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gallery.module 11.7 KiB
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function gallery_help($section) {
  switch($section) {
  case 'admin/modules#description':
    return t('Integration with Gallery2 (%gallery_url)', array('%gallery_url' => ''));

 * Implementation of hook_menu
function gallery_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();
    $items[] = array('path' => 'gallery',
                     'callback' => 'gallery_page',
                     'access' => user_access('access content'),
                     'type' => MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEM);

  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_settings
function gallery_settings() {
  $output = '';
  $output.= form_textfield(t('Location of Gallery2'), 'gallery_dir', variable_get('gallery_dir', 'gallery2/'), 64, 64, t('Path to your gallery2 directory, relative to the root directory of your drupal installation. Please include a trailing slash ("/").'));
  $output .= form_checkboxes(t('Error logging'), 'gallery_error_mode',
			     variable_get('gallery_error_mode', array(1)),
			     array(1 => t('Watchdog'),
				   2 => t('Output to the browser')),
			     t('Choose where errors are displayed'));
  return $output;

 * Implementation of hook_user
function gallery_user($op, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL) {
  case 'login':
    /* _gallery_init() will try to create the user, if necessary */
    list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init();
    if (!$success) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to log in to Gallery'), $ret);

  case 'insert':
    list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init();
    if (!$success) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery'), $ret);

    $ret = GalleryEmbed::createUser($user->uid,
				    array('username' => $user->name,
					  'email' => $user->mail,
					  'fullname' => $user->name,
					  'language' => $user->language,
					  'hashedpassword' => $user->pass,
					  'hashmethod' => 'md5'
    if ($ret->isError()) {
      gallery_error(t('Error creating Gallery user'), $ret);

  case 'update':
    list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init();
    if (!$success) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery'), $ret);
    // on update we can't be sure how much info $edit will contain.
    $name = ($edit['name']) ? $edit['name'] : $user->name;
    $language = ($edit['language']) ? $edit['language'] : $user->language;
    $pass = ($edit['pass']) ? md5($edit['pass']) : $user->pass;
    $email = ($edit['email']) ? $edit['mail'] : $user->mail;
    $ret = GalleryEmbed::updateUser($user->uid,
				    array('username' => $name,
                                          'fullname' => $name,
					  'email' => $mail,
                                          'language' => $language,
                                          'hashedpassword' => $pass,
                                          'hashmethod' => 'md5'));
    if ($ret->isError()) {
      // try to create user then.
      $ret = GalleryEmbed::createUser($user->uid,
				      array('username' => $name,
                                            'fullname' => $name,
					    'email' => $mail,
					    'language' => $language,
                                            'hashedpassword' => $pass,
                                            'hashmethod' => 'md5'
      if ($ret->isError()) {
	gallery_error(t('Error updating Gallery user'), $ret);
  case 'delete':
    list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init();
    if (!$success) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery'), $ret);

    $ret = GalleryEmbed::deleteUser($user->uid);
    if ($ret->isError()) {
      gallery_user(t('Error deleting Gallery user'));

 * Implementation of hook_block
 * - gallery navigation block (recommended)
 * - gallery imageblock (random, most viewed, etc)
function gallery_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
  $typeMap = array('randomImage' => t('Random image'),
		   'recentImage' => t('Recent image'),
		   'viewedImage' => t('Viewed image'),
		   'randomAlbum' => t('Random album'),
		   'recentAlbum' => t('Recent album'),
		   'viewedAlbum' => t('Viewed album'),
		   'dailyImage' => t('Daily image'),
		   'weeklyImage' => t('Weekly image'),
		   'monthlyImage' => t('Monthly image'),
		   'dailyAlbum' => t('Daily album'),
		   'weeklyAlbum' => t('Weekly album'),
		   'monthlyAlbum' => t('Monthly album'));

  switch ($op) {
  case 'list':
    $blocks[0]['info'] = t('Gallery Block');
    return $blocks;

  case 'configure':
    $output = form_select(t('Image type'),
			  'gallery_block_block' . $delta,
			  variable_get('gallery_block_block_' . $delta, 'randomImage'),
			  t('Pick the type of image you\'d like to see'));
    $output .= form_checkboxes(
      t('Image data'),
      'gallery_block_show_' . $delta,
      variable_get('gallery_block_show_' . $delta, array('title', 'heading')),
      array('title' => 'Title',
	    'date' => 'Date',
	    'views' => 'View Count',
	    'owner' => 'Item owner',
	    'heading' => 'Heading',
	    'fullSize' => 'Full Size'),
      t('Choose the item metadata you\'d like to display'));
    return $output;

  case 'save':
    variable_set('gallery_block_block_' . $delta, $edit['gallery_block_block_' . $delta]);
    variable_set('gallery_block_show_' . $delta, $edit['gallery_block_show_' . $delta]);

  case 'view':
    list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init(true);
    if (!$success) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery'), $ret);
    $params['block'] = variable_get('gallery_block_block_' . $delta, 'randomImage');
    $params['show'] = implode('|', variable_get('gallery_block_show_' . $delta, array()));

    // TODO: parameterize this
    $params['maxSize'] = 160;

