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Panels 3.x-alpha3
Note: This changelog is incomplete, as it was started sometime after

#349979 by Dave Reid: Proper use of link alter.
#374628: Add a check for broken display to the admin summary to prevent crashes.
Retool flexible layout into a nice javascripty visual layout builder.
Retool mini panels to use ctools export class and provide a .inc file for its content type as a better example.
Store a panel task handler's display in the database.
Add a mechanism to fetch information about just one content subtype (i.e, single view, single block) instead of fetching them all.
Overhaul node_content_type creating a .inc file.
Add 'content type' property to content types.
Add 'defaults' property to content types.
Panels views cleanup, including making exposed form blocks available.
#391788 by guix: Simple cache should not unserialize data that is now already unserialized.
#367635 by lee20: View title built too early and so lost arguments.