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G2EmbedTestUtilities.class 15 KiB
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// $Id$

 * @version 
 * @package GalleryCore
 * @author Kieran Parsons

 * A collection of useful G2Embed related utilities to test that all the required 
 * parameters and modules are correctly configures
 * @package GalleryCore
 * @subpackage GalleryEmbed
 * @static
class G2EmbedTestUtilities {
   * Validate the Gallery2 Embed variables
   * Returns false if any test failed
   * @param $orig, $autodetect
   * @return array($gallery_valid, $new, $results)
    function checkLocations($orig, $autodetect=true) {
        $gallery_valid = 1;
        // Normalise the G2 URI 
        $g2Uri = G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::normalizeG2Uri($orig['g2Uri']); 
        $new['g2Uri'] = $g2Uri;
        if ($g2Uri != $orig['g2Uri']) {
            $results['g2Uri']['title'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'URI of Gallery2\' variable:');
            $results['g2Uri']['advise'] = true;
            $results['g2Uri']['notice'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('%origG2Uri automatically updated to %g2Uri to adhere to Gallery2 requirements.',
              array('%origG2Uri' => $orig['g2Uri'], '%g2Uri' => $g2Uri));
        // Find the Gallery Directory and Embed URI
        if ($autodetect) {
        // Auto-Detect the G2 embed path 
        list ($success, $embedPhpPath, $errorString) = 
        if (!$success) {
            // Something is wrong with the G2 URI given as the G2 embed path is not found
            $results['g2Uri2']['title'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'URI of Gallery2\' variable:');
            $results['g2Uri2']['error'] = true;
            $results['g2Uri2']['notice'] = $errorString;
            $new['g2EmbedPath'] = rtrim($embedPhpPath, 'embed.php'); 
            $gallery_valid = 0;
        } else {
            // G2 Embed Path is found OK
            $results['g2Uri2']['title'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'URI of Gallery2\' variable:');
            $results['g2Uri2']['success'] = true;
            $new['g2EmbedPath'] = rtrim($embedPhpPath, 'embed.php'); 
        // Auto-Detect the Embed Application URI
        $embedUri =  G2EmbedTestUtilities::_autodetectEmbedUri();
        // Normalise the Embed Application URI
        $embedUri = G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::normalizeEmbedUri($embedUri); 
        $new['embedUri'] = $embedUri; 
        } else {
            // Do not autodetect the variables, but check the manually entered ones.
            $results['g2Uri2']['title'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'URI of Gallery2\' variable:');
            $results['g2Uri2']['advise'] = true;
            $results['g2Uri2']['notice'] = 
                G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('Cannot fully check this when not in auto-detect mode.');
            $embedPhpPath = $orig['g2EmbedPath'];
            // Check path can be read, adding embed.php if needed
            if (substr($embedPhpPath, -1) != '/') {	   
                $embedPhpPath = $embedPhpPath . '/';
                $results['g2EmbedPath']['title'] = 
                    G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'Location of Gallery2\' variable:');
                $results['g2EmbedPath']['advise'] = true;
                $results['g2EmbedPath']['notice'] = 
                    G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('%g2EmbedPath automatically updated to %embedPhpPath to adhere to Gallery2 requirements.',
                    array('%g2EmbedPath' => $orig['g2EmbedPath'],
                          '%embedPhpPath' => $embedPhpPath));
            list ($ok, $errorString) = 
            $new['g2EmbedPath'] = $embedPhpPath;
            if (!$ok) {
                // Something is wrong with the G2 embed path
                $results['g2EmbedPath2']['title'] = 
                    G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'Location of Gallery2\' variable:');
                $results['g2EmbedPath2']['error'] = true;
                $results['g2EmbedPath2']['notice'] = $errorString;
                $gallery_valid = 0;
            } else {
                // G2 Embed Path is found OK
                $results['g2EmbedPath2']['title'] = 
                    G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'Location of Gallery2\' variable:');
                $results['g2EmbedPath2']['success'] = true;
            $embedUri = $orig['embedUri'];
            $embedUri = G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::normalizeEmbedUri($embedUri); 
            $new['embedUri'] = $embedUri;
            if ($embedUri != $orig['embedUri']) {
                $results['embedUri']['title'] = 
                    G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'Embed URI\' variable:');
                $results['embedUri']['advise'] = true;
                $results['embedUri']['notice'] = 
                    G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('%origEmbedUri automatically updated to %embedUri to adhere to Gallery2 requirements.',
                        array('%origEmbedUri' => $orig['embedUri'], 
                              '%embedUri' => $embedUri));
            $results['embedUri2']['title'] =
                                G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('\'Embed URI\' variable:');
            $results['embedUri2']['advise'] = true;
            $results['embedUri2']['notice'] = 
                G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('Cannot fully check this when not in auto-detect mode.');