    $block = array();
    list($ret, $content) = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock($params);
    if ($ret->isError()) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to get Gallery image block'), $ret);
    } else {
      if ($content) {
	$block['subject'] = $typeMap[$params['block']];
	$block['content'] = '<center>' . $content . '</center>';

    $ret = GalleryEmbed::done();
    if ($ret->isError()) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to complete Gallery request'), $ret);
    return $block;

 * implementation of hook_search
function gallery_search($op = 'search', $keys = null) {
  switch ($op) {
  case 'name':
    return t('gallery');
  case 'search':
    $find = array();

    list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init(true);
    if (!$success) {
      gallery_error(t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery'), $ret);

    list ($ret, $results) = GalleryEmbed::searchScan($keys, 20);
    if (!$ret->isError()) {
      $urlGenerator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator();
      foreach ($results as $name => $module) {
	if (count($module['results']) > 0) {
	  foreach ($module['results'] as $result) {
	    $excerpt = array();
	    foreach ($result['fields'] as $field) {
	      $words = search_keywords_split($keys);
	      foreach ($words as $word) {
		if (preg_match("/$word/", $field['value'])) {
		  $excerpt[] = $field['key'] .': '.search_excerpt($keys, $field['value']);
	    $find[] = array('title' => $result['fields'][0]['value'],
			    'link'  => $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('itemId' => $result['itemId'])),
			    'type'  => $module['name'],
			    'snippet' => implode('<br />', $excerpt));
    return $find;

 * Main gallery display page
function gallery_page() {
  list ($success, $ret) = _gallery_init(true);
  if (!$success) {
    gallery_error(t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery'), $ret);
    print theme('page', 'You need to <a href="/admin/settings/gallery">configure your embedded Gallery</a>');

  /* Pass any excess path info to G2 */
  $path = substr($_GET['q'], 7 /* length of 'gallery/' */);
  if (!empty($path)) {
    $_GET[GALLERY_FORM_VARIABLE_PREFIX . 'path'] = $path;

  $result = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
  if (!$result['isDone']) {
    list($title, $css, $javascript) = GalleryEmbed::parseHead($result['headHtml']);
    if (!empty($javascript)) {
    print theme('page', $result['bodyHtml']);

 * fetch a galleryEmbed object
function _gallery_init($full = false) {
  global $user, $base_url;

  $galleryDir = variable_get('gallery_dir', 'gallery2/');

  $embedPath = $galleryDir . '/embed.php';
  if (!is_readable($embedPath)) {
    return array(false, null);

  include_once($galleryDir . '/embed.php');

  // TODO: using the galleryDir as the relativeG2Path requires that
  // Gallery2 be installed as a subdir of Drupal, which is not necessarily
  // ideal.  Make this a configuration option.
  $relativeG2Path = $galleryDir;
  $embedUri = url('gallery');
  $embedPath = str_replace('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '', $base_url) . '/';
  $params = array('embedUri' => $embedUri,
                  'embedPath' => $embedPath,
                  'relativeG2Path' => $relativeG2Path,
                  'loginRedirect' => url('user/login'),
                  'activeUserId' => $user->uid,
                  'activeLanguage' => $user->language,
                  'fullInit' => $full);
  $ret = GalleryEmbed::init($params);
  if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) {
    // Our user mapping is missing.  Make a mapping, or create a new user.
    $g2_user = null;

    // Get the G2 user that matches the Drupal username
    list ($ret, $g2_user) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUsername($user->name);
    if ($ret->isError() && !($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)) {
      return array(false, $ret);
    if (!isset($g2_user)) {
      // No G2 user with a matching username.  If this is the admin user, we're going to
      // try a little harder and match it to the oldest admin in G2.
      if ($user->uid == 1) {
	list ($ret, $admin_group_id) =
	  GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'id.adminGroup');
	if ($ret->isError()) {
	  return array(false, $ret);

	list ($ret, $g2_users) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchUsersForGroup($admin_group_id);
	if ($ret->isError()) {
	  return array(false, $ret);

	$keys = array_keys($g2_users);
	$g2_user_name = $users[$keys[0]];
	list ($ret, $g2_user) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUsername($g2_user_name);
	if ($ret->isError()) {
	  return array(false, $ret);

    if (isset($g2_user)) {
      $ret = GalleryEmbed::addExternalIdMapEntry($user->uid, $g2_user->getId(), 'GalleryUser');
      if ($ret->isError()) {
	return array(false, $ret);
    } else {
      // No matching G2 user found -- create one.
      $ret = GalleryEmbed::createUser($user->uid, array('username' => $user->name,
							'email' => $user->mail,
							'fullname' => $user->name,
							'language' => $user->language,
							'hashedpassword' => $user->pass,
							'hashmethod' => 'md5'));
      if ($ret->isError()) {
	return array(false, $ret);
  return array(true, GalleryStatus::success());
function gallery_error($message, $ret) {
  $error_mode = variable_get('gallery_error_mode', array());
  if (in_array(2, $error_mode)) {
  if (isset($ret)) {
    $full_message = $message . '<br/>' . $ret->getAsHtml();
  } else {
    $full_message = $message;
  if (in_array(1, $error_mode)) {
    watchdog('gallery', $full_message, WATCHDOG_ERROR);