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libraries.test 13.2 KiB
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 * Tests basic detection and loading of libraries.
class LibrariesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Libraries detection and loading',
      'description' => 'Tests detection and loading of libraries.',
      'group' => 'Libraries API',

    parent::setUp('libraries', 'libraries_test');

   * Tests libraries detection and loading.
   * @todo Better method name(s); split into detection/loading/overloading/etc.
    // Test libraries_get_path().
    $this->assertEqual(libraries_get_path('example'), FALSE, 'libraries_get_path() returns FALSE for a missing library.');

    // Test that library information is found correctly.
      'name' => 'Example files',
      'library path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'libraries') . '/tests/example',
      'version' => '1',
      'files' => array(
        'js' => array('example_1.js'),
        'css' => array('example_1.css'),
        'php' => array('example_1.php'),
      'module' => 'libraries_test',
    libraries_info_defaults($expected, 'example_files');
    $library = libraries_info('example_files');
    $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Library information is correctly gathered.');

    // Test a library specified with an .info file gets detected.
      'name' => 'Example info file',
      'info file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'libraries_test') . '/example/',
    libraries_info_defaults($expected, 'example_info_file');
    $library = libraries_info('example_info_file');
    $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Library specified with an .info file found');

    $library = libraries_detect('example_missing');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['error'], 'not found', 'Missing library not found.');
    $error_message = t('The %library library could not be found.', array(
    $this->assertEqual($library['error message'], $error_message, 'Correct error message for a missing library.');
    $library = libraries_detect('example_undetected_version');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['error'], 'not detected', 'Undetected version detected as such.');
    $error_message = t('The version of the %library library could not be detected.', array(
    $this->assertEqual($library['error message'], $error_message, 'Correct error message for a library with an undetected version.');
    $library = libraries_detect('example_unsupported_version');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['error'], 'not supported', 'Unsupported version detected as such.');
    $error_message = t('The installed version %version of the %library library is not supported.', array(
    $this->assertEqual($library['error message'], $error_message, 'Correct error message for a library with an unsupported version.');
    $library = libraries_detect('example_supported_version');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['installed'], TRUE, 'Supported library version found.');

    $library = libraries_detect('example_default_version_callback');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['version'], '1', 'Expected version returned by default version callback.');
    // Test a multiple-parameter version callback.
    $library = libraries_detect('example_multiple_parameter_version_callback');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['version'], '1', 'Expected version returned by multiple parameter version callback.');
    $library = libraries_detect('example_files');
      'js' => array('example_1.js'),
      'css' => array('example_1.css'),
      'php' => array('example_1.php'),
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['files'], $files, 'Top-level files property works.');

    $library = libraries_detect('example_versions');
      'js' => array('example_2.js'),
      'css' => array('example_2.css'),
      'php' => array('example_2.php'),
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['files'], $files, 'Version-specific library files found.');

    $library = libraries_detect('example_variant_missing');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['variants']['example_variant']['error'], 'not found', 'Missing variant not found');
    $error_message = t('The %variant variant of the %library library could not be found.', array(
      '%variant' => 'example_variant',
      '%library' => 'Example variant missing',
    $this->assertEqual($library['variants']['example_variant']['error message'], $error_message, 'Correct error message for a missing variant.');
    $library = libraries_detect('example_variant');
    $this->verbose('<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library['variants']['example_variant']['installed'], TRUE, 'Existing variant found.');
      'name' => 'Example callback',
      'library path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'libraries') . '/tests/example',
      'version' => '1',
      'versions' => array(
        '1' => array(
          'variants' => array(
            'example_variant' => array(
              'prepare callback' => 'not applied',
              'detect callback' => 'not applied',
              'load callback' => 'not applied',
          'prepare callback' => 'not applied',
          'detect callback' => 'not applied',
          'load callback' => 'not applied',
      'variants' => array(
        'example_variant' => array(
          'prepare callback' => 'not applied',
          'detect callback' => 'not applied',
          'load callback' => 'not applied',
      'callbacks' => array(
        'prepare' => array('_libraries_test_prepare_callback'),
        'detect' => array('_libraries_test_detect_callback'),
        'load' => array('_libraries_test_load_callback'),
      'prepare callback' => 'not applied',
      'detect callback' => 'not applied',
      'load callback' => 'not applied',
      'module' => 'libraries_test',
    libraries_info_defaults($expected, 'example_callback');

