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comment.tpl.php 1.59 KiB
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Phuong Nguyen's avatar
Phuong Nguyen committed
// $Id$

 * @file comment.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation for comments.
 * Available variables:
 * - $author: Comment author. Can be link or plain text.
 * - $content: Body of the post.
 * - $date: Date and time of posting.
 * - $links: Various operational links.
 * - $new: New comment marker.
 * - $picture: Authors picture.
 * - $signature: Authors signature.
 * - $status: Comment status. Possible values are:
 *   comment-unpublished, comment-published or comment-preview.
 * - $submitted: By line with date and time.
 * - $title: Linked title.
 * These two variables are provided for context.
 * - $comment: Full comment object.
 * - $node: Node object the comments are attached to.
 * @see template_preprocess_comment()
 * @see theme_comment()
<div class="comment<?php print ' '. $zebra; print ($comment->new) ? ' comment-new' : ''; print ' '. $status ?> clear-block">

  <div class="comment-author clearfix">
Phuong Nguyen's avatar
Phuong Nguyen committed
    <?php print $picture ?>
      <div class="author">
        <strong class="name">
          <?php print $author; ?>
        <?php if ($comment->new): ?>
          <span class="new"><?php print $new; ?></span>
        <?php endif; ?>	
          <span class="date">on <?php print $date; ?></span>
Phuong Nguyen's avatar
Phuong Nguyen committed
    <?php if ($links): ?>
      <div class="comment-links">
        <?php print $links; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

  <div class="content">
    <?php print $content ?>
Phuong Nguyen's avatar
Phuong Nguyen committed
    <?php if ($signature): ?>
      <div class="user-signature clear-block">
        <?php print $signature ?>
    <?php endif; ?>