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 * gallery.module :
 * Help info

 * Implementation of hook_help
function _gallery_help($section) {

  switch($section) {
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    case 'admin/settings/modules#description':
      return t('Integration with Gallery2.1 and above (%gallery_url)', array('%gallery_url' => ''));
		case 'filter#short-tip' :
			return gallery_filter_short_tip_translated();
		case 'filter#long-tip' :
			return gallery_filter_long_tip_translated();
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    case 'admin/help#gallery_filter' :
			return t('<p>Used to add image blocks from your embedded Gallery 2 to a node
               like a blog entry or a story. To enable this feature and learn the proper syntax,
               visit the <a href="%filters">filters configuration screen</a>.</p>', 
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               array ('%filters' => url('admin/filters')));
    case 'admin/help#gallery':
      $output = t('
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      <h3>Online Documentation</h3>
      <p>Complete documentation can be found on the <a href="">wiki</a>.</p>
      <h4>Directory Settings</h4>
      <p>"URI of Gallery2" is the URI of the Gallery2 standalone location. Path from docroot to the directory main.php is located. 
      Protocol / host name are both optional. Examples: /gallery2/, /sub/gallery2/,,</p>
      <p>"Location of Gallery2" is the path of your gallery2 installation,
      either absolute (starts with "/") or
      relative to your Drupal installation directory. Normally this is auto-detected, but in case
      this fails you can turn off auto-detection and manually enter a value.</p> 
      <p>"Embed URI" is the URI needed to access Gallery2 through Drupal. This will end in 
      \'?q=gallery\' (non-clean URLs) or \'gallery\' (clean URLs). Normally this is auto-detected,
      but in case this fails you can turn off auto-detection and manually enter a value.</p> 
      <p>Some examples:</p>
      <p>Example 1: If your directory structure and website structure is 
        <li>Drupal dir: /var/www/web/html/</li>
        <li>Gallery dir: /var/www/web/html/gallery2/</li> 
        <li>Website URL:</li>
        <li>Standalone Gallery2 URL:</li>
          <li>"URI of Gallery2" = "/gallery2/" or ""</li>
          <li>"Location of Gallery2" = "gallery2/" or "/var/www/web/html/gallery2/"</li>        
          <li>"Embed URI" = "?q=gallery" or ""</li>
      </p><p>Example 2: If your directory structure and website structure is 
        <li>Drupal dir: /var/www/web/html/drupal/</li>
        <li>Gallery dir: /var/www/web/html/gallery2/</li> 
        <li>Website URL:</li>
        <li>Standalone Gallery2 URL:</li>
          <li>"URI of Gallery2" = "/gallery2/" or ""</li>
          <li>"Location of Gallery2" = "../gallery2/" or "/var/www/web/html/gallery2/"</li>
          <li>"Embed URI" = "/drupal/?q=gallery" or ""</li>        
      </p><p>Example 3: If your directory structure and website structure is 
        <li>Drupal dir: /var/www/web/html/drupal/</li>
        <li>Gallery dir: /var/www/web/html/someotherdir/gallery2/</li> 
        <li>Website URL:</li>
        <li>Standalone Gallery2 URL:</li>
          <li>"URI of Gallery2" = ""</li>
          <li>"Location of Gallery2" = "/var/www/web/html/someotherdir/gallery2/"</li>
          <li>"Embed URI" = "/drupal/?q=gallery" or ""</li>        
      <h4>Full Name settings</h4>
      <p>Drupal does not have in-built support for full names but Gallery 2 does. If you would like
      full names in both then you can install profile.module in Drupal and define a "full name" field.
      Include the name of that field here. You can enable/disable this functionality at will, but it 
      may leave some users with different full names in their Drupal and Gallery users, so it is not
      <h4>Search settings</h4>
      <p>You can select how many items are returned per Gallery2 module. You can also specify
      whether thumbnails should be returned, and if so, how they should be formatted.</p>
      <h4>Error Logging settings</h4>
      <p>You can choose whether errors occuring in this module are logged in the watchdog, 
      displayed in the browser, or both.</p>
      $output .= _gallery_g2image_help();
      return $output;
    case 'admin/settings/gallery':
      return t('');
    case 'admin/settings/gallery_g2image#pages':
      return "node/*\ncomment/*";

