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  1. Jun 28, 2008
  2. Jun 27, 2008
  3. Jun 26, 2008
  4. Jun 25, 2008
  5. Jun 24, 2008
  6. Jun 23, 2008
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      Bugfix time: · a29b964b
      Jakob Petsovits authored
      * Re-add '#name' properties for the buttons, so that the right one
        is selected on submit.
      * Scrap the broken condition (using a wrong, previous variable name)
        so that the replaced file is added to the form state again on uploading.
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      * Move non-button elements to the respective container form elements. · 0c08790f
      Jakob Petsovits authored
        That way we can encapsulate as much as possible, and that's good for
        grouping the code. Consequently, widget code order is now sane at last:
        first comes hook_widget() which decides between upload and edit widget,
        then comes the upload widget, and then comes the edit widget.
        Finally some structure where I immediately find stuff.
      * Move file uploading from the value callback to the submit callback.
        I'm pretty convinced that we don't want to upload selected files
        if *any* button is pressed (not just the "Upload" button).
      * Rename $fieldname to $field_name, like used in core CCK code.
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      Refine the CSS, getting rid of unnecessary bottom margin in Konqueror. · ad7f7a17
      Jakob Petsovits authored
      Nice side effect: more filefield-classed divs for detailed themeability.
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      Views 2 integration. Now that was easier than I expected - · 419dea73
      Jakob Petsovits authored
      by defining a relationship to the {files} table, we get all
      the file filters for free. That's pretty neat.
  7. Jun 22, 2008
  8. Jun 21, 2008
  9. Jun 18, 2008
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      Perfect multiple-value handling due to implementing a custom · b6a36f2d
      Jakob Petsovits authored
      multiple value widget. This was actually quite a bit of effort
      due to the "replace uploads for single value widgets" special case.
      I probably also fixed some bugs along the way, the one that I can
      actively think of is cleaning up hook_field($op='insert','update')
      so that it doesn't try to save deleted files.
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      Move filefield_widget_settings() below filefield_widget_info(), for better · 4a0a7d6d
      Jakob Petsovits authored
      consistency with filefield_field_{setttings,info}(). Might screw up
      the CVS history, but I can hardly find my way around the module anymore
      without searching, so something needs to change.
    • Jakob Petsovits's avatar
      It seems to me that the "Upload" button was not recognized by the Forms API · 4d8af244
      Jakob Petsovits authored
      because it was only generated inside an element process function.
      Fix that by going back to a more imagefield like approach, but not quite -
      upload and editing widgets are now separated, with the upload widget only
      returning the fid. The combined form element is now gone, and the widget
      is directly composed in filefield_widget().
      Bonus feature (on the way to deprecating imagefield): other modules can now
      provide their own replacement edit forms, with priority based ranking of
      which one is used. Might need a bit of work, but it's a good start.