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 * @file
 * CSS filtering functions. Contains a disassembler, filter, compressor, and
 * decompressor. Separated out into this file for cleanliness, as it's likely
 * that these won't live in panels_page for long.

 * Re-assemble a css string and format it nicely.
 * @param array $css_data
 *   An array of css data, as produced by @see panels_page_disassemble_css()
 *   disassembler and the @see panels_page_filter_css() filter.
 * @return string $css
 *   css optimized for human viewing.
function panels_page_assemble_css($css_data) {
  // Initialize the output.
  $css = '';
  // Iterate through all the statements.
  foreach ($css_data as $selector_str => $declaration) {
    // Add the selectors, separating them with commas and line feeds.
    $css .= strpos($selector_str, ',') === FALSE ? $selector_str : preg_replace(", ", ",\n", $selector_str);
    // Add the opening curly brace.
    $css .= " {\n";
    // Iterate through all the declarations.
    foreach ($declaration as $property => $value) {
      $css .= "  " . $property . ": " . $value . ";\n";
    // Add the closing curly brace.
    $css .= "}\n\n";
  // Return the output.
  return $css;

 * Compress css data (filter it first!) to optimize for use on view.
 * @param array $css_data
 *   An array of css data, as produced by @see panels_page_disassemble_css()
 *   disassembler and the @see panels_page_filter_css() filter.
 * @return string $css
 *   css optimized for use.
function panels_page_compress_css($css_data) {
  // Initialize the output.
  $css = '';
  // Iterate through all the statements.
  foreach ($css_data as $selector_str => $declaration) {
    if (empty($declaration)) {
      // Skip this statement if filtering removed all parts of the declaration.
    // Add the selectors, separating them with commas.
    $css .= $selector_str;
    // And, the opening curly brace.
    $css .= "{";
    // Iterate through all the statement properties.
    foreach ($declaration as $property => $value) {
      $css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';';
    // Add the closing curly brace.
    $css .= "}";
  // Return the output.
  return $css;

 * Disassemble the css string.
 * Strip the css of irrelevant characters, invalid/malformed selectors and
 * declarations, and otherwise prepare it for processing.
 * @param string $css
 *   A string containing the css to be disassembled.
 * @return array $disassembled_css
 *   An array of disassembled, slightly cleaned-up/formatted css statements.
function panels_page_disassemble_css($css) {
  $disassembled_css = array();
  // Remove comments.
  $css = preg_replace("/\/\*(.*)?\*\//Usi", "", $css);
  // Split out each statement
  $statements = explode("}", $css);
  // If we have any statements, parse them.
  if (!empty($statements)) {
    // Iterate through all of the statements.
    foreach ($statements as $statement) {
      // Get the selector(s) and declaration.
      list($selector_str, $declaration) = explode('{', $statement);
      // If the selector exists, then disassemble it, check it, and regenerate
      // the selector string.
      $selector_str = empty($selector_str) ? FALSE : panels_page_disassemble_css_selector($selector_str);
      if (empty($selector_str)) {
        // No valid selectors. Bomb out and start the next item.
      // Disassemble the declaration, check it and tuck it into an array.
      $disassembled_css[$selector_str] = panels_page_disassemble_css_declaration(strtolower($declaration));
  return $disassembled_css;

function panels_page_disassemble_css_selector($selector_str) {
  // Get all selectors individually.
  $selectors = explode(",", trim($selector_str));
  // Iterate through all the selectors, sanity check them and return if they
  // pass. Note that this handles 0, 1, or more valid selectors gracefully.
  foreach ($selectors as $key => $selector) {
    // Replace un-needed characters and do a little cleanup.
    $selector = preg_replace("/[\n|\t|\\|\s]+/", ' ', strtolower(trim($selector)));
    // Make sure this is still a real selector after cleanup.
    if (!empty($selector)) {
      $selectors[$key] = $selector;
    else {
      // Selector is no good, so we scrap it.
      unset ($selectors[$key]);
    // Check for malformed selectors; if found, we skip this declaration.
  if (empty($selectors)) {
    return FALSE;
  return implode(', ', $selectors);

function panels_page_disassemble_css_declaration($declaration) {
  $formatted_statement = array();
  $propval_pairs = explode(";", $declaration);
  // Make sure we actually have some properties to work with.
  if (!empty($propval_pairs)) {
    // Iterate through the remains and parse them.
    foreach ($propval_pairs as $key => $propval_pair) {
      // Check that we have a ':', otherwise it's an invalid pair.
      if (strpos($propval_pair, ':') === FALSE) {
      // Clean up the current property-value pair.
      $propval_pair =  preg_replace("/[\n|\t|\\|\s]+/", ' ', strtolower(trim($propval_pair)));
      // Explode the remaining fragements some more, but clean them up first.
      list($property, $value) = explode(':', $propval_pair);
      // If the property survived, toss it onto the stack.
      if(!empty($property)) {
        $formatted_statement[trim($property)] = trim($value);
  return $formatted_statement;

function panels_page_filter_css($css, $allowed_properties = array(), $allowed_values = array(), $allowed_values_regex = '', $disallowed_values_regex = '') {
//  function panels_page_filter_css($css, &$filtered = NULL, $allowed_properties = array(), $allowed_values = array(), $allowed_values_regex = '', $disallowed_values_regex = '') {
  // Retrieve the default list of allowed properties if none is provided.
  $allowed_properties = !empty($allowed_properties) ? $allowed_properties : panels_page_css_filter_default_allowed_properties();
  // Retrieve the default list of allowed values if none is provided.
  $allowed_values = !empty($allowed_values) ? $allowed_values : panels_page_css_filter_default_allowed_values();
  // Define allowed values regex if none is provided.
  $allowed_values_regex = !empty($allowed_values_regex) ? $allowed_values_regex : '/(#[0-9a-f]+|rgb\(\d+%?,\d*%?,?\d*%?\)?|\d{0,2}\.?\d{0,2}(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pc|pt|px|%|,|\))?)/';
  // Define disallowed url() value contents, if none is provided.
  // $disallowed_values_regex = !empty($disallowed_values_regex) ? $disallowed_values_regex : '/[url|expression]\s*\(\s*[^\s)]+?\s*\)\s*/';
  $disallowed_values_regex = !empty($disallowed_values_regex) ? $disallowed_values_regex : '/(url|expression)/';
  foreach ($css as $selector_str => $declaration) {
    foreach ($declaration as $property => $value) {
      if (!in_array($property, $allowed_properties)) {
        // $filtered['properties'][$selector_str][$property] = $value;
      $value = str_replace('!important', '', $value);
      if (preg_match($disallowed_values_regex, $value) || !(in_array($value, $allowed_values) || preg_match($allowed_values_regex, $value))) {
        // $filtered['values'][$selector_str][$property] = $value;
  return $css;

function panels_page_css_filter_default_allowed_properties() {
  return array(

function panels_page_css_filter_default_allowed_values() {
  return array(