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 * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Bharat Mediratta
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 * @package GalleryCore
 * @author Andy Staudacher <>

 * A collection of useful G2Embed related utilities to find the correct GalleryEmbed::init 
 * parameters
 * @package GalleryCore
 * @subpackage GalleryEmbed
 * @static
class G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities {
     * Documentation:
     * To use GalleryEmbed and its GalleryEmbed::init method to initialize G2, you need:
     *   a) the absolute filesystem path to embed.php
     *   b) embedUri, the URL of the entry point to your embedding application / embedded G2
     *      e.g. or just / , or
     *   c) g2Uri, the URL path to G2, e.g. or just /gallery2/
     * Methods to finding out the path to embed.php:
     * ============================================
     *   - It's a good assumption that you can find out or define embedUri easily
     *   - g2Uri must be entered by the admin that configures the integration, just copy and paste 
     *     the URL of G2
     *   - finding out embed.php is a little tricky.
     *   We offer two methods to get embed.php. Do NOT call them for each request. Call them once
     *   when configuring / installing your integration. Else you get a performance penalty.
     *    1. If you ask the user to enter the g2Uri, you can call:
     *        list ($success, $embedPhpPath, $errorString) =
     *            G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::getG2EmbedPathByG2Uri($g2Uri);
     *        if (!$success) {
     *            print $errorString;
     *            /* Tell the admin to enter the correct input
     *        } else {
     *            /* embedPhpPath is correct and you can store it in your config for later use 
     *        }
     *    2. If you ask only for the g2Uri, you also need to provide the filesystem path to the
     *       entry point (the filesystem path to the file that embedUri points to)
     *       list ($success, $embedPhpPath, $errorString) =
     *                  G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::getG2EmbedPathByG2UriEmbedUriAndLocation(
     *                             $g2Uri, $embedUri, dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
     *        if (!$success) {
     *            print $errorString;
     *            /* Tell the admin to enter the correct input
     *        } else {
     *            /* embedPhpPath is correct and you can store it in your config for later use 
     *        }
     *       Disadvantage of this method: it's less reliable. It won't work with Apache Alias,
     *                                    or with subdomains, ...
     * Method to normalize the g2Uri and embedUri before using them in GalleryEmbed::init:
     * ==================================================================================
     *   Do NOT call them on each request. Call them once to verify / sanitize user input
     *   and then store them in your configuration.
     *   - These methods try their best to be tolerant to common user mistakes and return a
     *     string that GalleryEmbd::init accepts
     *   - You don't have to call these methods before calling the above methods to get
     *     embed.php, since it does that already internally
     *   1. $g2Uri = G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::normalizeG2Uri($g2Uri);
     *   2. $embedUri = G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::normalizeEmbedUri($embedUri);

     * The format for g2Uri accepted by GalleryEmbed::init is quite strict and well defined
     * missing traling / leading slashes have a meaning.
     * This function is more tolerant for incorrect user input and tries to normalize the
     * given g2Uri to a value that is probably what the user meant to provide
     * The returned URI is either a server-relative URI (e.g. /gallery2/) or an absolute URI
     * including the schema (e.g.
     * The file / query string part is always removed)
     * @param string g2Uri
     * @return string normalized g2Uri
    function normalizeG2Uri($g2Uri) {
	list ($schemaAndHost, $path, $file, $queryString, $fragment) =

	return $schemaAndHost . $path;

     * @see normalizeG2Uri
     * Very similar, but file / query string is kept in the result
    function normalizeEmbedUri($embedUri) {
	list ($schemaAndHost, $path, $file, $queryString, $fragment) =

	return $schemaAndHost . $path . $file . $queryString . $fragment;
     * Find the absolute filesystem path to G2's embed.php when given the g2Uri
     * Returns false if the g2Uri is wrong. Can also fail if G2 and emApp are
     * on different (sub)domains / IPs
     * @param string the g2Uri, a full URL or a server-relative URI
     * @return array boolean success,
     *               string filesystem path of embed.php
     *               string error string
    function getG2EmbedPathByG2Uri($g2Uri) {
	$g2Uri = trim($g2Uri);
	if (empty($g2Uri)) {
	    return array (false, null, "Bad parameter: the provided g2Uri is empty");

	$g2Uri = G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::normalizeG2Uri($g2Uri);
	/* Add a schema / host part to the g2Uri if necessary */
	if (strpos($g2Uri, 'http') !== 0) {
	    $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https' : 'http';
	    $host = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '';
	    $g2Uri = sprintf('%s://%s%s', $protocol, $host, $g2Uri);

	$components = @parse_url($g2Uri);
	if (!$components) {
	    return array(false, null, "Unable to parse normalized URL $g2Uri. Please enter the " .
			 "full address of your Gallery 2 installation.");
	$port = empty($components['port']) ? 80 : $components['port'];
	if (empty($components['path'])) {
	    $components['path'] = '/';

	$fd = @fsockopen($components['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 1);
	if (empty($fd)) {
	    return array(false, null, "Error $errno: '$errstr' retrieving $url");

	$get = $components['path'] . 'embed.php?getEmbedPath=1';

