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  • Darrel O'Pry's avatar
    #286834 by quicksketch and dopry, so AHAH was in place... If you're using ahah... · aa3a8ca0
    Darrel O'Pry authored
    #286834 by quicksketch and dopry, so AHAH was in place... If you're using ahah make sure your wrapper id exists,
    otherwise stuff can be a real mess. Also the jQuery form plugin does file submission in an iFrame and you can't
    trust the post in the network console. I had to put the ahah wrapper in #prefix/#suffix and they have to be
    overridden in the JS callback to prevent duplicate div wrappers appearing... I kind of wish ahah replaced it's
    wrapper rather than  inserting inside the wrapper. ce la vie. but here is working JS upload and remove.