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  1. Jul 07, 2011
  2. May 21, 2011
  3. Feb 19, 2011
    • Jose Antonio Reyero del Prado's avatar
      Updating from github: · 562bcbb6
      Jose Antonio Reyero del Prado authored
      14e7cb7 Added some more i18n variables and variable types
      46e6497 Using new variable elements to build admin form.
      e4fb77c Using variable module to generate admin settings
      ee1ce60 Added some variables
      f5c5794 Removed hook_i18n_translation_set_info(), replaced by hook_i18n_object_info()
      22621e5 Reamed some functions, implemented objects for menus
      eaa28ed Added new hook i18n_object_info() and string translation for objects
      3cfea26 Removed obsoleted functions
      51b240a Fixed some issues with content typetitle and notice in block admin #1058774
      5c6e65f Updated i18n_string_update_context
      c7e9205 Fixed merge query, by SebCorbin, #1061578
      543c0a9 Dropped i18n_variable_exit() which was creating some issues
      566216f Updated i18n_variable to use new variable_store module
      7e575ac Fixed update name
      50d1e81 Using variable_realm for i18n_variables
      adc994d Added undefined language to node selection. Also rewriting queries with language field. Always enable
      5af7dbc Reworked options for language selection, added page and PHP visibility options
      bfa4324 Added language field to node display. Shorthand function for node type language enabled.
      b3a432a Added language field to term display fields
      2020dda Completed tokens
      7fb3342 Finished implementing all field hooks for taxonomy terms
      cc87ea8 Reimplemented localized tokens
      12e571f Overriding taxonomy field form widgets
      65fa89e Fixed multiple issues with taxonomy languages. Added field formatter for localized terms.
      0761f91 Added some documentation
      dbd0b21 New translation sets API