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panels.install 8.9 KiB
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 * Test requirements for installation and running.
function panels_requirements($phase) {
  $function = "panels_requirements_$phase";
  return function_exists($function) ? $function() : array();

 * Check install-time requirements.
function panels_requirements_install() {
  $requirements = array();
  $t = get_t();
  // Assume that if the user is running an installation profile that both
  // Panels and CTools are the same release.
  if (!(defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') && MAINTENANCE_MODE == 'install')) {
    // apparently the install process doesn't include .module files,
    // so we need to force the issue in order for our versioning
    // check to work.
    if (!defined('PANELS_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API')) {
      include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'panels') . '/panels.module';

    // In theory we should check module_exists, but Drupal's gating should
    // actually prevent us from getting here otherwise.
    if (!defined('CTOOLS_API_VERSION')) {
      include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/ctools.module';
    if (!module_invoke('ctools', 'api_version', PANELS_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API)) {
       $requirements['panels_ctools'] = array(
         'title' => $t('CTools API Version'),
         'value' => CTOOLS_API_VERSION,
         'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
         'description' => t('The CTools API version is too old for Panels. Panels needs at least %version.', array('%version' => PANELS_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API))
  return $requirements;

function panels_schema() {
  // This should always point to our 'current' schema. This makes it relatively easy
  // to keep a record of schema as we make changes to it.
 * Schema from the D6 version.
function panels_schema_3() {
  // Schema 3 is now locked. If you need to make changes, please create
  // schema 4 and add them.
  $schema = array();

  $schema['panels_display'] = array(
    'export' => array(
      'object' => 'panels_display',
      'bulk export' => FALSE,
      'export callback' => 'panels_export_display',
      'can disable' => FALSE,
      'identifier' => 'display',
    'fields' => array(
      'did' => array(
        'type' => 'serial',
        'not null' => TRUE,
      'layout' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '32',
      'layout_settings' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
      'panel_settings' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
      'title' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
      'hide_title' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
      'title_pane' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'default' => 0,
        'no export' => TRUE,
    'primary key' => array('did'),

  $schema['panels_pane'] = array(
    'export' => array(
      'can disable' => FALSE,
      'identifier' => 'pane',
      'bulk export' => FALSE,
    'fields' => array(
      'pid' => array(
        'type' => 'serial',
        'not null' => TRUE,
      'did' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'panel' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '32',
      'type' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '32',
      'subtype' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '64',
      'shown' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'default' => 1,
      'access' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
      'configuration' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
      'cache' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
      'style' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
      'css' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
        'initial ' => array(),
  $schema['panels_renderer_pipeline'] = array(
    'description' => 'Contains renderer pipelines for Panels. Each pipeline contains one or more renderers and access rules to select which renderer gets used.',
    'export' => array(
      'identifier' => 'pipeline',
      'bulk export' => TRUE,
      'primary key' => 'rpid',
      'api' => array(
        'owner' => 'panels',
        'api' => 'pipelines',
        'minimum_version' => 1,
        'current_version' => 1,
    'fields' => array(
      'rpid' => array(
        'type' => 'serial',
        'description' => 'A database primary key to ensure uniqueness.',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'no export' => TRUE,
      'name' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
        'description' => 'Unique ID for this content. Used to identify it programmatically.',
      'admin_title' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
        'description' => 'Administrative title for this pipeline.',
      'admin_description' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'description' => 'Administrative description for this pipeline.',
        'object default' => '',
      'weight' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'small',
        'default' => 0,
      'settings' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'description' => 'Serialized settings for the actual pipeline. The contents of this field are up to the plugin that uses it.',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
    'primary key' => array('rpid'),
  $schema['panels_layout'] = array(
    'description' => 'Contains exportable customized layouts for this site.',
    'export' => array(
      'identifier' => 'layout',
      'bulk export' => TRUE,
      'primary key' => 'lid',
      'api' => array(
        'owner' => 'panels',
        'api' => 'layouts',
        'minimum_version' => 1,
        'current_version' => 1,
    'fields' => array(
      'lid' => array(
        'type' => 'serial',
        'description' => 'A database primary key to ensure uniqueness.',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'no export' => TRUE,
      'name' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
        'description' => 'Unique ID for this content. Used to identify it programmatically.',
      'admin_title' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
        'description' => 'Administrative title for this layout.',
      'admin_description' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'description' => 'Administrative description for this layout.',
        'object default' => '',
      'category' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
        'description' => 'Administrative category for this layout.',
      'plugin' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => '255',
        'description' => 'The layout plugin that owns this layout.',
      'settings' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'size' => 'big',
        'description' => 'Serialized settings for the actual layout. The contents of this field are up to the plugin that uses it.',
        'serialize' => TRUE,
        'object default' => array(),
    'primary key' => array('lid'),
  return $schema;