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INSTALL.txt 1.86 KiB
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Installation Instructions

1. Install Gallery 2 and Drupal (see their respective installation
   documents).  Gallery2 should be *inside* your Drupal installation
   so that it's accessible by the same website.  If you accidentally
   install Gallery somewhere else, you can create a symlink to it
   from inside your drupal site, eg:
     cd /var/www/
     ln -s /path/to/gallery2
   Or you can move Gallery2.  If you're going to do that, read this
2. Copy gallery.module to your drupal modules/ directory.
3. Enable the gallery module in administer -> modules in your drupal
4. Go to administer -> settings -> gallery and enter the path to your
   gallery2 installation.  So if your Drupal is installed at:
   And your gallery2 is at:
   Then your Gallery2 path would be:

  Your gallery should now be available at:

5.  Enable the "Gallery Block" in administer -> blocks

Note: the default themes don't work so well with Drupal yet.  You'll get best
results if you edit the default theme and move all the blocks out of the sidebar
and into the album and photo pages.  There's a drupal specific theme on the way,
stay tuned.

Note: To get the rewrite module working, you need to first configure and
use it with the standalone Gallery2 install.  Once it's working there disable
all the rules except for the 'Show Item' rule and set its URL pattern to:

Then when you browse to you should see short urls
inside drupal.

NOTE: this is beta software, so it might not always work. If you have
questions or problems contact:

James Walker <>