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i18n_field.module 12.7 KiB
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 * @file
 * Internationalization (i18n) module - Field handling
 * For string keys we use:
 * - field:[field_name]:[bundle]:property, when it is an instance property (linked to bundle)
 * - field:[field_name]:#property..., when it is a field property (that may have multiple values)

 * Implements hook_menu().
function i18n_field_menu() {
  // Ensure the following is not executed until field_bundles is working and
  // tables are updated. Needed to avoid errors on initial installation.
  if (!module_exists('field_ui') || defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {

  // Create tabs for all possible bundles. From field_ui_menu().
  foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
    if ($entity_info['fieldable']) {
      foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
        if (isset($bundle_info['admin'])) {
          // Extract path information from the bundle.
          $path = $bundle_info['admin']['path'];
          // Different bundles can appear on the same path (e.g. %node_type and
          // %comment_node_type). To allow field_ui_menu_load() to extract the
          // actual bundle object from the translated menu router path
          // arguments, we need to identify the argument position of the bundle
          // name string ('bundle argument') and pass that position to the menu
          // loader. The position needs to be casted into a string; otherwise it
          // would be replaced with the bundle name string.
          if (isset($bundle_info['admin']['bundle argument'])) {
            $bundle_arg = $bundle_info['admin']['bundle argument'];
            $bundle_pos = (string) $bundle_arg;
          else {
            $bundle_arg = $bundle_name;
            $bundle_pos = '0';
          // This is the position of the %field_ui_menu placeholder in the
          // items below.
          $field_position = count(explode('/', $path)) + 1;

          // Extract access information, providing defaults.
          $access = array_intersect_key($bundle_info['admin'], drupal_map_assoc(array('access callback', 'access arguments')));
          $access += array(
            'access callback' => 'user_access',
            'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'),
          $items["$path/fields/%field_ui_menu/translate"] = array(
            'load arguments' => array($entity_type, $bundle_arg, $bundle_pos, '%map'),
            'title' => 'Translate',
            'page callback' => 'i18n_string_object_translate_page',
            'page arguments' => array('field_instance', $field_position),
            'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
          ) + $access;
          $items["$path/fields/%field_ui_menu/translate/instance"] = array(
            'title' => 'Instance',
            'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,
          $items["$path/fields/%field_ui_menu/translate/instance/%language"] = array(
            'load arguments' => array($entity_type, $bundle_arg, $bundle_pos, '%map'),
            'title' => 'Instance',
            'page callback' => 'i18n_string_object_translate_page',
            'page arguments' => array('field_instance', $field_position, $field_position + 3),
            'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
          ) + $access;
          $items["$path/fields/%i18n_field/translate/field"] = array(
            'load arguments' => array($entity_type, $bundle_arg, $bundle_pos, '%map'),
            'title' => 'Field',
            'page callback' => 'i18n_string_object_translate_page',
            'page arguments' => array('field', $field_position),
            'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
          ) + $access;
          $items["$path/fields/%i18n_field/translate/field/%language"] = array(
            'load arguments' => array($entity_type, $bundle_arg, $bundle_pos, '%map'),
            'title' => 'Field',
            'page callback' => 'i18n_string_object_translate_page',
            'page arguments' => array('field', $field_position, $field_position + 3),
            'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
          ) + $access;
  return $items;

 * Menu loader for field with extra information
 * To be able to translate fields we need some instance information to place them in the menu
function i18n_field_load($field_name, $entity_type, $bundle_name, $bundle_pos, $map) {
  if ($instance = field_ui_menu_load($field_name, $entity_type, $bundle_name, $bundle_pos, $map)) {
    return field_info_field($instance['field_name']) + $instance;
  else {
    return FALSE;

function i18n_field_hook_info() {
  $hooks['i18n_field_info'] = array(
    'group' => 'i18n',
 * After the form fields are built
function i18n_field_field_attach_form($entity_type, $entity, $form, $form_state, $langcode) {

 * Implements hook_field_info_alter().
 * Cached, invoked only after field info is rebuilt
function i18n_field_field_info_alter(&$info) {

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
function i18n_field_field_formatter_info() {
  $types = array();
  foreach (i18n_field_type_info() as $type => $info) {
    if (!empty($info['translate_options'])) {
      $types[] = $type;
  return array(
    'i18n_list_default' => array(
      'label' => t('Default translated'),
      'field types' => $types,

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
function i18n_field_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
  $element = array();

  switch ($display['type']) {
    case 'i18n_list_default':
      if (($translate = i18n_field_type_info($field['type'], 'translate_options'))) {
        $allowed_values = $translate($field, $langcode);
      else {
        // Defaults to list_default behavior
        $allowed_values = list_allowed_values($field);
      foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
        if (isset($allowed_values[$item['value']])) {
          $output = field_filter_xss($allowed_values[$item['value']]);
        else {
          // If no match was found in allowed values, fall back to the key.
          $output = field_filter_xss($item['value']);
        $element[$delta] = array('#markup' => $output);

  return $element;

 * Implements hook_field_widget_info_alter().
 * Cached, invoked only after widget info is rebuilt
function i18n_field_field_widget_info_alter(&$info) {