    list ($numErrors, $numWarnings) = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_getNumErrorsAndWarnings($results);
    return array($numErrors, $numWarnings, $new, $results); 
 //   return array($gallery_valid, $new, $results);

	 * Check the status of Gallery2 Modules before Gallery Init
	 * @param $testsToRun
	 * @return array results
    function preInitTests($testsToRun = null) {
        if (!$testsToRun) {
            $testsToRun['php_memory']['errorlevel'] = 'error';
            $testsToRun['php_memory']['minimumMemoryLimit'] = 24;
        /* Check for adequate PHP Memory Limit */
        if (isset($testsToRun['php_memory'])) {
            $results['php_memory'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::phpMemoryCheck(
        list ($numErrors, $numWarnings) = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_getNumErrorsAndWarnings($results);
        return array($numErrors, $numWarnings, $results); 

	 * Check the status of Gallery2 Modules after Gallery Init
	 * @param $testsToRun
	 * @return array results
    function postInitTests($testsToRun = null) {
        if (!$testsToRun) {
            $testsToRun['imageblock']['errorlevel'] = 'error';
            $testsToRun['imageframe']['errorlevel'] = 'warning';	  
            $testsToRun['urlrewrite']['errorlevel'] = 'advise';		 
        list ($ret, $allModulesStatus) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('module');
        /* Check for ImageBlock Module */
        if (isset($testsToRun['imageblock'])) {
            $results['imageblock'] = 
                G2EmbedTestUtilities::moduleCheck('imageblock', 'Image Block', 
                    $testsToRun['imageblock']['errorlevel'], $allModulesStatus); 
        /* Check for ImageFrame Module */
        if (isset($testsToRun['imageframe'])) {
            $results['imageframe'] = 
                G2EmbedTestUtilities::moduleCheck('imageframe', 'Image Frame', 
                    $testsToRun['imageframe']['errorlevel'], $allModulesStatus); 
        if (isset($testsToRun['urlrewrite'])) {
            $results['urlrewrite'] = 
        list ($numErrors, $numWarnings) = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_getNumErrorsAndWarnings($results);
        return array($numErrors, $numWarnings, $results); 

