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# $Id$
# LANGUAGE translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
#  lightbox2.module,v 2008/04/28 18:25:49 snpower
#,v 2007/09/16 13:49:01 snpower
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#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-04-28 19:31+0100\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

#: lightbox2.module:25
msgid "Enables Lightbox2 for Drupal"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:27
msgid "<h3>Overview</h3>\n      <p align=\"justify\">Lightbox2 JS is a simple,
unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to
setup and works on all modern browsers. The module comes with a Lightbox2 Lite
option which does not use the JQuery libraries; it is therefore less likely to
conflict with anything else.</p>\n      <p align=\"justify\">Places images above
your current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the
layout, particularly column widths. Keeps users on the same page. Clicking to
view an image and then having to click the back button to return to your site is
bad for continuity (and no fun!).</p>\n<h3>Features</h3>\nThe version 2 module
has several benefits over the plain Lightbox module.  Note, not all of these
features are available when the \"Lightbox2 Lite\" option is
enabled.\n<ul>\n<li>Image Sets: group related images and navigate through them
with ease - ideal for your image galleries.</li>\n<li>Slideshow Capability:
automatically transition between grouped images, includes play/pause and
previous and next buttons.</li>\n<li>HTML Content Support: ability to show
websites or other HTML content in a lightbox.</li>\n<li>Video Content Support:
ability to show videos in a lightbox.</li>\n<li>Visual Effects: fancy pre-loader
and transition when you click on the image.</li>\n<li>Keyboard Shortcuts: useful
<a href=\"\">keyboard shortcuts</a> for switching
between images, toggling play / pause, etc.</li>\n<li>Zoom Capability: larger
images are reduced in size so they fit snugly inside the browser window.  A zoom
button can then be clicked on to see it in its original
size.</li>\n<li>Automatic Image Detection: configurable automatic re-formatting
of\nimage thumbnails, so there is no need to add 'rel=\"lightbox\"' to
each\nimage link on your site.
<a\nhref=\"\">Image Assist</a> and
<a\nhref=\"\">CCK Imagefield</a> modules are
all\nsupported.  It's also possible to configure a custom list of image
classes\nwhich should trigger the lightbox functionality.</li>\n<li><a
href=\"\">Imagecache</a> Support: adds a
Lightbox2 field formatter for <a
href=\"\">CCK imagefields</a> for your
custom <a href=\"\">views</a>.</li>\n<li>Image
Page Link: a link to the image node can be provided within the lightbox
itself.</li>\n<li>Page Exclusion Capability: exclude certain pages on your site
from having the lightbox2 functionality.</li>\n<li>Gallery 2 Support: support
for Gallery 2 images via the <a
href=\"\">Gallery</a> module
(beta).</li>\n</ul>\n<p align=\"justify\"><h3>Usage</h3></p>\n      <h5
style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Adding a Basic Lightbox</h5>\n      <p>Add
rel=&quot;lightbox&quot; attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox. For
example: </p>\n      <p>&lt;a href=&quot;image-1.jpg&quot;
rel=&quot;lightbox&quot; title=&quot;my caption&quot;&gt;image
#1&lt;/a&gt;</p>\n      <p>Optional: Use the title attribute if you want to show
a caption.</p>\n<h5 style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Grouping Images</h5>\n
<p>If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, follow\n
step one but additionally include a group name between square brackets in the\n
rel attribute. For example:</p><p>&lt;a href=\"images/image-1.jpg\"\n
rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #1&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a
href=\"images/image-2.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image\n#2&lt;/a&gt;<br
/>\n&lt;a href=\"images/image-3.jpg\"
rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image\n#3&lt;/a&gt;<br /></p>\n<p>No limits to the
number of image sets per page or how many images are allowed\nin each
set.</p>\n\n<p>If you have a set of images that you would like to group together
in a lightbox, but only wish for one of these images to be visible on your page,
you can assign the \"lightbox_hide_image\" class to hide the additional images.
