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All-in-one bash scripts (see docs/INSTALL.txt for details)
to install and/or upgrade high performance Aegir Hosting Systems
for Drupal, with Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB/Percona and Redis,
now available with simple command line tools:
### For BOA installation instructions see docs/INSTALL.txt
### See also related information in docs/NOTES.txt
### For BOA upgrade instructions see docs/UPGRADE.txt
### For how-to on using MultiCore Solr Jetty see docs/SOLR.txt
### For custom Nginx rewrites how-to see docs/HINTS.txt
### For SSL and extra IPs how-to see docs/SSL.txt
### For sites migration between instances see docs/REMOTE.txt
### Please read all comments for configuration options in both
### and, since there is information
### not included in the README or INSTALL and can be modified or
### updated with every new Edition.

You can install one Aegir Master Instance on your server using
Barracuda and any number of Aegir Satellite Instances using
Octopus installer.

Note: the 'Master' and 'Satellite' names in the Barracuda/Octopus
context are not related to the multi-server Aegir features.
It is related to the multi-Aegir-instances environment, with
virtual chroot/jail for every Aegir instance.

Barracuda is the main script for the Aegir Master Instance system
install and upgrades, including OS env and main Aegir instance,
but no platforms will be added there to keep it compatible
with all existing and future installs, when you don't need
any ready to use platforms and instead you are using the system
for managing your own imported platforms/sites.

Octopus is an Aegir + Platforms installer (you can interactively
choose the platforms you wish to install on the instance)
and updater only. It allows to install new versions of platforms
with clean directory structure, with code shared between all created
instances, so one vanilla Octopus instance is using only ~18 MB,
while most of the code, which is over 1700 MB total, is shared.

Sharing the code between instances is of critical importance,
because it allows you to dramatically lower RAM and CPU usage,
because most of the actively used code is opcode cached with APC.

With multi-install system you have to remember that all of them
will use the same Nginx server, so you could break the system
trying to install site with the same domain on two or more instances.
The instances will not be aware of other running instances,
so it is your responsibility to use such system wisely.

There is also Tuner script available (see aegir/tools/
for easy system tuning for development and switching it back easily
to the standard production settings.

* Xen, VServer, Linux KVM or VMware based VPS or a dedicated box.
* VirtualBox VM for localhost install - check the how-to for:
  Ubuntu Precise desktop image install:
  Debian Squeeze desktop image install:
### SUPPORTED LTS OS 32/64bit - minimal on server or desktop on localhost

* Debian 6.0 Squeeze (recommended) - 12 min install, 3 min upgrade
* Ubuntu Precise 12.04 - 12 min install, 3 min upgrade
* Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 - 30 min install, 15 min upgrade

NOTE: Average time to install and upgrade tested with PHP 5.3 option
      _PHP_MODERN_ONLY=YES (default), using Barracuda installer only.
      Upgrade time is applicable when PHP upgrade is required.


* Debian 5.0 Lenny (automatic upgrade to Squeeze supported)
* Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10
* Ubuntu Natty 11.04
* Ubuntu Maverick 10.10
* Ubuntu Karmic 9.10
* Jolicloud Robby


* The Git standard port 9418 must be open.
* Basic sysadmin skills and experience.


* All libraries & tools required to install and run Nginx based Aegir system.
* Latest release of MariaDB 5.5 or Percona 5.5 database server.
* Latest version of Nginx web server with upload progress and Boost support.
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
* PHP-FPM 5.3.23 with APC, phpredis, uploadprogress and ionCube.
* PHP-FPM 5.2.17 with APC, phpredis, uploadprogress and ionCube.
* Redis cache server with standard DB auto-failover.
* New Relic Server and Apps Monitor with per Site/Instance/Server reporting.
* Entry level XSS built-in protection on the Nginx level.
* Autonomous Maintenance & Auto-Healing scripts in /var/xdrago.
* Automated, rotated daily backups for all databases in /data/disk/arch/sql.
* MultiCore Apache Solr 1.4.1 with Jetty 7 (optional).
* MultiCore Apache Solr 3.6.2 with Jetty 8 (optional).
* MultiCore Apache Solr 4.2.0 with Jetty 8 or 9 on Precise (optional).
* Fast proxy DNS server (pdnsd) with permanent caching.
* Bind9 DNS server (optional).
* Webmin Control Panel (optional).
* Firewall csf/lfd integrated with Nginx abuse guard (optional).
* Chive database manager in "chive." subdomain (optional).
* SQL Buddy database manager in "sqlbuddy." subdomain (optional).
* Collectd server monitor in "cgp." subdomain (optional).
* Limited shell, SFTP and FTPS separate accounts per Octopus instance.
* Limited shell and FTPS separate accounts per Aegir Client/Developer.
Octopus can install the platforms listed below:
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
### Drupal 7.22.1

