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# $Id$
# LANGUAGE translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
#  lightbox2.module,v 2008/02/15 12:45:18 snpower
#,v 2007/09/16 13:49:01 snpower
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#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-15 13:20+0000\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

#: lightbox2.module:25
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msgid "Enables Lightbox V2 for Drupal"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:27
msgid "<h3>Overview</h3>\n      <p align=\"justify\">Lightbox JS V2 is a simple,
unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to
setup and works on all modern browsers. The module comes with a Lightbox2 Lite
option which does not use the JQuery libraries; it is therefore less likely to
conflict with anything else.</p>\n      <p align=\"justify\">Places images above
your current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the
layout, particularly column widths. Keeps users on the same page. Clicking to
view an image and then having to click the back button to return to your site is
bad for continuity (and no fun!).</p>\n<h3>Features</h3>\nThe version 2 module
has several benefits over the plain Lightbox module.  Note, not all of these
features are available when the \"Lightbox2 Lite\" option is
enabled.\n<ul>\n<li>Image Sets: group related images and navigate through them
with ease - ideal for your image galleries.</li>\n<li>Visual Effects: fancy
pre-loader and transition when you click on the image.</li>\n<li>Zoom
Capability: larger images are reduced in size so they fit snugly inside the
browser window.  A zoom button can then be clicked on to see it in its original
size.</li>\n<li>Automatic Image Detection: configurable automatic re-formatting
of\nimage thumbnails, so there is no need to add 'rel=\"lightbox\"' to
each\nimage link on your site.
<a\nhref=\"\">Image Assist</a> and
<a\nhref=\"\">CCK Imagefield</a> modules are
all\nsupported.  It's also possible to configure a custom list of image classes
\nwhich should trigger the lightbox functionality.</li>\n<li><a
href=\"\">Imagecache</a> Support: adds a
Lightbox2 field formatter for <a
href=\"\">CCK imagefields</a> for your
custom <a href=\"\">views</a>.</li>\n<li>Image
Node Link: a link to the image node can be provided within the lightbox
itself.</li>\n<li>Page Exclusion Capability: exclude certain pages on your site
from having the lightbox2 functionality.</li>\n<li>Gallery 2 Support: support
for Gallery 2 images via the <a
href=\"\">Gallery</a> module
(beta).</li>\n</ul>\n      <p align=\"justify\"><h3>Usage</h3></p>\n      <p>Add
rel=&quot;lightbox&quot; attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox. For
example: </p>\n      <p>&lt;a href=&quot;image-1.jpg&quot;
rel=&quot;lightbox&quot; title=&quot;my caption&quot;&gt;image
#1&lt;/a&gt;</p>\n      <p>Optional: Use the title attribute if you want to show
a caption.</p>\n   <p>If you have a set of related images that you would like to
group, follow\n   step one but additionally include a group name between square
brackets in the\n   rel attribute. For example:</p><p>&lt;a
href=\"images/image-1.jpg\"\n   rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image
#1&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a href=\"images/image-2.jpg\"
rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image\n#2&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a
href=\"images/image-3.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image\n#3&lt;/a&gt;<br
/></p>\n<p>No limits to the number of image sets per page or how many images are
allowed\nin each set. Go nuts!</p>"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:147
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msgid "View Image Details"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:147
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msgid "Image !current of !total"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:154
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msgid "Lightbox2 Lite"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:162
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msgid "Use Lightbox2 Lite"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:163
msgid "Checking this box will enable Lightbox2 Lite and will disable all of the
automatic image node URL re-formatting features.  It also disables all grouping
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:171
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msgid "Use Alternative Layout"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:172
msgid "Enabling this option alters the layout of the lightbox elements.  This
doesn't apply when using Lightbox Lite."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:179
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msgid "Force visibility of navigation links"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:180
msgid "When viewing grouped images, the navigational links to the next and
previous images are only displayed when you hover over the image.  Checking this
box forces these links to be displayed all the time."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:188
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msgid "Image Count Text"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:189
msgid "This text is used to display the image count underneath the image in the
lightbox when image grouping is enabled.  Use !current as a placeholder for the
number of the current image and !total for the total number of images in the
group.  For example, \"Image !current of !total\"."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:196
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msgid "Disable Zoom Feature"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:197
msgid "By default, when the image being displayed in the lightbox is larger than
the browser window, it is resized to fit within the window and a zoom button is
provided for users who wish to view the image in its original size.  Checking
this box will disable this feature and all images will be displayed without any
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:204
msgid "Disable LightBox for these urls"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:205
msgid "List the urls where the lightbox should be disabled, e.g.