     * Warn if memory_limit is set and is too low
     * (from Gallery2 install code)
     * @param minimumMemoryLimit
     * @return array results
	function phpMemoryCheck($minimumMemoryLimit = 24) {
        $memoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');		 
        $title = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans('PHP Memory Limit:');
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        if ($memoryLimit != '' && (G2EmbedTestUtilities::_getBytes($memoryLimit) / (1024 * 1024)) < $minimumMemoryLimit) {
            $results = array(
					'title' => $title,
					'error' => true,
				    'notice' => G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
                        'Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to %memLimit (<b> 
                         memory_limit</b> parameter in php.ini). You should raise this limit 
                         to at least <b>%minMemLimitMB</b> for proper Embedded Gallery2 operation',
                        array('%memLimit' => $memoryLimit, '%minMemLimit' => $minimumMemoryLimit)),
        } else {
            $results = array(
					'title' => $title,
					'success' => true,
        return $results;
	 * Check the status of Gallery2 URL Rewrite Module
	 * @param $errorLevel
	 * @return array results
	function urlRewriteCheck($errorLevel) {
        /* Check for URL Rewrite Module */
        $title = 'Gallery2 URL Rewrite Module Status:';
        list ($ret, $rewriteApi) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance('RewriteApi');
        if ($ret) {
        /* G2 Error handling */
            $results = array(
                'title' => $title,
                'installed' => false,
                'active' => false,
                'available' => false,
                $errorLevel => true,
                'notice' => G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
                        'Gallery2 Error when trying to access URL Rewrite Module status. %ret',
                        array('%ret' => $ret->getAsHtml())),
        if (empty($rewriteApi)) {
            $results = array(
                'title' => $title,
                'installed' => false,
                'active' => false,
                'available' => false,
                $errorLevel => true,
				'notice' =>  G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
 			        'Either the URL rewrite module is not installed or the version is too old.'),
        } else {
            /* Check compatibility */
            $required = array(1, 0);
            list ($ret, $isCompatible) = $rewriteApi->isCompatibleWithApi($required);
            if ($ret) {
                /* Error handeling */
                $results = array(
                    'title' => $title,
                    'installed' => false,
                    'active' => false,
                    'available' => false,
                    $errorLevel => true,
                    'notice' => G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
                        'Gallery2 Error when trying to access URL Rewrite Module status. %ret',
                        array('%ret' => $ret->getAsHtml())),
            } else {
                if (!$isCompatible) {
                    $results = array(
                        'title' => $title,
                        'installed' => false,
                        'active' => false,
                        'available' => false,
                        $errorLevel => true,
 				        'notice' =>  G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
 				           'The installed URL Rewrite module version is not compatible.'),
                } else {
                /* Add rules checking etc */
                $results = array(
                    'title' => $title,
                    'success' => true,
        return $results;
	 * Check the status of a Gallery2 Module
	 * @param $moduleId, $moduleName, $errorLevel, $allModulesStatus
	 * @return array moduleStatus
	function moduleCheck($moduleId, $moduleName, $errorLevel, $allModulesStatus) {
		$moduleStatus = array();
		if (isset($allModulesStatus[$moduleId])) {
			$moduleStatus['installed'] = true;
			$moduleStatus['active'] = $allModulesStatus[$moduleId]['active'];
			$moduleStatus['available'] = $allModulesStatus[$moduleId]['available'];		   
		} else {
			$moduleStatus['installed'] = false;
			$moduleStatus['active'] = false;
			$moduleStatus['available'] = false;
		$moduleStatus['title'] = 'Gallery2 ' . $moduleName .' Module Status:';
		if (!$moduleStatus['installed']) {
				$moduleStatus[$errorLevel] = true;
				$moduleStatus['notice'] = G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
				    'The %moduleName Module is not installed.', 
				    array('%moduleName' => $moduleName));
		} else {
			if ($moduleStatus['active'] && $moduleStatus['available']) {
				$moduleStatus['success'] = true;
			} else {
				$moduleStatus[$errorLevel] = true;
				$moduleStatus['notice'] =  G2EmbedTestUtilities::_trans(
				    'The %moduleName Module is installed but not active or configured correctly.', 
				    array('%moduleName' => $moduleName));
		return $moduleStatus;
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     * Returns the exact bytes value from a php.ini setting
     *     * Copied from's manual entry for ini_get()
    function _getBytes($val) {
        $val = trim($val);
        $last = $val{strlen($val)-1};
        switch($last) {
        case 'k':
        case 'K':
            return (int) $val * 1024;
        case 'm':
        case 'M':
            return (int) $val * 1048576;
            return $val;
	 * Calculate the number of errors and warnings
	 * @param $results 
	 * @return array($numErrors, $numWarnings)
    function _getNumErrorsAndWarnings($results) {
        $numErrors = 0;
        $numWarnings = 0;
        foreach ($results as $key=>$result) {
            if ($result['error']) {
            if ($result['warning']) {
        return array($numErrors, $numWarnings);       
	 * Translate the message string
	 * This needs to be implemented by each embed application individually.
	 * Returns the translated string.
	 * @param $string A string containing the English string to translate.
     *        $args An associative array of replacements to make after translation. 
     *              Incidences of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.
	 * @return string Translated String
	function _trans($string, $args = 0) {
	   return t($string, $args);
	 * Autodetect the Embed URI
	 * This needs to be implemented by each embed application individually.
	 * @param none
	 * @return string autodetected URI
	function _autodetectEmbedUri() {
     $uri = url('gallery', null, null, false);
     if (substr($uri, -8) == '/gallery') {
        $uri = substr($uri, 0, strlen($string)-7) . 'index.php?q=gallery';
     // strip the end /gallery if present and replace with index.php?q=gallery to avoid any 
     // url rewrite issues. See
     // Note the use of index.php in all cases. Not needed for Apache, but is for IIS
     // see drupaldocs documentation for url.
      return $uri;