	/* Read the web page into a buffer */	
	$ok = fwrite($fd, sprintf("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
				  "Host: %s\r\n" .
	if (!$ok) {
	    /* Zero bytes written or false was returned */
	    $errorStr = "Verification of Gallery 2 location failed. fwrite call failed for $g2Uri";
	    if ($ok === false) {
		$errorStr .= "\nreturn value was false";
	    return array(false, null, $errorStr);
	$ok = fflush($fd);
	if (!$ok) {
	    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.2.0', '>=')) {
		/* Ignore false returned from fflush on PHP 4.1 */
		return array(false, null, "Verification of Gallery 2 location failed. " .
			     "fflush call failed for $g2Uri");

	 * Read the response code. fgets stops after newlines.
	 * The first line contains only the status code (200, 404, etc.).
	$headers = array();
	$response = trim(fgets($fd, 4096));

	/* if the HTTP response code did not begin with a 2 this request was not successful */
	if (!preg_match("/^HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\s2\d{2}/", $response)) {
	    return array(false, null, "URL derived from $g2Uri is invalid");

	/* Read the headers. */
	while (!feof($fd)) {
	    $line = trim(fgets($fd, 4096));
	    if (empty($line)) {
	    /* Normalize the line endings */
	    $line = str_replace("\r", '', $line);

	    list ($key, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2);
	    $headers[$key] = trim($value);

	$embedPhpPath = '';
	if (isset($headers['X-G2-EMBED-PATH'])) {
	    $embedPhpPath = $headers['X-G2-EMBED-PATH'];
	} else {
	    return array(false, null, "Either your server does not support the automated " .
			 "verification of the Gallery 2 location or the supplied g2Uri " .
			 "points to a incompatible Gallery 2 version (older than 2.1)");
	if (empty($embedPhpPath)) {
	    return array(false, null, "Correct URL, but the returned " .
			 "embed.php path is empty (server error?!)");

	/* Verify path */
	list ($ok, $errorString) = @G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::isFileReadable($embedPhpPath);
	if (!$ok) {
	    return array(false, null, $errorString);
	} else {
	    return array(true, $embedPhpPath, null);

     * Get the absolute filesystem path to embed.php from the given g2Uri, embedUri and the
     * absolute filesystem path of the entry point file of your embedding application
     * Can be unreliable if short URLs are entered or if apache alias / symlinks are used
     * @param string g2Uri
     * @param string embedUri
     * @param string the dirname of the location of the entry point of your embedding application
     *        e.g. dirname(__FILE__) if your embedUri points right to your wrapper file or if your
     *        wrapper file is in the same directory as the entry point to your emApp
     *        e.g. dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) if your wrapper is in a
     *        modules/g2integration/ file, which is 2 subdirectories deeper than
     *        the actual entry point that embedUri is pointing to
     * @return array boolean success,
     *               string absolute filesystem path to embed.php,
     *               string errorString
    function getG2EmbedPathByG2UriEmbedUriAndLocation($g2Uri, $embedUri, $dirnameOfEmApp) {
	if (empty($dirnameOfEmApp)) {
	    return array(false, null, 'dirname of embedding application is empty');
	/* Normalize g2Uri, embedUri */
	list ($schemaAndHost, $path, $file, $queryString, $fragment) =
	$g2Path = $path;
	list ($schemaAndHost, $path, $file, $queryString, $fragment) =
	$embedPath = $path;
	/* Normalize path separators */
	$dirnameOfEmApp = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $dirnameOfEmApp);
	/* Remove trailing slash */
	if (substr($dirnameOfEmApp, -1) == '/') {
	    $dirnameOfEmApp = substr($dirnameOfEmApp, 0, strlen($dirnameOfEmApp) - 1);
	 * Do some directory traversal to translate g2Path + embedPath + dirnameOfEmApp
	 * to path to embed.php
	 * path
	 * Example: g2Path = /baz/bar/gallery2/ , embedPath = /baz/cms/foo/ ,
	 *          dirnameOfEmApp = /home/john/www/cms/foo/
	 * 1. Remove as many dirs from the end of dirnameOfEmApp as embedPath has
	 * 2. append g2Path to dirnameOfEmApp
	$numberOfSubDirs = count(explode('/', $embedPath));
	/* Don't count the one before the leading and after the traling slash */
	$numberOfSubDirs -= 2;

	$pathElements = explode('/', $dirnameOfEmApp);
	$max = 30; /* prevent infinite loop */
	while ($numberOfSubDirs-- > 0 && $max-- > 0) {

	$embedPhpPath = join('/', $pathElements) . $g2Path . 'embed.php';

	/* Convert / back to platform specific directory separator */
	$embedPhpPath = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $embedPhpPath);

	/* Verify path */
	list ($ok, $errorString) = @G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::isFileReadable($embedPhpPath);
	if (!$ok) {
	    return array(false, null, $errorString);
	} else {
	    return array(true, $embedPhpPath, null);

