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TODO.txt 4.61 KiB
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# $Id$


For the current plans related to Panels2, you should consult the Panels group:

Here's a rough sketch of the work plan shortly prior to the 5.x-2.0-beta4 release:

5.x-beta3 ==> beta4 ==> beta5 ==> RC1 ==> RCs... ==> 5.x RELEASE!! ==> 5.x-2.1
                               6.x port ==> 6.x RCs... ==> 6.x RELEASE!! ==> 6.x-2.1
                                                           6.x-3.x-ALPHA ==> (FUTURE OF PANELS)



o = TODO
- = Skipped/postponed

    o remove panels_hidden, use only javascript
    o Remove 'panels_set' and use the broken up drupal_get_form functions
      rather than drupal_get_form for our multi-step stuff.
    X Add permission checking to all the ajax functions
    o Break up panels_ajax into separate entry areas [mostly done]
    o ensure complete degradability
    X Make sure the icons on the 'change layout' page are clickable
    X Loading animation for panels-modal
    X Make the titlebar outside of the overflow in the modal
    o Change show/hide to use AJAX. 
    X Write my own drag & drop

    X panels node
    X mini-panel
    o panels-profile
    o panels-dashboard-compat (upgrade all the old dashboard installs)

panels common
    o update settings to use categories like the 'add content' popup now does.
    o Clean up and better document this code

panels page
    X panels page 'default' panels
    X allow panel-page to use $arg/$node/$node-type/$user substitution like Views
    X allow panel-page to get a context; allow modules to provide this context.
    X allow panel-page to do menu item & tab like Views.
    X provide 'edit' tab for panels pages
    X allow setting to not display blocks
    o Clone panels page

mini panels
    X Allow mini panels to require an argument (and thus be just panel content)

content types
    - Allow creating new custom blocks.
    X Get all 'block' settings into blocks.
    X Remove all calls to the 'admin' callback
    X Make panels_get_content_type() like using for layout
    X Translate views to new content format
    X Translate node to new content format
    X Translate custom to new content format
    X Allow content types to be aware of panel context.
    X Allow content types to include or exclude themselves based upon context.
    X Figure out a way for blocks to easily have per-block icons
    X sort blocks in content type list
    X sort views in content type list
    X add weight so custom and node will float up
    X make forms fit a bit better
    X Allow display to have 'arguments' that can be passed on to Views
      more fluidly
    X give setting to NOT use arguments.
    X unify title overriding.
    X node_content type 
    X taxonomy term types
    o user types
    o views context sensitive conversions

    X Allow each layout to have settings
    X Create a flexible layout where you can quickly create arbitrary layouts
    X Fix the div div problem in all layouts

    X Change configure icon
    X Change remove pane icon
    X Find add content icon
    X Create icons for content types

Flexible layout
    o Allow fixed width sidebars
    o Use a slider to control widths

    o Convert DND to a style
    X Rounded corners style

    X taxonomy argument
    X user argument

panels API
    X Provide method to directly edit/configure an individual content block if viewer has permissions
    X Provide method to control pane visibility. Make sure this is controllable from the admin so that not all users can get to it.
    X Change add content to be per panel
    X Make Cancel actually cancel
    X Wrap calls to existing callbacks
    X Make a function to simply get the IDs of all content-types
    X Allow panels_edit_display to restrict available content to a preprepared list
    X Use cache instead of putting everything in $_SESSION
    X create panels_render_display() (or panels_display_render)
    X Allow API to accept context
    X Allow API to accept content
    X Allow API to accept arguments

    o CSS class/id name cleanup and unification.
    o Make sure core blocks that require context are labelled as such.

    o Creating new panel modules that use the API
    o Creating new content types
    o Creating new layouts
    o Creating new styles
    o Creating new arguments
    o Themeing panels
    o Doing interesting things with Panels