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INSTALL.txt 3.32 KiB
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                     D R U P A L    M O D U L E                         
Name: i18n module and translation module
Author: Jose A. Reyero

  This is the 6.x version of i18n module, and works with Drupal 6.x

Updated documentation will be kept on-line at


1. Create folder 'sites/all/modules/i18n' and copy all the modules files, keeping directory structure, to this folder.
2. If updating, run the update.php script following the standard procedure for Drupal updates.

- First of all review Drupal language settings and make sure you have chosen the right default language.

WARNING: Changing default language after having used i18n string translations (taxonomy, menus, blocks...)
will result in losing some of the user defined strings and translations.

- Enable the module/s in: Administer > Site building > modules
  These modules are grouped under 'Multilanguage - i18n' package
- Configure the modules in 
	Administer > Site Configuration > Multilingual system

- Set up language for existing nodes, editing them manually.
- Set up multilingual options for vocabularies and language for existing taxonomy terms
  Only terms in the node's language or terms without language will show up when editing a node

Language dependent variables
  The list of variables to be made language dependent must be defined in the config file:

    $conf['i18n_variables'] = array(
        // Site configuration
        // Node help
        // User configuration
        // Primary and secondary links
        // Theme settings. This is an 'all or nothing' for each theme
        // This is for 'garland' theme, for other theme it would be 'theme_[themename]_settings'
  These are only some suggested ones, but you can add as many Drupal variables as you want to the array.
  You need to redefine these variables for the first time for every language, as previous values are lost and they return to defaults -they will be back if you disable i18n-. 
Additional Support
For support, please create a support request for this module's project:

If you need professional support, contact me by e-mail: freelance at reyero dot net

Jose A. Reyero, freelance at reyero dot net,