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fb.module 45.7 KiB
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 * @file
 * This is the core required module of Drupal for Facebook.
 * @see
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// hook_fb
define('FB_HOOK', 'fb');

// Ops for hook_fb.
define('FB_OP_GET_APP', 'get_app'); // Load data from a known app
define('FB_OP_GET_ALL_APPS', 'get_all_apps'); // Load data about all apps

define('FB_OP_CURRENT_APP', 'current_app'); // determine active app in canvas page or facebook connect
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define('FB_OP_INITIALIZE', 'init'); //
define('FB_OP_POST_INIT', 'post init'); //

define('FB_OP_EXIT', 'exit'); // End an FB callback
define('FB_OP_GET_FBU', 'get_fbu'); // Query the local user's FB account
define('FB_OP_GET_UID', 'get_uid'); // Query the facebook user's local account
define('FB_OP_GET_USER_SESSION', 'get_user_sess');
// These have moved to fb_user.module!
//define('FB_OP_PRE_USER', 'pre_user'); // Before account creation, fb_user.module
//define('FB_OP_POST_USER', 'post_user'); // After account creation, fb_user.module
//define('FB_OP_POST_EXTERNAL_LOGIN', 'post_external_login'); // user map has changed global user.

define('FB_OP_APP_IS_AUTHORIZED', 'app_authorized');  // Invoked if user has authorized an app.  Triggers creation of user accounts or fb_user entries
define('FB_OP_POST_USER_CONNECT', 'post_user_connect'); // Connected local account to FB account, fb_user.module
define('FB_OP_POST_USER_DISCONNECT', 'post_user_disconnect'); // Disconnected local account from FB account, fb_user.module
define('FB_OP_JS', 'fb_op_js');  // A chance to inject javascript onto the page.
define('FB_OP_AJAX_EVENT', 'fb_op_ajax'); // Notification of an event via ajax.

// Paths.
define('FB_PATH_ADMIN', 'admin/build/fb');
define('FB_PATH_ADMIN_ARGS', 3); // how many args in path.
define('FB_PATH_ADMIN_APPS', 'admin/build/fb/app');
define('FB_PATH_AJAX_EVENT', 'fb/ajax');

// permissions
define('FB_PERM_ADMINISTER', 'administer fb apps');

// Variables and $conf[] keys.
define('FB_VAR_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE', 'fb_language_override');
define('FB_VAR_JS_SDK', 'fb_js_sdk');
define('FB_VAR_API_FILE', 'fb_api_file');
define('FB_VAR_JS_CHANNEL', 'fb_js_channel');
define('FB_VAR_VERBOSE', 'fb_verbose');
define('FB_VAR_APIKEY', 'fb_apikey'); // Deprecated.  Use FB_VAR_ID
define('FB_VAR_ID', 'fb_id');
define('FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE', 'fb_use_cookie');
define('FB_VAR_USE_SESSION', 'fb_use_session');
define('FB_VAR_RELOAD_APPEND_HASH', 'fb_reload_append_hash');
define('FB_VAR_CURL_NOVERIFY', 'fb_curl_noverify');
// node_access realms (belongs here?)
define('FB_GRANT_REALM_FRIEND', 'fb_friend');
define('FB_GRANT_REALM_GROUP', 'fb_group');

// NOTE: on Connect Pages, using anything other than FB_FBU_CURRENT will cause cookies to be set which cause problems on subsequent pages.  So only use something other than FB_FBU_CURRENT if you absolutely must!

// @TODO - new libs, are these FBU values still needed???
define('FB_FBU_CURRENT', 'fbu_current'); // Canvas pages and Connect pages
define('FB_FBU_ANY', 'fbu_any'); // Use current user on canvas page, fall back to infinite session otherwise.
//// Constants for internal use
define('FB_APP_CURRENT', '000_app_current'); // Canvas pages only.  000 makes it appear first in options list

