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INSTALL.txt 1.74 KiB
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                     D R U P A L    M O D U L E
Name: i18n module and translation module
Author: Jose A. Reyero

  This is the 6.x version of i18n module, and works with Drupal 6.x

Updated documentation will be kept on-line at


1. Create folder 'sites/all/modules/i18n' and copy all the modules files, keeping directory structure, to this folder.
2. If updating, run the update.php script following the standard procedure for Drupal updates.

- First of all review Drupal language settings and make sure you have chosen the right default language.
- Enable the needed modules grouped under "Internationalization" package
- Read the on-line handbook on 
- This module requires a complex set up, make sure you read the handbook and understand the different options
- Before creating a support request, do read the handbook:
Additional Support
For support, please create a support request for this module's project:

Support questions by email to the module maintainer will be simply ignored. Use the issue tracker.

Jose A. Reyero, freelance at reyero dot net,