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pm_email_notify.test 19.9 KiB
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 * @file
 * Test file for pm_email_notify.module

class PrivatemsgEMailNotifyTestCase extends PrivatemsgBaseTestCase {

  protected $handledMails = 0;

   * Implements getInfo().
  function getInfo() {
    return array
      'name' => t('Privatemsg E-Mail notifications.'),
      'description' => t('Test sending e-mail notifications according to the set configuration.'),
      'group' => t('Privatemsg'),

   * Implements setUp().
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('privatemsg', 'pm_email_notify', 'privatemsg_roles');

    $this->author = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('write privatemsg', 'read privatemsg', 'write privatemsg to all roles'));
    $this->recipient = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('write privatemsg', 'read privatemsg', 'set privatemsg e-mail notification level', 'change privatemsg e-mail notification for indirect messages'));
    $this->recipient2 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('read privatemsg'));
    $this->admin = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('write privatemsg', 'read privatemsg', 'administer privatemsg settings'));
    $this->handledMails = 0;

   * Test Always configuration.
  function testAlwaysConfiguration() {

    // Send a new message.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name . ', ' . $this->recipient2->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();
    $this->verifyMails(array($this->recipient, $this->recipient2), $this->author, $message);

    // Reply to the existing message.
    $reply = array(
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $reply, t('Send message'));
    $message['body[value]'] = $reply['body[value]'];

    $this->verifyMails(array($this->recipient, $this->recipient2), $this->author, $message);

    // Send a message to all users.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array(user_load(1), $this->author, $this->recipient, $this->recipient2, $this->admin);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message);

    // Verify that the user with the necessary permission chan choose the exact
    // notification level while the other can only opt out.
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->recipient->uid . '/edit');

    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertFieldByName('pm_email_notify_level', PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_ALL, t('Notification level setting has the correct default value'));

    $edit = array(
      'pm_email_notify_level' => PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_DISABLED,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Send another message, only recipient two should get a notification.

    // Send a new message.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name . ', ' . $this->recipient2->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();
    $this->verifyMails(array($this->recipient2), $this->author, $message);

    // Opt out of notifications with the other user.
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->recipient2->uid . '/edit');

    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-pm-email-notify-level', t('Notification level is set to default.'));

    $edit = array(
      'pm_email_notify_level' => FALSE,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Send another message, only recipient two should get a notification.

    // Send a new message.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name . ', ' . $this->recipient2->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));

   * Test Always configuration.
  function testOnlyUserConfiguration() {

    // Send a message to all users.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array(user_load(1), $this->author, $this->recipient, $this->recipient2, $this->admin);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message);

    // Enable only user.
    $edit = array(
      'privatemsg_setting_email_notify_only_user' => TRUE,
    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/messaging/privatemsg', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // No notifications should be sent now.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));

    // Verify that only the user with the necessary permission can change
    // the default setting.
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->recipient->uid . '/edit');

    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-pm-email-only-user', t('Only user option has the correct default value'));
    //$this->assertFieldByName('pm_email_notify_level', PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_ALL, t('Notification level setting has the correct default value'));

    $edit = array(
      'pm_email_only_user' => FALSE,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->recipient2->uid . '/edit');

    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertNoFieldById('edit-pm-email-only-user', NULL, t('User is not allowed to customize noly user option.'));
    //$this->assertNoText(t('Private messages'), t('Private messages fieldset is not displayed when there are no fields within it.'));


    // Send another message to all users, only $this->recipient should receive
    // a notification.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array($this->recipient);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message);

   * Test Always configuration.
  function testThreadConfiguration() {
    // Configure to only send notifications for new messages.
    $edit = array(
      'privatemsg_setting_email_notify_level' => PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_THREAD,
    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/messaging/privatemsg', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Send a new message.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name . ', ' . $this->recipient2->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();
    $this->verifyMails(array($this->recipient, $this->recipient2), $this->author, $message);

