptions() {

        // Lookup servers.
        $all_services = Context::getServiceOptions();
        $class = Context::getClassName($this->input->getOption('context_type'));
        foreach ($class::serviceRequirements() as $type) {
            $option = "server_{$type}";
//            else {
//                $context_name = $this->io->ask($all_services[$type]);
//            $context = Provision::getContext($context_name);
            $this->io->info("Adding required service $type...");

            $command = $this->getApplication()->find('services');
            $arguments = [
                '--context' => $this->input->getOption('context'),
                'sub_command' => 'add',
                'service' => $type,

            // Pass option down to services command.
            if (!empty($this->input->getOption($option))) {
                $arguments['server'] = $this->input->getOption($option);
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            // If server_http is not specified, but it exists in the platform use that.
            // Pass all options for this service to the services command.
            $service_class = Service::getClassName($type);
            $options_method = $this->input->getOption('context_type') . "_options";
            foreach ($service_class::$options_method() as $option => $help) {
                $arguments["--{$option}"] = $this->input->getOption($option);
            $input = new ArrayInput($arguments);
            $returnCode = $command->run($input, $this->output);
            $returnCodes[$returnCode] = $returnCode;
//            if ($context::TYPE != 'server') {
//                throw new \Exception("Specified context '{$context->name}' is not a server.");
//            }
//            $this->io->comment("Using server $context_name for service $type.");
    private function askForRequiredContexts() {
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        $contexts = [];
        $class = Context::getClassName($this->input->getOption('context_type'));
        foreach ($class::contextRequirements() as $property => $context_type) {
            if ($this->input->getOption($property)) {
                $contexts[$property] = $this->input->getOption($property);
                try {
                    $context = $this->getProvision()->getContext($contexts[$property]);
                catch (\Exception $e) {
                    throw new \Exception("Context set by option --{$property} does not exist.");
                if ($context->type != $context_type){
                    throw new \Exception("Context set by option --{$property} is a {$context->type}, should be of type {$context_type}.");
            else {
                $contexts[$property] = $this->io->choice("Select $property context", $this->getProvision()->getAllContextsOptions($context_type));