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// $Id$

 * @file
 * Functions responsible for writing panels_page data to the database.

 * Fetch all panel pages in the system.
 * For the moment, this function does not cache. It may be integrated into the
 * panels_page_loaded_cache() caching mechanism at some point, but its utility
 * in D6 is significantly less vs. D5, so the need is less compelling.
function panels_page_load_all($names = array(), $page_size = 0) {
  $pages = $dids = array();
  $query = "SELECT * FROM {panels_page}";

  if (!empty($names)) {
    $query .= " WHERE name IN (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($names), "'%s'")) . ")";

  if ($page_size) {
    $result = pager_query($query, $page_size, 0, $names);
  else {
    $result = db_query($query, $names);

  while ($page = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $page->access           = ($page->access ? explode(', ', $page->access) : array());
    $page->arguments        = (!empty($page->arguments)) ? unserialize($page->arguments) : array();
    $page->displays         = (!empty($page->displays)) ? unserialize($page->displays) : array();
    $page->contexts         = (!empty($page->contexts)) ? unserialize($page->contexts) : array();
    $page->relationships    = (!empty($page->relationships)) ? unserialize($page->relationships) : array();
    $page->switcher_options = (!empty($page->switcher_options)) ? unserialize($page->switcher_options) : array();
    $page->type             = t('Local');
    $page->load_flags     = (int) $page->load_flags;

    $pages[$page->name]     = panels_page_sanitize($page);

  $status = variable_get('panel_page_defaults', array());
  foreach (panels_page_default_panels() as $page) {
    // Determine if default panel is enabled or disabled.
    if (isset($status[$page->name])) {
      $page->disabled = $status[$page->name];

    if (!empty($pages[$page->name])) {
      $pages[$page->name]->type = t('Overridden');
    else {
      $page->type = t('Default');
      $pages[$page->name] = $page;
  return $pages;

 * Load a panel page.
function panels_page_load($id, $load_display = FALSE) {
  $cache = panels_page_loaded_cache($id);

  if ($cache) {
    // TODO This is deprecated. The fetcher should always be called directly
    if ($load_display && empty($cache->primary)) {
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  $where = is_numeric($id) ? 'pid = %d' : "name = '%s'";
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  $page = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {panels_page} WHERE $where", $id));

  if (!$page) {
    $defaults = panels_page_default_panels();
    if (isset($defaults[$id])) {
      // Default panel pages will always only be identified by name, so no need
      // for the both-ids-point-to-same-object trick.
      panels_page_loaded_cache($id, $page);
      return $page;

  $page->access           = ($page->access ? explode(', ', $page->access) : array());
  $page->arguments        = (!empty($page->arguments)) ? unserialize($page->arguments) : array();
  $page->displays         = (!empty($page->displays)) ? unserialize($page->displays) : array();
  $page->contexts         = (!empty($page->contexts)) ? unserialize($page->contexts) : array();
  $page->relationships    = (!empty($page->relationships)) ? unserialize($page->relationships) : array();
  $page->switcher_options = (!empty($page->switcher_options)) ? unserialize($page->switcher_options) : array();
  $page->load_flags     = (int) $page->load_flags;

  if ($load_display) {
    $page->primary = panels_load_display($page->did);
    // By default, we set the primary display as the current display.

  panels_page_loaded_cache($id, $page);
  return $page;

function panels_page_loaded_cache($id, $panel_page = NULL) {
  static $cache = array();
  if (is_object($panel_page)) {
    $cache[$id] = $panel_page;
    // Make sure that we've statically cached the loaded page for both possible
    // unique identifiers - $page->pid AND $page->name.
    $other_id = is_numeric($id) ? $panel_page->name : $panel_page->pid;
  return array_key_exists($id, $cache) ? $cache[$id] : FALSE;

 * Get all 'default' panels.
 * @ingroup HookInvokers
function panels_page_default_panels() {
  $panels = module_invoke_all('default_panel_pages');
  if (is_array($panels)) {
    foreach ($panels as $panel_page) {
      $return[$panel_page->name] = $panel_page;
  else {
    $return = array();

