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 * @file
 * GMap Views: A Views Style plugin providing a GMap view.

 * Implementation of hook_views_style_plugins().
function gmap_views_views_style_plugins() {
  return array(
    'gmap' => array(
      'name' => t('Gmap View'),
      'theme' => 'views_view_gmap',
      'needs_fields' => true,
      'validate' => 'gmap_views_validate',

 * Implementation of hook_gmap().
function gmap_views_gmap($op, &$map) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'behaviors':
      return array(
        'fatmarkers' => array(
          'title' => t('Views "fat" markers'),
          'default' => FALSE,
          'help' => t('Enabling this flag will pass the raw views data with a marker for use with custom manipulation code. Hook the preparemarker event to make use of this.'),
          'internal' => TRUE,
    case 'pre_theme_map':
      // Don't pass the gmap_view settings to the client.
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 * Validate a GMap View.
 * GMap Views requires one of the following:
 * - Location: Lat and Location: Lon
 * - Two columns, one titled t('Latitude'), one titled t('Longitude')
 * - A module that can transform a field into lat, long coordinates
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function gmap_views_validate($type, $view, $form) {
  $ids = _gmap_views_find_coords_ids($view);
  if (!($ids['lat'] && $ids['lon']) && !(isset($ids['module']))) {
    form_error($form["$type-info"][$type .'_type'],
              t('GMap View requires: either "Location: Latitude" and "Location: Longitude" or a field titled "Latitude" and a field titled "Longitude"'));
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  return views_ui_plugin_validate_list($type, $view, $form);

 * Display the results of a view in a Google Map.
function theme_views_view_gmap($view, $results) {
  // Work when multiple views are displayed at once.
  $mapid = "view_gmap_{$view->name}_{$view->build_type}";

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  // Fields are used to render the markers.
  $fields = _views_get_fields();
  // find the ids of the column we want to use
  $point_ids = _gmap_views_find_coords_ids($view);
  if (isset($view->gmap_macro) && $view->gmap_macro) {
      '#settings' => array_merge(gmap_defaults(), gmap_parse_macro($view->gmap_macro)),
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    if ($thismap['#settings']['behavior']['views_autocenter']) {
      // Find the first valid location.
      foreach ($results as $entry) {
        $location = _gmap_views_get_lat_long_from_ids($entry, $point_ids);
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        if (($location['lat']) && ($location['lon'])) {
          // Set default location for map
          $thismap['#settings']['latitude'] = $location['lat'];
          $thismap['#settings']['longitude'] = $location['lon'];
          // Break loop because we have what we want.
  else if (!empty($view->gmap_map)) {
    $thismap = $view->gmap_map;
      '#settings' => gmap_defaults(),

  $fatmarkers = (isset($thismap['#settings']['behavior']['fatmarkers']) && $thismap['#settings']['behavior']['fatmarkers']);

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  $markers = array();

  if ($fatmarkers) {
    $thismap['#settings']['viewfields'] = $view->field;
    $datafields = array();
    foreach ($view->field as $field) {
      if ($fields[$field['id']]['visible'] !== FALSE) {
        $datafields[] = $field['queryname'];
  $markermode = $thismap['#settings']['markermode'];
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  $markertypes = variable_get('gmap_node_markers', array());
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  foreach ($results as $entry) {
    $location = _gmap_views_get_lat_long_from_ids($entry, $point_ids);
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    if (($location['lat']) && ($location['lon'])) {
        foreach ($view->field as $field) {
          if ($fields[$field['id']]['visible'] !== FALSE) {
            $data[] = views_theme_field('views_handle_field', $field['queryname'], $fields, $field, $entry, $view);
          'markername' => isset($markertypes[$type]) ? $markertypes[$type] : 'drupal',
          'latitude' => $location['lat'],
          'longitude' => $location['lon'],
        if (isset($entry->gmap_taxonomy_marker) && !empty($entry->gmap_taxonomy_marker)) {
          $themarker['markername'] = $entry->gmap_taxonomy_marker;
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          'markername' => isset($markertypes[$type]) ? $markertypes[$type] : 'drupal',
          'latitude' => $location['lat'],
          'longitude' => $location['lon']
        if (isset($entry->gmap_taxonomy_marker) && !empty($entry->gmap_taxonomy_marker)) {
          $themarker['markername'] = $entry->gmap_taxonomy_marker;
        if ($markermode == 1) {
          // @@@ TODO: Switch to using views_theme sometime. Unfortunately, it changes the function prototype.. :-/
          //$marker_popup = views_theme('gmap_views_marker_label', $view->name, $view, $fields, $entry);
          $marker_popup = theme('gmap_views_marker_label', $view, $fields, $entry);

          // add themed HTML to either text or tabs depending on whether or not
          // it was an array.
          if (is_array($marker_popup)) {
            // Tabbed.
            $themarker['tabs'] = $marker_popup;
        else if ($markermode == 2) {
          $themarker['link'] = url('node/'. $entry->nid);
      if (isset($entry->node_title)) {
        $themarker['opts']['title'] = $entry->node_title;
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  $thismap['#settings']['markers'] = $markers;
  $output .= theme('gmap', $thismap);
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  return $output;

 * Theme a marker label.
function theme_gmap_views_marker_label($view, $fields, $entry) {
  $marker_label = '';
  foreach ($view->field as $field) {
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    $marker_label .= '<div class="gmap-popup '. $field['field'] .'">'. views_theme_field('views_handle_field', $field['queryname'], $fields, $field, $entry, $view) .'</div>';
  return $marker_label;

 * Helper function to find a valid latitude and longitude in this field
function _gmap_views_find_coords_ids($view) {
  $ids = array();
  $copy = (array) $view;
  foreach ($copy['field'] as $key => $field) {
    if (!is_numeric($key)) {
      continue; // skip the 'count', etc.

    // we check to see if the field is a location:lat field or titled Latitude
    if ($field['id'] == 'location.latitude' || $field['label'] == t('Latitude')) {
      $ids['lat'] = $field['queryname'];
    if ($field['id'] == 'location.longitude' || $field['label'] == t('Longitude')) {
      $ids['lon'] = $field['queryname'];

    // see if any module will take on the task of adding lat-lon to the view
    foreach (module_implements('gmap_views_handle_field') as $module) {
      if ($res = module_invoke($module, 'gmap_views_handle_field', 'discover', $field)) {
        $ids['module'] = array(
          'module' => $module,
          'field' => $field['queryname'],
          'extra' => $res,
  return $ids;

 * Helper function to find actual lat and lon values from the work done in _gmap_views_find_coords_ids
function _gmap_views_get_lat_long_from_ids($entry, $ids) {
  // during the discovery phase, a module registered that it could turn this entry into a lat-lon array
  if ($ids['module']) {
    $ids['entry'] = $entry;
    return module_invoke($ids['module']['module'], 'gmap_views_handle_field', 'process', $ids);
  // standard stuff, we can handle it
  return array('lat' => $entry->{$ids['lat']}, 'lon' => $entry->{$ids['lon']});

 * Implementation of hook_views_query_alter().
 * We need to add in the node type so we can determine markers.
function gmap_views_query_alter(&$query, &$view, $summary, $level) {
  if (($view->page && $view->page_type == 'gmap') || ($view->block && $view->block_type == 'gmap')) {
    $query->add_field('type', 'node', 'gmap_node_type');
    if (module_exists('gmap_taxonomy')) {
      $query->add_field('marker', 'gmap_taxonomy_node', 'gmap_taxonomy_marker');