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INSTALL.txt 3.05 KiB
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                     D R U P A L    M O D U L E                         
Name: i18n module
Author: Jose A. Reyero
Email: drupal at reyero dot net

0. Apply the patches provided with the module patch is only required if you want language dependent variables -see below
1. Create folder 'modules/i18n'
2. Copy all the modules files, keeping directory structure, to the folder 'modules/i18n/'
3. Configuration file -conf.php- and flags
3.1. To use url rewriting, this line should be added to your configuration file:

  include 'modules/i18n/'
3.2. If you don't want to rely on locale module for supported languages, you have to add them in the config file:

  $i18n_languages = array("es" => "spanish", "en" => "english");

3.3. Additional language flags should be placed in 'modules/i18n/flags

  You can get more flag icons from
4. For content translation, this module can manage language dependent tables. You need to:

<warning> This feature is experimental</warning>

4.1. Modify $db_prefix and add $db_prefix_i18n in .conf file. This is a sample:
	$db_prefix=array (

		'default' => 'prefix_', // The default prefix


	$db_prefix_i18n = array (

		// '**' will be replaced by language code at runtime.

		'node'	=> 'prefix_**_'  
		'vocabulary'	=> 'prefix_**_',
		'term_synonim'=> 'prefix_**_',
		'term_data' 	=> 'prefix_**_',
4.2. Create table copys for each language: prefix_es_node, prefix_en_node, etc...

4.3. [IMPORTANT] If you are updating an existing site, you have to manually synchronize the id's in the {sequences} table

4.4. [ADVICE] For language-dependent tables, you better define the supported languages in the config file.
	* Otherwise, changing the locale languages can cause some language dependant tables to get out of sync 
*Any* table can be made language dependent. Just think about whether it makes sense. 

Suggested tables to be made language dependent are:
- For nodes:
	*also related node tables for each node type
- For taxonomy
- For comments

If you want to experiment with different tables, you may find this useful [Drupal ERD]:

5. For language dependent variables
	* You have to apply the patch

5.1. The list of variables to be made language dependent must be defined in the config file:

	$i18n_variables = array(
	You can add as many Drupal variables as you want to the array.
5.2. The variables added to the list must be redefined for the first time, as previous values are lost and they return to defaults.
Let me know about your experiments!