 * Implements hook_field_widget_properties_alter().
 * This is called for the entity edit form and for the fields edit form
function i18n_field_field_widget_properties_alter(&$widget, $context) {
  // Skip the node type edit fields by checking for existing entity
  if (!empty($context['entity']) && !empty($widget['module']) && function_exists($function = $widget['module'] . '_field_widget_form')) {
    $widget['module'] = 'i18n_field';
    $widget['i18n_field_callbacks'][] = $function;

function i18n_field_field_extra_fields_display_alter(&$displays, $context) {
 * Called only when refreshing cache
function i18n_field_field_display_alter(&$display, $context) {


function i18n_field_field_storage_info_alter(&$info) {


 * Field API callback to rewrite field element
 * Translate:
 * - Description (help)
 * - Default value
 * @see field_default_form()
function i18n_field_field_widget_form($form, $form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
  global $language;
  // The field language may affect some variables (default) but not others (description will be in current page language)
  $i18n_langcode = empty($element['#language']) || $element['#language'] == LANGUAGE_NONE ? $language->language : $element['#language'];
  // Translate field title if set
  if (!empty($instance['label'])) {
    $element['#title'] = i18n_field_translate_property($instance, 'label');
  // Translate field description if set
  if (!empty($instance['description'])) {
    $element['#description'] = i18n_field_translate_property($instance, 'description');
  // Translate default value if exists and the current value is the default
  if (($translate = i18n_field_type_info($field['type'], 'translate_default')) && !empty($instance['default_value'][$delta]['value']) && !empty($items[$delta]['value']) && $instance['default_value'][$delta]['value'] === $items[$delta]['value']) {
    $items[$delta]['value'] = $translate($instance, $items[$delta]['value'], $i18n_langcode);
  // Translate list options
  if (($translate = i18n_field_type_info($field['type'], 'translate_options')) && !empty($field['settings']['allowed_values'])) {
    $field['settings']['allowed_values'] = $translate($field, $i18n_langcode);
  // Redirect through original module_field_widget_form()
  if (!empty($instance['widget']['i18n_field_callbacks'])) {
    foreach ($instance['widget']['i18n_field_callbacks'] as $function) {
      $element = $function($form, $form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element);
  return $element;

 * Implements hook_field_attach_view_alter().
function i18n_field_field_attach_view_alter(&$output, $context) {
  foreach (element_children($output) as $field_name) {
    $element = &$output[$field_name];
    if (!empty($element['#entity_type']) && !empty($element['#field_name']) && !empty($element['#bundle'])) {
      $instance = field_read_instance($element['#entity_type'], $element['#field_name'], $element['#bundle']);

      // Translate field title if set
      if (!empty($instance['label'])) {
        $element['#title'] = i18n_field_translate_property($instance, 'label');

      // Translate field description if set
      if (!empty($instance['description'])) {
        $element['#description'] = i18n_field_translate_property($instance, 'description');

 * Implements hook_field_create_field().
function i18n_field_field_create_field($field) {

 * Implements hook_field_create_instance().
function i18n_field_field_create_instance($instance) {

 * Implements hook_field_delete_instance().
function i18n_field_field_delete_instance($instance) {
 * Implements hook_field_update_instance().
function i18n_field_field_update_instance($instance, $prior_instance) {

 * Implements hook_field_update_field().
function i18n_field_field_update_field($field) {

 * Update field strings
function i18n_field_field_update_strings($field) {

 * Update field instance strings
function i18n_field_instance_update_strings($instance) {

 * Returns the array of translated allowed values for a list field.
 * The strings are not safe for output. Keys and values of the array should be
 * sanitized through field_filter_xss() before being displayed.
 * @param $field
 *   The field definition.
 * @return
 *   The array of allowed values. Keys of the array are the raw stored values
 *   (number or text), values of the array are the display labels.
function i18n_field_translate_allowed_values($field, $langcode = NULL) {
  if (!empty($field['settings']['allowed_values'])) {
    return i18n_string_translate(array('field', $field['field_name'], '#allowed_values'), $field['settings']['allowed_values'], array('langcode' => $langcode));
  else {
    return array();

 * Translate field default
function i18n_field_translate_default($instance, $value, $langcode = NULL) {
  return i18n_string_translate(array('field', $instance['field_name'], $instance['bundle'], 'default_value'), $value, array('langcode' => $langcode));

 * Translate field property
function i18n_field_translate_property($instance, $property, $langcode = NULL) {
  return i18n_string_translate(array('field', $instance['field_name'], $instance['bundle'], $property), $instance[$property], array('langcode' => $langcode));

 * Get i18n information for fields
function i18n_field_type_info($type = NULL, $property = NULL) {
  $info = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($info)) {
    $info = module_invoke_all('i18n_field_info');
    drupal_alter('i18n_field_info', $info);
  if ($property) {
    return isset($info[$type]) && isset($info[$type][$property]) ? $info[$type][$property] : NULL;
  elseif ($type) {
    return isset($info[$type]) ? $info[$type] : array();
  else {
    return $info;