For example:</p>\n\n<p>&lt;a href=\"images/image-1.jpg\"
rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #1&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a
href=\"images/image-2.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"
class=\"lightbox_hide_image\"&gt;image #2&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a
href=\"images/image-3.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"
class=\"lightbox_hide_image\"&gt;image #3&lt;/a&gt;</p>\n\n<h5
style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Slideshow</h5>\n<p>This is very similar to
the grouping functionality described above.  The only difference is that \"rel\"
attribute should be set to \"lightshow\" instead of \"lightbox\".  Using the
same example as above, we could launch the images in a slideshow by
doing:</p>\n\n<p>&lt;a href=\"images/image-1.jpg\"
rel=\"lightshow[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #1&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a
href=\"images/image-2.jpg\" rel=\"lightshow[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #2&lt;/a&gt;<br
/>\n&lt;a href=\"images/image-3.jpg\" rel=\"lightshow[roadtrip]\"&gt;image
#3&lt;/a&gt;</p>\n\n<h5 style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Video
Content</h5>\n<p>\nIt's possible to show video content in the lightbox.  In this
case the \"rel\" attribute should be set to <code>lightvideo</code>.  It's not
possible to group videos but it is possible to control the size of the lightbox
by setting the 'width' and 'height' properties.  The properties can be
configured like <code>lightvideo[width:300px; height: 200px;]</code>.  The
properties should all be of the format \"property: value;\" - note the closing
semi-colon.  If no properties are set, then the default width and height of
400px will be used.  See below for more detailed examples.</p>\n\n<p>Basic
example:<br />\n<code>\n&lt;a
rel=\"lightvideo\"&gt;Google video example - default size&lt;/a&gt;<br
/>\n</code></p>\n\n<p>Controlling lightbox size example:<br />\n<code>\n&lt;a
rel=\"lightvideo[width:400px; height:300px;]\"&gt;Google video example - custom
size&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n</code></p>\n\n<p>Supported Video Formats<br />\nasx, wmv,
mov and swf videos should all be supported.  A number of video providers are
also supported, for example YouTube and Google Video.  For full details on how
to integrate these with lightbox, please see the online
documentation.</p>\n\n<h5 style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">HTML
Content</h5>\n<p>It's possible to show webpage content in the lightbox, using
iframes.  In this case the \"rel\" attribute should be set to
<code>lightframe</code>.  Again it's possible to group the items, (e.g.
<code>lightframe[search]</code>) but in addition to that, it's possible to
control some of the iframe properties.  It's possible to set the 'width',
'height' and 'scrolling' properties of the iframe.  The properties are separated
from the group name by a <code>|</code>, for example
<code>lightframe[search|width:100px;]</code>.  If no grouping is being used,
then the <code>|</code> is still used and the format would be
<code>lightframe[|width:100px;]</code>.  The properties should all be of the
format \"property: value;\" - note the closing semi-colon.  If no iframe
properties are set, then the default width and height of 400px will be used.
See below for more detailed examples.</p>\n\n<p>Basic example:<br
/>\n<code>\n&lt;a href=\"\" rel=\"lightframe\"&gt;Search
google&lt;/a&gt;\n</code></p>\n\n<p>Grouped example:<br />\n<code>\n&lt;a
href=\"\" rel=\"lightframe[search]\"&gt;Search
google&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a href=\"\"
yahoo&lt;/a&gt;\n</code></p>\n\n<p>Controlling iframe property example:<br
/>\n<code>\n&lt;a href=\"\" rel=\"lightframe[|width:400px;
height:300px; scrolling: auto;]\"&gt;Search
google&lt;/a&gt;\n</code></p>\n\n<p>Controlling iframe property when grouped
example:<br />\n<code>\n&lt;a href=\"\"
rel=\"lightframe[search|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling: auto;]\"&gt;Search
google&lt;/a&gt;<br />\n&lt;a href=\"\"
rel=\"lightframe[search|width:400px; height:300px;]\"&gt;Search
yahoo&lt;/a&gt;\n</code></p>\n\n<h3>Keyboard Shortcuts</h3>\n<table
Image</td><td>p</td></tr>\n<tr><td></td><td>Left Arrow</td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Next
Arrow</td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Toggle Zoom</td><td>z (not available in
slideshow)</td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Toggle Play / Pause</td><td>Spacebar (slideshow
only)</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p>Not all of the keyboard shortcuts work in the
Opera browser, for example \"z\" for toggling the zoom and \"spacebar\" for
toggling play / pause in slideshows.  This can be overcome by updating your
shortcut settings in the Opera preferences editor.</p>\n"
#: lightbox2.module:239
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "View Image Details"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:239
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Image !current of !total"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:239
msgid "Page !current of !total"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:246
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Lightbox2 Lite"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:254
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Use Lightbox2 Lite"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:255
msgid "Checking this box will enable Lightbox2 Lite and will disable all of the
automatic image URL re-formatting features.  It also disables all grouping
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:263
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Use Alternative Layout"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:264
msgid "Enabling this option alters the layout of the lightbox elements. In the
alternative layout the navigational links appear under the image with the
caption text, instead of being overlayed on the image itself.  This doesn't
apply when using Lightbox Lite."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:271
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msgid "Force visibility of navigation links"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:272
