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##### Omega Theme
Project Page:
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Demo Page:
Maintainer(s):  Jake Strawn 

Omega Theme Information
The Omega Theme is a powerful and free Drupal theme based on the 960gs. 
It harneses the power and features of many popular themes to provide an 
excellent base theme, and sub-theming system to help you quickly prototype 
and theme your site...

Organizing CSS files in your theme
This css folder is provided for easy organization of your CSS files in your
subtheme. Many times for organization, it's best to use many CSS files to 
keep them easier to understand and find things rather than using a single
style.css file that can quickly become thousands of lines long.

Including new CSS files
To include a new CSS file in your theme, you will need to edit the .info
file that defines your theme.

In that .info file you will see the following section:

  ; ------- Declare default stylesheets

  ;stylesheets[all][] = css/your_css_file.css

By default, there are several CSS files included from the Omega base theme
but to add more of your own, you would use this pattern. (Notice the semi-
colon at the beginning of the stylesheet line) Remove the semi-colon in 
order to have Drupal read this line. You will also want to change the 
your_css_file portion of the file name to whatever you are trying to include.
Beyond that, make sure your new CSS file is in place in the css folder of 
your sub-theme, and after saving your .info file, visit /admin/build/themes
in order for Drupal to pick up the appropriate changes.

Additional 960gs/Omega Resources
  * Please see the README.txt file in the root of the starterkit directory 
    for more information regarding the Omega base theme & subtheming

- himerus (Jake Strawn)