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fckeditor.popup.html 4.31 KiB
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<html xmlns="">
	<!-- $id$ -->
	<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<scr' + 'ipt src="' + window.opener['Drupal'].settings.basePath + 'misc/jquery.js"></scr' + 'ipt>');
// #### URLParams: holds all URL passed parameters (like ?Param1=Value1&Param2=Value2)
var FCKURLParams = new Object() ;

var aParams ='&') ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aParams.length ; i++ )
	var aParam = aParams[i].split('=') ;
	var sParamName  = aParam[0] ;
	var sParamValue = aParam[1] ;

	FCKURLParams[ sParamName ] = sParamValue ;

// It is preferable to have the oFCKeditor object defined in the opener window,
// so all the configurations will be there. In this way the popup doesn't need
// to take care of the configurations "clonning".
var oFCKeditor = window.opener[ FCKURLParams[ 'var' ] ] ;
oFCKeditor.Width	= '100%' ;
oFCKeditor.Height	= '100%' ;
var teaserfield;

if (FCKURLParams[ 'teaser' ] && (teaserfield = window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'teaser' ] ))) {
  var text = teaserfield.value ;
	if (text.length > 0) {
		text = text + '\n<!--break-->\n';
	oFCKeditor.Value	= text + window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] ).value ;
} else {
	oFCKeditor.Value	= window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] ).value ;

function FCKeditor_trim(text) {
	return text.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, '');

function Ok()
	var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( oFCKeditor.InstanceName ) ;

  var text = oEditor.GetData( true );
  var textarea = window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] );
  var teaser = FCKURLParams[ 'teaser' ] ? window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'teaser' ] ) : null;

	if (teaser !== null) {
		var t = text.indexOf('<!--break-->');
		// for now, do nothing when the body field is in joined mode
		if(t != -1 && != 'none') {
			teaser.value = FCKeditor_trim(text.slice(0,t));
			textarea.value = FCKeditor_trim(text.slice(t+12));
		} else {
			teaser.value = '';
			textarea.value = text;
	} else {
		textarea.value = text;		// "true" means you want it formatted.
function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance )
  oEditor = editorInstance;
  var textarea = window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] );
  if ($(textarea).attr('class').indexOf("filterxss2") != -1) {
    $.post(window.opener['Drupal'].settings.basePath + 'index.php?q=fckeditor/xss', {
      text: oFCKeditor.Value,
      'filters[]': window.opener['Drupal'].settings.fckeditor_filters[FCKURLParams[ 'var' ]]
      function(text) {

function Cancel()
	var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( oFCKeditor.InstanceName ) ;
	if ( oEditor.IsDirty() )
		if ( !confirm( 'Are you sure you want to cancel? Your changes will be lost.' ) )
			return ;

	window.close() ;

	<table width="100%" height="100%">
			<td height="100%">
				<script type="text/javascript">

//image_assist integration
IaObj = window.opener.document.getElementById( 'img_assist-link-' + FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] );
	IaObj.href = IaObj.href.replace("/load/textarea", "/load/fckeditor");
	document.write( '<a className="img_assist-link" href='+ IaObj.href +' id="img_assist-link-' + FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] +'" style="display:none" /></a>' ) ;

var textarea = window.opener.document.getElementById( FCKURLParams[ 'el' ] );
if ($(textarea).attr('class').indexOf("filterxss2") != -1) {
  var initialHTML = '';
else {
  var initialHTML = oFCKeditor.Value;
// For now, it is not possible to retrieve the output HTML, so we must do it by
// hand. Future implementations of FCKeditor could bring a
// oFCKeditor.CreateHtml() function.
document.write( '<input type="hidden" id="' + oFCKeditor.InstanceName + '" name="' + oFCKeditor.InstanceName + '" value="' + oFCKeditor._HTMLEncode( initialHTML ) + '" style="display:none" />' ) ;
document.write( oFCKeditor._GetConfigHtml() ) ;
document.write( oFCKeditor._GetIFrameHtml() ) ;

				<input type="button" value="Ok" onclick="Ok();" style="width:120px" />
				<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="Cancel();" />