msgid "When viewing grouped images, the navigational links to the next and
previous images are only displayed when you hover over the image.  Checking this
box forces these links to be displayed all the time."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:280
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msgid "Image Count Text"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:281
msgid "This text is used to display the image count underneath the image in the
lightbox when image grouping is enabled.  Use !current as a placeholder for the
number of the current image and !total for the total number of images in the
group.  For example, \"Image !current of !total\"."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:288
msgid "Page Count Text"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:289
msgid "This text is used to display the page count underneath HTML content
displayed in the lightbox when using groups.  Use !current as a placeholder for
the number of the current page and !total for the total number of pages in the
group.  For example, \"Page !current of !total\"."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:296
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msgid "Disable Zoom Feature"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:297
msgid "By default, when the image being displayed in the lightbox is larger than
the browser window, it is resized to fit within the window and a zoom button is
provided for users who wish to view the image in its original size.  Checking
this box will disable this feature and all images will be displayed without any
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:304
msgid "Disable LightBox for these urls"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:305
msgid "List the urls where the lightbox should be disabled, e.g.
\\\"node/add/page\\\".  Use &lt;front&gt; to match the front page.  Put each url
on a separate line. You can use the % character as a wildcard."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:314
msgid "Imagefield settings"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:320
msgid "No Grouping"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:321
msgid "Group by Field Name"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:322
msgid "Group by Node Id"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:323
msgid "Group by Field Name and Node Id"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:328
msgid "Select Imagefield Grouping in Views"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:329
msgid "By default, imagefields in views are grouped by the field name they
appear in the view in.  You can override that grouping here."
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:340
msgid "Advanced settings"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:352
msgid "Overlay Opacity"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:354
msgid "The overlay opacity setting determines how visible the background page is
behind the lightbox.  The opacity value can range from 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is
100% transparent and 1.0 is 100% opaque."
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:363
msgid "Location of Javscript"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:364
msgid "Header"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:364
msgid "Footer"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:365
msgid "By default, the lightbox javascript files are loaded in the HTML header.
However, for sites using SWFObject to load their Flash content, the footer
setting is recommended to prevent \"Operation Aborted\" errors in IE.  If using
the footer setting, please note that not all themes correctly implement the
footer region and may require a small change."
#: lightbox2.module:392
msgid "Interval Seconds"
#: lightbox2.module:393
msgid "The slideshow interval is the length of time in seconds an image is
visible before the slideshow shows the next image."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:401
msgid "Automatically Exit Slideshow"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:402
msgid "When enabled the lightbox will automatically close after displaying the
last image."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:409
msgid "Show Play / Pause Button"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:410
msgid "When enabled, a play / pause button will be shown in the slideshow
allowing the user more control over their viewing experience."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:417
msgid "Pause Slideshow on \"Next Image\" Click"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:418
msgid "When enabled the slideshow is automatically paused, and the following
image shown, when the \"Next\" button is clicked."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:425
msgid "Pause Slideshow on \"Previous Image\" Click"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:426
msgid "When enabled the slideshow is automatically paused, and the previous
image shown, when the \"Previous\" button is clicked."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:440
msgid "The \"interval seconds\" value must be numeric."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:460
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:461
msgid "Lightbox"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:462
msgid "Lightbox grouped"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:463;190
msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:468
msgid "These options allow automatic URL re-formatting of images.  This removes
the need for you to add 'rel=\"lightbox\"' to each image link throughout your
site.  You can select which image sizes will trigger the lightbox and configure
a list of image CSS classes which should also have their URLs automatically
re-formatted.  This feature is not available when using Lightbox2 Lite."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:475
msgid "Image node settings"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:483
msgid "Automatic handler for Image Nodes"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:485
msgid "Choose how URLs for image nodes will be automatically handled."