 CiviCRM 4.2.8 ----------------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Commerce 1.17 ----------------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Commerce 2.6 -----------------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Commons 3.2 ------------------
Grazyna Jaworska's avatar
Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Drupal 7.22.1 ----------------
Grazyna Jaworska's avatar
Grazyna Jaworska committed
 NodeStream 2.0-rc5 -----------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Open Deals 1.19 --------------
 Open Outreach 1.0-rc10 -------
 OpenChurch 1.11-beta9 --------
 OpenPublish 3.0-beta7 --------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Panopoly 1.0-rc4a ------------
 Ubercart 3.4.1 ---------------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
### Pressflow 6.28.1

 Acquia 6.28.1 (int) ----------
 CiviCRM 4.1.6 ----------------
 Commons 2.12 -----------------
 Conference 1.0-rc2 -----------
 Feature Server 1.2 -----------
 Managing News 1.2.3 ----------
 Open Atrium 1.7.1 ------------
Grazyna Jaworska's avatar
Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Pressflow 6.28.1 (int) -------
Grazyna Jaworska's avatar
Grazyna Jaworska committed
 ProsePoint 0.46 --------------
 Ubercart 2.11.1 (int) --------
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Grazyna Jaworska committed
All D7 platforms have been enhanced using Drupal 7.22.1 +Extra core:

All D6 platforms have been enhanced using Pressflow 6.28.1 +Extra core:

There are also platforms temporarily disabled for new installs,
because they are either outdated, with numerous security updates
not applied by maintainer, or sometimes no longer possible to use
with Drush based install because of fatal errors, or even abandoned
with no development for months and no issues fixed in the meantime.

Note that we still support some semi-abandoned distros listed above,
but at some point we may no longer be able to maintain their security
and version updates, and they may be moved to the second list below.

We also removed D8-edge platform, since it is broken too often
because of D8 own critical bugs. We will keep debugging it to add
latest D8-tested platform to every release.

The platforms listed below can be re-added when their maintainers
will fix all critical issues and/or apply required updates:

 ELMS -------------------------
 MartPlug ---------------------
Grazyna Jaworska's avatar
Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Octopus Video ----------------
 Open Academy -----------------
 Open Enterprise --------------
 OpenPublic -------------------
 OpenScholar ------------------
Grazyna Jaworska's avatar
Grazyna Jaworska committed
 Videola ----------------------
Platforms marked with (int) come also with ready to use translations
of Drupal core in 25 languages. Only languages with at least
10 maintainers and at least 60% of progress are included.
Other platforms are using extended and customized translations or
require far more than just core translation, so we don't touch them.

There are also some useful and/or performance related modules
added to all 6.x and 7.x platforms.

Some core and contrib modules are either enabled or disabled
by default, by running daily (at morning) maintenance monitor.

There are also modules supported by Octopus, but not bundled
by default and/or not enabled.

Some modules require custom rewrites on the web server level,
but since there is no .htaccess available/used in Nginx,
we have added all required rewrites and associated supported
configuration settings on the system level. This is the real
meaning of [S]upported flag here.

Note that while some of them are enabled by default on initial
install of "blank" site in the supported platform, they are
not forced as enabled by the running daily maintenance monitor,
so we marked them as [S]oft[E]nabled.

Here is a complete list with corresponding flags for every
module/theme: [S]upported, [B]undled, [F]orce[E]nabled,
[S]oft[E]nabled or [F]orce[D]isabled. [NA] means that
this module is used without the need to enable it.