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kiz_0987 committed
function gallery_filter_short_tip_translated() {
	return t('You may link to Gallery2 items on this site <a href="%explanation-url">using a special syntax</a>.', array ('%explanation-url' => url('filter/tips', NULL, 'filter-gallery-0')));

function gallery_filter_long_tip_translated() {
	$prefix = variable_get("gallery_filter_prefix", "G2");

	$output = "";
	$output .= '<p><strong>Gallery2 Filter:</strong><p>You can link to items in your ';
	$output .= 'embedded Gallery2 using a special code. ';
	$output .= 'This code will be replaced by a thumbnail image that is ';
	$output .= 'linked to the actual item in your Gallery. </p>';
	$output .= '<p><em>Syntax:</em></p>';
	$output .= '<blockquote><code>';
	$output .= '['.$prefix.':<em>item_id</em> n=<em>number</em> type=<em>type</em> size=<em>number</em> class=<em>name</em> frame=<em>name</em> album_frame=<em>name</em> item_frame=<em>name</em>]';
	$output .= '</code></blockquote>';

	$output .= '<ul><li>item_id (required): This is the item ID from Gallery2. ';
	$output .= 'If you look at the URL of the item, this is the last number.  '.'<em>Note that if the item_id is a single photo, n must be 1.</em></li> ';

	$output .= '<li>n (suggested): This is the number of photos you want the block to show. ';
	$output .= 'It will override whatever is set in the defaults (initially 1). '.' Note: this will change past instances where you did not set n -- the reason for its suggested use.</li> ';

	$output .= '<li>type: The default type of gallery block. Any of the following may be used: ';
	$output .= '<em>randomImage, recentImage, viewedImage, randomAlbum, recentAlbum, viewedAlbum, dailyImage, '.'weeklyImage, monthlyImage, dailyAlbum, weeklyAlbum, monthlyAlbum, specificItem . </em> '.'Note that for n=1, selectedItem is automatically chosen regardless of this parameter.</li> ';

	$output .= '<li>class: The block that Gallery2 returns is wrapped in a DIV so additional styling can be done. ';
	$output .= 'The classes for this DIV are located in g2_filter.css.  Included with the module ';
	$output .= 'are "left", "right", and "nowrap". These position the image block to the left or ';
	$output .= 'right or on a line all its own with the text not wrapping. You can also add your ';
	$output .= 'own class(es) to the CSS file and they will automatically be available.</li> ';

	$output .= '<li>size: The length of the longest side for the thumbnail. ';
	$output .= 'The other side is determined automatically to keep the same aspect ratio.</li> ';

	$output .= '<li>frame/album_frame/item_frame: You can use just "frame" to assign a frame ';
	$output .= 'to the thumbnail regardless of whether it\'s for an album or a single item. ';
	$output .= 'Using aframe will only affect albums and iframe will only affect single items. ';
	$output .= 'Frames included with the default Gallery 2 install are: ';
	$output .= 'bamboo, book, brand , dots, flicking, gold, gold2, polaroid, polaroids, shadow, ';
	$output .= 'shells, slide, solid, notebook, wood.</li></p>';

	return t($output);


function _gallery_g2image_help() {
  $output = '<h3>Gallery Image Assist (g2image)</h3>';
  $output .= '<p>Support for <a href=\'\'>g2image</a> in either Standalone or TinyMCE is available to simplify ';
  $output .= 'adding images already in your Gallery2 albums into your Drupal nodes.</p>';
  $output .= '<p>Caution: By default, Drupal uses the \'Filtered HTML\' input format for adding
content to the site and the default settings cause the &lt;img&gt; tags added by g2image to be removed. Check the TinyMCE documentation for instructions on how to avoid this.</p>';
  return t($output);