    // Test a callback in the 'prepare' phase.
    $expected['prepare callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
    $expected['versions']['1']['prepare callback'] = 'applied (version 1)';
    $expected['versions']['1']['variants']['example_variant']['prepare callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
    $expected['variants']['example_variant']['prepare callback'] = 'applied (variant example_variant)';
    $library = libraries_info('example_callback');
    $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Prepare callback was applied correctly.');
    // Successfully detected libraries should only contain version information
    // for the detected version and thus, be marked as installed.
    $expected['installed'] = TRUE;
    // Additionally, version-specific properties of the detected version are
    // supposed to override the corresponding top-level properties.
    $expected['prepare callback'] = 'applied (version 1)';
    $expected['variants']['example_variant']['installed'] = TRUE;
    $expected['variants']['example_variant']['prepare callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
    $expected['detect callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
    $expected['variants']['example_variant']['detect callback'] = 'applied (variant example_variant)';
    $library = libraries_detect('example_callback');
    $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Detect callback was applied correctly.');

    // Test a callback in the 'load' phase.
    // Successfully loaded libraries should only contain information about the
    // already loaded variant.
    $expected['loaded'] = 0;
    $expected['load callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
    $library = libraries_load('example_callback');
    $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Load callback was applied correctly.');
    // This is not recommended usually and is only used for testing purposes.
    // Successfully loaded library variants are supposed to contain the specific
    // variant information only.
    $expected['prepare callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
    $expected['detect callback'] = 'applied (variant example_variant)';
    $library = libraries_load('example_callback', 'example_variant');
    $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Load callback was applied correctly to a variant.');

    // Test loading of a simple library with a top-level files property.
    $this->assertLibraryFiles('example_1', 'File loading');
    // Test loading of integration files.
    $this->assertRaw('libraries_test.js', 'Integration file loading: libraries_test.js found');
    $this->assertRaw('libraries_test.css', 'Integration file loading: libraries_test.css found');
    $this->assertRaw('', 'Integration file loading: found');
    // Test version overloading.
    $this->assertLibraryFiles('example_2', 'Version overloading');
    $this->assertLibraryFiles('example_3', 'Variant loading');

    // Test version overloading and variant loading.
    $this->assertLibraryFiles('example_4', 'Concurrent version and variant overloading');
   * Helper function to assert that a library was correctly loaded.
   * Asserts that all the correct files were loaded and all the incorrect ones
   * were not.
   * @param $name
   *   The name of the files that should be loaded. The current testing system
   *   knows of 'example_1', 'example_2', 'example_3' and 'example_4'. Each name
   *   has an associated JavaScript, CSS and PHP file that will be asserted. All
   *   other files will be asserted to not be loaded. See
   *   tests/example/README.txt for more information on how the loading of the
   *   files is tested.
   * @param $label
   *   (optional) A label to prepend to the assertion messages, to make them
   *   less ambiguous.
   * @param $extensions
   *   (optional) The expected file extensions of $name. Defaults to
   *   array('js', 'css', 'php').
  function assertLibraryFiles($name, $label = '', $extensions = array('js', 'css', 'php')) {
    $names = drupal_map_assoc(array('example_1', 'example_2', 'example_3', 'example_4'));

    // Test that the wrong files are not loaded.
    foreach ($names as $filename) {
      foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
        $message = "$filename.$extension not found";
        $message = ($label !== '' ? "$label: $message" : $message);
        $this->assertNoRaw("$filename.$extension", $message);

    // Test that the correct files are loaded.
      $message = ($label !== '' ? "$label: $message" : $message);
      $this->assertRaw("$name.$extension", $message);