Supported core version is listed for every module or theme
as [D6] and/or [D7].


 admin ---------------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [SE]
 advagg --------------------- [D6] ------ [S]
 ais ------------------------ [D7] ------ [S]
 audio ---------------------- [D5,D6] --- [S]
 backup_migrate ------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 blockcache_alter ----------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 boost ---------------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 cache_backport ------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [NA]
 cdn ------------------------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 ckeditor ------------------- [D6,D7] --- [S]
 config_perms --------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 core_library --------------- [D7] ------ [S] [B]
 css_emimage ---------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 css_gzip ------------------- [D6] -------------- [FD]
 dbtuner -------------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B]
 devel ---------------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FD]
 entitycache ---------------- [D7] ------ [S] [B] [FE]
 esi ------------------------ [D6] ------ [S] [B]
 expire --------------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FD]
 fbconnect ------------------ [D6,D7] --- [S]
 fckeditor ------------------ [D6] ------ [S]
 filefield_nginx_progress --- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 flood_control -------------- [D7] ------ [S] [B]
 fpa ------------------------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 imagecache ----------------- [D6,D7] --- [S]
 imagecache_external -------- [D6,D7] --- [S]
 javascript_aggregator ------ [D6] -------------- [FD]
 l10n_update ---------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FD]
 login_security ------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 nocurrent_pass ------------- [D7] ------ [S] [B]
 performance ---------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FD]
 poormanscron --------------- [D6] -------------- [FD]
 private_upload ------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B]
 purge ---------------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FD]
 readonlymode --------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 redis ---------------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [NA]
 reroute_email -------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 responsive_images ---------- [D7] ------ [S]
 robotstxt ------------------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [FE]
 rubik ---------------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [SE]
 securesite ----------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B]
 site_verify ---------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 speedy --------------------- [D7] ------ [S] [B]
 supercron ------------------ [D6] -------------- [FD]
 taxonomy_edge -------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 textile -------------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 tinybrowser ---------------- [D6,D7] --- [S]
 tinymce -------------------- [D6] ------ [S]
 variable_clean ------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 vars ----------------------- [D7] ------ [S] [B]
 views_content_cache -------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B]
 views404 ------------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B]
 wysiwyg_spellcheck --------- [D6,D7] --- [S]


 cookie_cache_bypass -------- [D6] -------------- [FD]
 dblog ---------------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FD]
 path_alias_cache ----------- [D6] -------------- [FE]
 syslog --------------------- [D6,D7] ----------- [FE]
 drush_ecl ------------------ [D7] ------ [S] [B] [EM,ES]
 drush_make ----------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [EM,ES]
 registry_rebuild ----------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [EM,ES]

 clean_missing_modules ------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [EM,ES]
 provision_boost ------------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [EM,ES]
 provision_cdn -------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [EM,ES]
 provision_civicrm ---------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [ES]
 provision_site_backup ------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [ES]
 provision_tasks_extra ------ [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [ES]
 remote_import -------------- [D6,D7] --- [S] [B] [ES]
Hostmaster [E]xtensions [S]atellite:

 aegir_custom_settings ------ [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 css_emimage ---------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 ctools --------------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 features ------------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 features_extra ------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 hosting_advanced_cron ------ [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 hosting_backup_queue ------- [D6] ------ [S] [B]      [ES]
 hosting_cdn ---------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 hosting_platform_pathauto -- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 hosting_remote_import ------ [D6] ------ [S] [B]      [ES]
 hosting_site_backup -------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 hosting_task_gc ------------ [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 hosting_tasks_extra -------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 protect_critical_users ----- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 revision_deletion ---------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 strongarm ------------------ [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]
 userprotect ---------------- [D6] ------ [S] [B] [FE] [ES]

* Please follow bug submission guidelines:
  Before you submit a bug, make sure you have diagnosed your
  configuration as documented in this guide: It is Aegir specific,
  but the good rules are the same: always search for similar
  bug report before submitting your own, and include as much
  information about your context as possible, especially
  please include, using, the contents
  (anonymized for security and privacy) of files:
    /var/aegir/install.log (remove the password)
* Issue queues: (active) (active) (deprecated)
  Please don't post your server logs here. Instead use and post the link in your submission.
* Join us at:
* Grace  -
* Albert -
* Robert -

* (main)
* (main)
* (mirror)
* (mirror)


* Brian Mercer -
  Initial work:

* Nice people who are submitting bugs and problems in the
  Barracuda/Octopus issue queues.