     * Helper function for normalizeG2Uri and normalizeEmbedUri
     * @access private
    function _normalizeUri($uri) {
	$uri = trim($uri);
	if (empty($uri)) {
	    return array('', '/', '', '', '');
	$schema = $host = $schemaAndHost = $path = $file = '';
	$fragment = $queryString = '';
	/* Normalize path separators */
	$uri = str_replace("\\", '/', $uri);
	 * With schema (http://) -> easy to identify host
	 * A single slash:
	 *     gallery2/
	 *     /
	 *     /gallery2
	 *     /index.php
	 *     gallery2/index.php
	 * Multiple slashes:
	 *     /gallery2/
	 *     ....
	 * Problem: Differentiate between host, path and file
	 *   @files: .php|.html? is recognized as file
	 *   @host:  (?:\w+:\w+@)[\w\.]*\w+\.\w{2-4}(?::\d+) is most likely a host string
	 *           localhost or other host strings without a dot are impossible to
	 *           differentiate from path names ->only http://localhost accepted
	 *   @path:  everything that is not a file or a host

	/* Remove fragment / query string */
	if (($pos = strpos($uri, '#')) !== false) {
	    $fragment = substr($uri, $pos);
	    $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);
	if (($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) !== false) {
	    $queryString = substr($uri, $pos);
	    $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);

	/* Handle and remove file part */
	if (preg_match('{(.*/)?([\w\.]+\.(?:php|html?))$}i', $uri, $matches)) {
	    $uri = empty($matches[1]) ? '/' : $matches[1];
	    $file = $matches[2];
	/* Get the schema and host for absolute URLs */
	if (preg_match('{^(https?://)([^/]+)(.*)$}i', $uri, $matches)) {
	    $schema = strtolower($matches[1]);
	    $host = $matches[2];
	    $schemaAndHost = $schema . $host;
	    $uri = empty($matches[3]) ? '/' : $matches[3];
	    $uri = $uri{0} != '/' ? '/' . $uri : $uri;
	} else {
	    /* Get the host string, e.g. from or */
	    if (preg_match('{^((?:\w+:\w+@)?[\w\.]*\w+\.\w+(?::\d+)?)(.*)$}', $uri, $matches)) {
		$host = $matches[1];
		$schema = 'http://';
		if ( !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
		    $schema = 'https://';
		$schemaAndHost = $schema . $host;;
		$uri = empty($matches[2]) ? '/' : $matches[2];
		$uri = $uri{0} != '/' ? '/' . $uri : $uri;

	/* Add leading / trailing slash to path */
	$path = $uri{0} != '/' ? '/' . $uri : $uri;
	$path .= substr($path, -1) != '/' ? '/' : '';

	return array($schemaAndHost, $path, $file, $queryString, $fragment);
    function isFileReadable($path) {
	if (@file_exists($path) && @is_readable($path)) {
	    return array(true, null);
	} else if (@G2EmbedDiscoveryUtilities::_isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir($path)) {
	    return array(false, "file $path is restricted by PHP open_basedir");
	} else if (@file_exists($path) && !@is_readable($path)) {
	    return array(false, "file $path exists but is not readable");
	} else {
	    return array(false, "file $path does not exist");
     * Return true if the path provided is not allowed by the current open_basedir configuration.
     * Copied from GalleryPlatform and adjusted to be independent of the G2 framework
     * @return true if the path is restricted
    function _isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir($path) {
	if (!strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'win', 3)) {
	    $separator = ';';
	    $caseSensitive = false;
	} else {
	    $separator = ':';
	    $caseSensitive = true;

	$openBasedir = @ini_get('open_basedir');
	if (empty($openBasedir)) {
	    return false;

	if (($realpath = realpath($path)) === false) {
	     * PHP's open_basedir will actually take an invalid path, resolve relative
	     * paths, parse out .. and . and then check against the dir list..
	     * Here we do an ok job of doing the same, though it isn't perfect.
	    $s = '\\\/';  /* do this by hand because preg_quote() isn't reliable */
	    if (!preg_match("{^([a-z]+:)?[$s]}i", $path)) {
		$path = getcwd() . $slash . $path;
	    for ($realpath = $path, $lastpath = ''; $realpath != $lastpath;) {
		$realpath = preg_replace("#[$s]\.([$s]|\$)#", $slash, $lastpath = $realpath);

	    for ($lastpath = ''; $realpath != $lastpath;) {
		$realpath = preg_replace("#[$s][^$s]+[$s]\.\.([$s]|\$)#",
					 $slash, $lastpath = $realpath);

	$function = $caseSensitive ? 'strncmp' : 'strncasecmp';
	foreach (explode($separator, $openBasedir) as $baseDir) {
	    if (($baseDirMatch = realpath($baseDir)) === false) {
		$baseDirMatch = $baseDir;
	    } else if ($baseDir{strlen($baseDir)-1} == $slash) {
		/* Realpath will remove a trailing slash.. add it back to avoid prefix match */
		$baseDirMatch .= $slash;
	    /* Add slash on path so /dir is accepted if /dir/ is a valid basedir */
	    if (!$function($baseDirMatch, $realpath . $slash, strlen($baseDirMatch))) {
		return false;

	return true;