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:500
msgid "Lightbox image display size"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:503
msgid "Select which image size will be loaded in the lightbox.  This only
applies to images uploaded with the Image module."
#: lightbox2.module:509
msgid "Image trigger size"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:511;781
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:512
msgid "Select which image size, when clicked on, will automatically trigger the
lightbox.  This only applies to images uploaded with the Image module."
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:520
msgid "Disable Lightbox for Gallery Lists"
#: lightbox2.module:521
msgid "Checking this box will disable the lightbox for images in gallery lists.
This means it is possible to open a gallery by clicking on the teaser image, but
the lightbox will still appear when viewing images within the gallery.  This
only applies to image galleries created with the \"image gallery\" module."
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:528
msgid "Automatic handler for Flickr images"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:530
msgid "Choose how URLs for Flickr images will be automatically handled."
#: lightbox2.module:537
msgid "Automatic handler for Gallery2 block images"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:539
msgid "Choose how URLs for images, contained within Gallery2 image blocks, will
be automatically handled."
#: lightbox2.module:546
msgid "Automatic handler for Inline images"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:548
msgid "Choose how URLs for Inline images will be automatically handled."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:555
msgid "Automatic handler for Image Assist custom size images"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:557
msgid "Choose how URLs for custom size images, displayed by the Image Assist
module, will be automatically handled."
#: lightbox2.module:564
msgid "Custom image trigger classes"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:565
msgid "List the image classes which should trigger the lightbox when clicked on.
Put each class on a separate line."
#: lightbox2.module:572
msgid "Text for Image Page Link"
#: lightbox2.module:573
msgid "This is the text that will appear as the link to the image page
underneath the image in the lightbox"
#: lightbox2.module:580
msgid "Open Image Page in New Window"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:581
msgid "This controls whether the link to the image page underneath the image is
opened in a new window or the current window."
#: lightbox2.module:590
msgid "Disable Lightbox for Acidfree Gallery Lists"
#: lightbox2.module:591
msgid "Checking this box will disable the lightbox for images in gallery lists.
This means it is possible to open a gallery by clicking on the teaser image, but
the lightbox will still appear when viewing images within the gallery.  This
only applies to image galleries created with the \"acidfree\" module."
#: lightbox2.module:606;673
msgid "Image links with 'rel=\"lightbox\"' in the &lt;a&gt; tag will appear in a
Lightbox when clicked on."
#: lightbox2.module:609
msgid "To add a lightbox to your images, add rel=\"lightbox\" attribute to any
link tag to activate the lightbox. For example:"
#: lightbox2.module:610
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\" title=\"my
caption\"&gt;image #1&lt;/a&gt;</code>"
#: lightbox2.module:611;630
msgid "The title attribute in the link tag is optional. The addition of this
attribute enables the display of a caption with the image displayed in the
#: lightbox2.module:612
msgid "If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, then
you will need to include a group name between square brackets in the rel
attribute. For example:"
#: lightbox2.module:613
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image
#1&lt;/a&gt;<br /> &lt;a href=\"image-2.jpg\"
rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #2&lt;/a&gt;<br /> &lt;a
href=\"image-3.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[roadtrip]\"&gt;image #3&lt;/a&gt;<br />
#: lightbox2.module:614
msgid "There are no limits to the number of image sets per page or how many
images are allowed in each set."
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:615;632
msgid "If you wish to turn the caption into a link, format your caption in the
following way:"
#: lightbox2.module:616
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\" title='&lt;a
href=\"\"&gt;View Image Details&lt;/a&gt;'&gt;image
#: lightbox2.module:621
msgid "Image links from G2 are formatted for use with Lightbox2"
#: lightbox2.module:625;679
msgid "Image links with 'rel=\"lightshow\"' in the &lt;a&gt; tag will appear in
a Lightbox slideshow when clicked on."
