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gmap_location.install 2.77 KiB
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function gmap_location_install() {
  // Gmap no longer provides the location table.
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webgeer committed

function gmap_location_update_1() {
  drupal_set_message(t('WARNING! Obsolete gmap_location update #@num was triggered! Please verify the schema of your location table manually!', array('@num' => '1')));
webgeer's avatar
webgeer committed

function gmap_location_update_2() {
  drupal_set_message(t('WARNING! Obsolete gmap_location update #@num was triggered! Please verify the schema of your location table manually!', array('@num' => '2')));
webgeer's avatar
webgeer committed

// 5.x-0.8 first update
function gmap_location_update_5080() {
  // Convert role markers to single variable.
  $result = db_query("SELECT name FROM {variable} WHERE name LIKE 'gmap_role_map_marker_%'");
  $markers = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $num = (int)substr($row->name, 21);
    $markers[$num] = variable_get($row->name, 'drupal');
  variable_set('gmap_role_markers', $markers);
  // It's pointless to have a default when the roles will take effect in all cases.

  // Convert node type markers to single variable.
  $result = db_query("SELECT name FROM {variable} WHERE name LIKE 'gmap_node_marker_%'");
  $markers = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $type = substr($row->name, 17);
    $markers[$type] = variable_get($row->name, 'drupal');
  variable_set('gmap_node_markers', $markers);

  // User location setting functionality is moving to location.module.

  // gmap_user_map is a single variable now.
  $temp = array(
    'macro' => variable_get('gmap_user_map', '[gmap |id=usermap|center=40,0|zoom=3|width=100%|height=400px]'),
    'header' => variable_get('gmap_user_map_header', 'This map illustrates the extent of users of this website. Each marker indicates a user that has entered their locations.'),
    'footer' => '',
  variable_set('gmap_user_map', $temp);

  // gmap_node_map is a single variable now.
  $temp = array(
    'macro' => variable_get('gmap_node_map', '[gmap |id=nodemap|center=40,0|zoom=3|width=100%|height=400px]'),
    'header' => variable_get('gmap_node_map_header', 'This map illustrates the locations of the nodes on this website. Each marker indicates a node associated with a specific location.'),
    'footer' => '',
  variable_set('gmap_node_map', $temp);

  return array();

 * Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function gmap_location_uninstall() {