    // Reply to the existing message.
    $reply = array(
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $reply, t('Send message'));
    $message['body[value]'] = $reply['body[value]'];

    // Send a message to all users.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array(user_load(1), $this->author, $this->recipient, $this->recipient2, $this->admin);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message);

   * Test Always configuration.
  function testUnreadConfiguration() {
    // Configure to only send notifications for new messages.
    $edit = array(
      'privatemsg_setting_email_notify_level' => PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_UNREAD_ONCE,
    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/messaging/privatemsg', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Send a new message.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name . ', ' . $this->recipient2->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();
    $this->verifyMails(array($this->recipient, $this->recipient2), $this->author, $message);

    // Reply to the existing message.
    $reply = array(
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $reply, t('Send message'));
    $message['body[value]'] = $reply['body[value]'];

    // Visit the thread with the first recipient.

    // Back to author, send another message.
    $this->drupalGet('messages/view/' . $message['thread_id']);
    $reply = array(
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $reply, t('Send message'));
    $message['body[value]'] = $reply['body[value]'];
    $this->verifyMails(array($this->recipient), $this->author, $message);

    // Another reply, again, no notifications.
    $reply = array(
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $reply, t('Send message'));
    $message['body[value]'] = $reply['body[value]'];

    // Send a message to all users.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array(user_load(1), $this->author, $this->recipient, $this->recipient2, $this->admin);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message);

   * Test that no mails are sent when
  function testNeverConfiguration() {
    // Disable notifications by default.
    $edit = array(
      'privatemsg_setting_email_notify_level' => PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_DISABLED,
    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/messaging/privatemsg', $edit, t('Save configuration'));


    // Send a new message.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name . ', ' . $this->recipient2->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));

    // Send a message to all users.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));

    // Verify that only the user with the necessary permission enable email
    // notifications.
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->recipient->uid . '/edit');

    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertFieldByName('pm_email_notify_level', PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_ALL, t('Notification level setting has the correct default value'));

    $edit = array(
      'pm_email_notify_level' => PM_EMAIL_NOTIFY_LEVEL_ALL,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->recipient2->uid . '/edit');

    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertNoFieldById('edit-pm-email-notify-level', NULL, t('User is not allowed change email notification setting.'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Private messages'), t('Private messages fieldset is not displayed when there are no fields within it.'));

    // Send a message to all users, only recipient should receive an email.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => 'authenticated user',
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array($this->recipient);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message);

   * Test the "author's email address as notification sender" feature.
  function testShowSenderMail() {

    // Define a value for the "notification mails from" field.
    $generic_sender = '';

    // Test #1: Site wide setting is successfully stored (set to "show").

    // Log in as admin and set the default to "show".
    $edit = array(
      'privatemsg_setting_show_sender_mail' => TRUE,
      // Also set the generic sender address while we're here.
      'pm_email_notify_from' => $generic_sender,
    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/messaging/privatemsg', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    // Verify correct defaults.
    $this->assertFieldByName('privatemsg_setting_show_sender_mail', 1, "<em>Use sender's email address</em> value is now enabled in the form.");

    // Test #2: User defaults match site-wide setting (currently "show").

    // Log in as author and check for the custom field default.
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->author->uid . '/edit');
    $this->assertFieldByName('pm_show_sender_mail', 1, "User's default setting for <em>show my email address</em> is also enabled.");

    // Test #3: User can override the site-wide setting (back to "hide")
    //          and his private mail address will be hidden.
    $edit = array(
      'pm_show_sender_mail' => FALSE,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->author->uid . '/edit');
    $this->assertFieldByName('pm_show_sender_mail', 0, "User successfully disabled his <em>show my email address</em> setting.");

    // Let author send a test mail.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array($this->recipient);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message, $generic_sender);