function panels_page_set_current(&$panel_page) {
  static $cache = NULL;
  // Only allow it to be set once per request.
  if (!isset($cache) && isset($panel_page)) {
 * Load a display into the 'current display' position, $panel_page->current.
 * The family of panels_page_fetch*() functions are specifically dedicated to
 * retrieving a particular display and placing them in $panels_page->display,
 * which is the 'current' display upon which all other operations act.
 * via reference to its permanent home in the $panels_page object. The
 * permanent homes vary:
 *   -# For the primary display, that location is $panels_page->primary.
 *   -# For alternate default displays, that location is in
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 *      $panels_page->alternates['defaults'][$did]. TODO this isn't true right now
 *   -# For alternate non-default displays, that location is in
 *      $panels_page->alternates['all'][$did].
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 * The structure of this function family essentially means that no other
 * panels_page function should ever act on anything except $panel_page->display.
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 * @param object $panel_page
 * @param string $id
 *   A string of the format generated by panels_argument_get_display().
 * @return mixed
 *   Can return NULL or TRUE. Most of the substantial operations are performed
 *   by reference. NULL returns indicate that the fetched display corresponds
 *   exactly to the one requested by $id; TRUE return values indicate that the
 *   requested $id does not have its own display associated with it, and so
 *   a default (either an alternate default or the primary display) were
 *   returned in its stead.
function panels_page_fetch_display(&$panel_page, $id = NULL) {
	// Redirect to the appropriate fetcher depending on whether $id is provided
	return empty($id) ?
	 panels_page_fetch_primary_display($panel_page) :
	 panels_page_fetch_alternate_display($panel_page, $id);
 * Internal panels_page API function; directs the current display
 * ($panel_page->display) to the primary display ($panel_page->primary),
 * loading the primary display if necessary.
 * @param object $panel_page
function panels_page_fetch_primary_display(&$panel_page) {
  // Commented out is a more precise way of telling, but it's probably moot.
  // if (empty($panel_page->primary) || !is_a($panel_page->primary, 'panels_display')) {
  if (empty($panel_page->primary) || !is_object($panel_page->primary)) {
    $panel_page->primary = panels_load_display($panel_page->did);
  $panel_page->display = &$panel_page->primary;
  $panel_page->current = 'primary';
  // Update the cache.
  panels_page_loaded_cache($panel_page->name, $panel_page);
function panels_page_fetch_alternate_display(&$panel_page, $id) {
  // Get the metadata about the requested display.
  // Using the metadata, determine if the desired display exists.
  $requested_display_exists = panels_page_fetch_display_from_info($panel_page, $info, $id);
  if ($requested_display_exists) {
    // The requested display exists. Drop the $id into $current and bug out.
    $panel_page->current = $id;

  // The requested display does not exist - determine the fallback display. We
  // save the $id into the object because we'll need it later for updating
  // the metadata if we export & save the default we fetch here.
  $panel_page->export = $id;
  // First, check for a default display for the context we're switching on,
  // and try to load that.
  if (!empty($info['default']) && !empty($panel_page->displays[$info['default']])) {
    // A default has been defined - figure out if it actually has a display
    // associated with it.
    if (!panels_page_fetch_display_from_info($panel_page, $panel_page->displays[$info['default']], $id)) {
      // No display is associated with the switched default either, so double
      // fall back to the primary display. Load it if it's not already.
  // There's no default display defined for the context we're switching on, so
  // just use the primary display as the default. Load it if it's not already.
  else {

 * Get a display based on whether it's already in code or needs to be loaded.
function panels_page_fetch_display_from_info(&$panel_page, $info, $id) {
  // If the 'display' is set it's the result of an export/default
  if (isset($info['display'])) {
    $panel_page->display = $info['display'];
    return TRUE;
  // If the $did is numeric, it corresponds to an existing display - load it.
  if (is_numeric($info['did'])) {
    $panel_page->display = panels_load_display($info['did']);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Determine if the specified user has access to a panel.
function panels_page_access($id, $account = NULL) {
  // FIXME this is a horrible lazy hack, but works until we REALLY solve it.
  static $access_data = NULL;
  if (is_null($access_data)) {
    $result = db_query('SELECT pid, name, access FROM {panels_page}');
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $access_data[$row->pid] = explode(', ', $row->access);
      $access_data[$row->name] = &$access_data[$row->pid];

  if (!$account) {
    global $user;
    $account = $user;

  // Administrator privileges
  if (user_access('access all panel-pages', $account)) {
    return TRUE;

  // All panels displays with an empty access setting are available to all roles.
  if (empty($access_data[$id]) || !is_array($access_data[$id])) {
    return TRUE;

  // Otherwise, check roles
  static $roles = array();
  if (!isset($roles[$account->uid])) {
    $roles[$account->uid] = array_keys($account->roles);
    $roles[$account->uid][] = $account->uid ? DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID : DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID;

  return array_intersect($access_data[$id], $roles[$account->uid]);
 * Get the title for a panel page, given a context.
function panels_page_get_title($panel_page, $context = 'page', $default_title = NULL) {
  $title = _panels_page_get_title($panel_page, $context, $default_title);
  if (!empty($panel_page->keywords)) {
    $title = strtr($title, $panel_page->keywords);
  return $title;

function _panels_page_get_title($panel_page, $op, $default_title) {
  if ($op == 'menu-parent' && $panel_page->menu_parent_title) {
    return $panel_page->menu_parent_title;

  if (in_array($op, array('menu', 'menu-parent')) && $panel_page->menu_title) {
    return $panel_page->menu_title;

  // Context has the highest priority
  if (!empty($panel_page->context)) {
    $title = NULL;
    foreach ($panel_page->context as $context) {
      if (empty($context->data)) {
        // Empty contexts can't provide titles
      if ($page_title = $context->get_page_title()) {
        $title = $page_title;
    if ($title) {
      return $title;

  // If no context returned a title use the display title configured in layout
  // settings
  if (!empty($panel_page->display->title)) {
    return $panel_page->display->title;

  // Fall back on the panel default title
  if (!empty($panel_page->title)) {
    return $panel_page->title;

  if (is_null($default_title)) {
    return t('No title');
  else {
    return $default_title;