#: lightbox2.module:628
msgid "To add a lightbox slideshow to your images, add
rel=\"lightshow[slideshowname]\" attribute to any link tag to activate the
slideshow. For example:"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:629
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightshow[show1]\"&gt;image
#1&lt;/a&gt;<br /> &lt;a href=\"image-2.jpg\" rel=\"lightshow[show1]\"&gt;image
#2&lt;/a&gt;<br /> &lt;a href=\"image-3.jpg\" rel=\"lightshow[show1]\"&gt;image
#3&lt;/a&gt;<br /> </code>"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:631
msgid "There are no limits to the number of slideshow image sets per page or how
many images are allowed in each slideshow."
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:633
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=\"image-1.jpg\" rel=\"lightshow[show1]\" title='&lt;a
href=\"\"&gt;View Image Details&lt;/a&gt;'&gt;image
#: lightbox2.module:639;682
msgid "Links to HTML content with 'rel=\"lightframe\"' in the &lt;a&gt; tag will
appear in a Lightbox when clicked on."
#: lightbox2.module:642
msgid "It's possible to show webpage content in the lightbox, using iframes.  In
this case the \"rel\" attribute should be set to \"lightframe\".  Again it's
possible to group the images, (e.g. <code>lightframe[search]</code>) but in
addition to that, it's possible to control some of the iframe properties.  It's
possible to set the \"width\", \"height\" and \"scrolling\" properties of the
iframe.  The properties are separated from the group name by a <code>|</code>,
for example <code>lightframe[search|width:100px;]</code>.  If no grouping is
being used, then the <code>|</code> is still used and the format would be
<code>lightframe[|width:100px;]</code>.  The properties should all be of the
format \"property: value;\" - note the closing semi-colon.  If no iframe
properties are set, then the default width and height of 400px will be used.
See below for more detailed examples."
#: lightbox2.module:643
msgid "Basic example:"
Stella Power's avatar
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:644
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=&quot;;
rel=&quot;lightframe&quot;&gt;Search google&lt;/a&gt;</code>"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:645
msgid "Grouped example:"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:646
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=&quot;;
rel=&quot;lightframe[search]&quot;&gt;Search google&lt;/a&gt;<br />&lt;a
rel=&quot;lightframe[search]&quot;&gt;Search yahoo&lt;/a&gt;</code>"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:648
msgid "Controlling iframe property example:"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:649
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=&quot;;
rel=&quot;lightframe[|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling:
auto;]&quot;&gt;Search google&lt;/a&gt;</code>"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:650
msgid "Controlling iframe property when grouped example:"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:651
msgid "<code>&lt;a href=&quot;;
rel=&quot;lightframe[search|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling:
auto;]&quot;&gt;Search google&lt;/a&gt;<br />&lt;a
href=&quot;; rel=&quot;lightframe[search|width:400px;
height:300px;]&quot;&gt;Search yahoo&lt;/a&gt;</code>"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:665
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Lightbox filter"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:666
msgid "Lightbox G2 filter"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:667
msgid "Lightbox slideshow filter"
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msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:668
msgid "Lightbox iframe filter"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:676
msgid "Turns g2_filter links into Lightbox2 appropriate links"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:834
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "press !x to close"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:155
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msgid "administer lightbox2"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:173
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Lightbox2"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:174;181
Stella Power's avatar
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msgid "Allows the user to configure the lightbox2 settings"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:180
msgid "General"
Stella Power's avatar
Stella Power committed
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:191
msgid "Allows the user to configure the lightbox2 slideshow functionality"
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:200
msgid "Automatic image handling"
Stella Power's avatar
Stella Power committed
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:201
msgid "Allows the user to configure the lightbox2 automatic image handling
msgstr ""

#: lightbox2.module:0
msgid "lightbox2"
Stella Power's avatar
Stella Power committed
msgstr ""

Stella Power's avatar
Stella Power committed
msgid "Javascript tools"
msgstr ""