\\\"node/add/page\\\".  Use &lt;front&gt; to match the front page.  Put each url
on a separate line. You can use the % character as a wildcard."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:213
msgid "Advanced settings"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:225
msgid "Overlay Opacity"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:227
msgid "The overlay opacity setting determines how visible or\ntransparent the
background page is behind the lightbox.  The opacity value can\nrange from 0.0
to 1.0 where 0.0 is 100% transparent and 1.0 is 100% opaque."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:238
msgid "Location of Javscript"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:239
msgid "Header"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:239
msgid "Footer"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:240
msgid "By default, the lightbox javascript files are loaded in the HTML header.
However, for sites using SWFObject to load their Flash content, the footer
setting is recommended to prevent \"Operation Aborted\" errors in IE.  If using
the footer setting, please note that not all themes correctly implement the
footer region and may require a small change."
#: lightbox2.module:265
msgid "These options allow automatic URL re-formatting of Image Nodes.  This
removes the need for you to add 'rel=\"lightbox\"' to each image node link
throughout your site.  You can select which image sizes will trigger the
lightbox and configure a list of image CSS classes which should also have their
URLs automatically re-formatted.  This feature is not available when using
Lightbox2 Lite."
#: lightbox2.module:272
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msgid "Enable for Image Nodes"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:273
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Checking this box will enable automatic URL formatting for Image Nodes."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:288
msgid "Lightbox image display size"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:291
msgid "Select which image size will be loaded in the lightbox.  This only
applies to images uploaded with the Image module."
#: lightbox2.module:297
msgid "Image trigger size"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:299;451
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:300
msgid "Select which image size, when clicked on, will automatically trigger the
lightbox.  This only applies to images uploaded with the Image module."
#: lightbox2.module:308
msgid "Enable for Flickr images"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:309
msgid "Checking this box will enable automatic URL formatting for Flickr
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:316
msgid "Enable for Inline images"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:317
msgid "Checking this box will enable automatic URL formatting for images
displayed by the Inline module."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:324
msgid "Custom image trigger classes"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:325
msgid "List the image classes which should trigger the lightbox when clicked on.
Put each class on a separate line."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:332
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msgid "Text for Node Link"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:333
msgid "This is the text that will appear as the link to the node underneath the
image in the lightbox"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:340
msgid "Enable Grouping"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:341
msgid "Checking this box will enable automatic grouping of Image Nodes on a
page. Useful for image galleries."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:348
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msgid "Disable Lightbox for Gallery Lists"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:349
msgid "Checking this box will disable the lightbox for images in gallery lists.
This means it is possible to open a gallery by clicking on the teaser image, but
the lightbox will still appear when viewing images within the gallery.  This
only applies to image galleries created with the \"image gallery\" module."
#: lightbox2.module:357
msgid "Disable Lightbox for Acidfree Gallery Lists"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:358
msgid "Checking this box will disable the lightbox for images in gallery lists.
This means it is possible to open a gallery by clicking on the teaser image, but
the lightbox will still appear when viewing images within the gallery.  This
only applies to image galleries created with the \"acidfree\" module."
#: lightbox2.module:374;406
msgid "Image links with 'rel=\"lightbox\"' in the <a> tag will appear in a
Lightbox when clicked on."
#: lightbox2.module:377
msgid "To add a lightbox to your images, add rel=\"lightbox\" attribute to any
link tag to activate the lightbox. For example:"
#: lightbox2.module:378
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\" title=\"my
caption\"&gt;image #1&lt;/a&gt;</code>"
#: lightbox2.module:379
msgid "The title attribute in the link tag is optional. The addition of this
attribute enables the display of a caption with the image displayed in the
#: lightbox2.module:380
msgid "If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, then
you will need to include a group name between square brackets in the rel
attribute. For example:"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:381
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image
#1&lt;/a&gt;<br /> &lt;a href=\"image-2.jpg\"
rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #2&lt;/a&gt;<br /> &lt;a
href=\"image-3.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #3&lt;/a&gt;<br />
#: lightbox2.module:382
msgid "There are no limits to the number of image sets per page or how many
images are allowed in each set."
#: lightbox2.module:383
msgid "If you wish to turn the caption into a link, format your caption in the
following way:"
#: lightbox2.module:384
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\" title='&lt;a
href=\"\"&gt;View Image Details&lt;/a&gt;'&gt;image
#: lightbox2.module:389
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msgid "Image links from G2 are formatted for use with Lightbox.V2"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:399
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msgid "Lightbox filter"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:399
msgid "Lightbox G2 filter"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:403
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msgid "Turns g2_filter links into Lightbox.V2 appropriate links"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:486
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msgid "press !x to close"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:73
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msgid "administer lightbox2"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:91
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Lightbox2"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:92;99
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Allows the user to configure the lightbox2 settings"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:98
msgid "General"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:108
msgid "Automatic image handling"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:109
msgid "Allows the user to configure the lightbox2 automatic image handling
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:0
msgid "lightbox2"
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msgstr ""

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msgid "Javascript tools"
msgstr ""