    // Test #4: User can change his setting to "show" and his private
    //          mail address will be used.
    $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->author->uid . '/edit');
    $edit = array(
      'pm_show_sender_mail' => TRUE,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Let author send a test mail.
    $message = array(
      'recipient' => $this->recipient->name,
      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
      'body[value]' => $this->randomName(20),
    $this->drupalPost('messages/new', $message, t('Send message'));
    $message['thread_id'] = $this->getCurrentThreadId();

    $recipients = array($this->recipient);
    $this->verifyMails($recipients, $this->author, $message, $this->author->mail);

   * Extracts the current thread_id from the URl.
   * @return
   *   Thread id of the current page.
  function getCurrentThreadId() {
    preg_match('|messages\/view\/([0-9]+)|', $this->getURL(), $matches);
    return $matches[1];

   * Return new mails.
   * Returns all mails which were sent since the last call to this function.
   * @param $expectedNumber
   *   Number of new mails that should be there.
  function getNewMails($expectedNumber) {
    // Load all mails of the current test.
    $mails = $this->drupalGetMails();

    // Slice of the new ones.
    $mails_slice = array_slice($mails, $this->handledMails);

    // Update amount of already handled mails.
    $this->handledMails = count($mails);

    if ($expectedNumber !== FALSE) {
      $this->assertEqual(count($mails_slice), $expectedNumber, t('@expected notification mails were sent.', array('@expected' => $expectedNumber)));
    return $mails_slice;

   * Verify multiple notification mails
   * @param $recipients
   *   Array of recipients in the order in which they received their mail.
   * @param $author
   *   Author user object.
   * @param $message
   *   Message array, containing the keys thread_id, body and subject.
   * @param $expectedFrom
   *   The mail address expected to be the notification origin (optional).
  function verifyMails($recipients, $author, $message, $expectedFrom = NULL) {


    $mails = $this->getNewMails(count($recipients));
    foreach ($recipients as $id => $recipient) {
      $this->verifyMail($mails[$id], $recipient, $author, $message, $expectedFrom);

   * Verify a notification mail.
   * @param $mail
   *   Mail array as returned by DrupalWebTestCase::drupalGetMails().
   * @param $recipient
   *   Recipient user object.
   * @param $author
   *   Author user object.
   * @param $message
   *   Message array, containing the keys thread_id, body and subject.
   * @param $expectedFrom
   *   The mail address expected to be the notification origin (optional).
  function verifyMail($mail, $recipient, $author, $message, $expectedFrom = NULL) {
    $this->assertEqual($mail['id'], 'pm_email_notify_notice', t('Correct notification id.'));
    $this->assertEqual($mail['to'], $recipient->mail, t('Correct recipient e-mail address.'));

    if (is_array($message) && isset($message['thread_id'])) {
      $mid = db_query('SELECT MAX(mid) FROM {pm_index} WHERE thread_id = :thread_id', array(':thread_id' => $message['thread_id']))->fetchField();

      $message = privatemsg_message_load($mid);

    $data = array(
      'privatemsg_message' => $message,
      'privatemsg_recipient' => $recipient,
    $options = array(
      'language' => user_preferred_language($recipient),
      // Don't sanitize output since this is used in an email, not a browser.
      'sanitize' => FALSE,
      // Custom token to avoid custom token handling.
      'privatemsg-display-invalid' => FALSE,

    $subject = trim(token_replace(pm_email_notify_text('subject', $options['language']), $data, $options));
    $body = drupal_wrap_mail(drupal_html_to_text(trim(token_replace(pm_email_notify_text('body', $options['language']), $data, $options))));

    $this->assertEqual($mail['subject'], $subject, t('Correct subject'));
    $this->assertEqual($mail['body'], $body, t('Correct body'));

    // Optionally verify the message's from address.
    if (isset($expectedFrom)) {
      $this->assertEqual($mail['from'], $expectedFrom, format_string( 'Mail sender was %sender, expected sender was %expected', array(
        '%sender' => $mail['from'],
        '%expected' => $expectedFrom,