 * Controls are one way to customize the behavior of Drupal for Facebook modules.
 * Controls are stored as an array of flags.  Each flag overrides a
 * configurable or built-in behavior.  Third-party modules can use this to
 * provide exceptions to otherwise useful behavior.  For example see
 * fb_user.module, where this is used to suppress some behavior in off-line
 * mode.
 * Controls take effect not just for the current page request, but also for
 * ajax callbacks generated by the subsequent page.
 * Because ajax controls could be spoofed by a malicious client, flags should
 * not enable any "risky" features.  For example, fb_user.module provides a
 * control to suppress the creation of account, but not a control to enable
 * new accounts, as that would be a security risk.
function fb_controls($control = NULL, $value = NULL) {
  static $controls;
  if (!isset($controls)) {
    // Initialize.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['fb_controls'])) {
      // Comma separated list passed to ajax calls.
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      foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['fb_controls']) as $key) {
        $controls[$key] = TRUE;
    else {
      $controls = array();
    // @TODO - would a drupal_alter() be useful here?
  if (isset($control)) {
    if ($value === FALSE) {
    elseif ($value === TRUE)
      $controls[$control] = TRUE;
    return isset($controls[$control]) ? $controls[$control] : FALSE; // Return requested control.
  return array_keys($controls); // Return all controls.

 * Implements hook_init().
 * Initializes facebook's javascript.
 * Determines whether we are servicing a Facebook App request.
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 * We invoke our hook, first to determine which application is being invoked
 * (because we support more than one in the same Drupal instance).  We invoke
 * the hook again to let interested modules know the sdk is initialized.
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  // Globals provided for internal use and convenience to third-parties.
  global $_fb;
  global $_fb_app;
  // may have been included in settings.php.  If not, include it now.
  if (!function_exists('fb_settings')) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'fb', 'fb_settings');
    // trigger test in fb_devel.module
    $GLOBALS['fb_init_no_settings'] = TRUE;
  // Javascript settings needed by fb.js.
  fb_js_settings('ajax_event_url', url(FB_PATH_AJAX_EVENT, array(
                                         'absolute' => TRUE,
  // Data structure to pass to FB.init();
  $fb_init_settings = array(
    'xfbml' => FALSE,
    'status' => FALSE,
    'cookie' => variable_get(FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE, TRUE),
  // Figure out which app the current request is for.
    // Javascript settings needed by fb.js.
    //fb_js_settings('apikey', $_fb_app->apikey); // deprecated XXX
    fb_js_settings('label', $_fb_app->label);
    fb_js_settings('page_type', fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE)); // canvas or connect.
    //$fb_init_settings['apiKey'] = $_fb_app->apikey;
    $fb_init_settings['appId'] = $_fb_app->id;
    // Initialize the PHP API.
    $_fb = fb_api_init($_fb_app);
      // Look for session info from several sources.
        // Learned session from cookie or signed request.
        // Below, we store in our $_SESSION, just in case third-party cookies are not enabled.
      elseif (isset($_REQUEST['fb_js_session'])) {
        // Ajax callback via fb.js.
        $_fb->setSession(json_decode($_REQUEST['fb_js_session'], TRUE));
        $session = $_fb->getSession();
      elseif (isset($_SESSION['fb'][$_fb_app->id]['session']) && arg(0) != 'logout') {

      // Store session for future use.  We'll need it if third-party cookies
      // disabled, or we are not using facebook's cookie.
      if (isset($session) && variable_get(FB_VAR_USE_SESSION, TRUE)) {
        $_SESSION['fb'][$_fb_app->id]['session'] = $session;
      // Make javascript work even when third-party cookies disabled.
      $fb_init_settings['session'] = $_fb->getSession();

      // Sometimes when canvas page is open in one tab, and user logs out of
      // facebook in another, the canvas page has bogus session info when
      // refreshed.  Here we attempt to detect and cleanup.
      if (isset($session) && ($request = $_fb->getSignedRequest())) {
        if (!isset($request['user_id']) ||
            $request['user_id'] != $session['uid']) {

      // Give other modules a chance to initialize.
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      fb_invoke(FB_OP_INITIALIZE, array(
      // See if the facebook user id is known
      if ($fbs = $_fb->getSession()) {
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        fb_invoke(FB_OP_APP_IS_AUTHORIZED, array(
                    'fb_app' => $_fb_app,
                    'fb' => $_fb,
                    'fbu' => $_fb->getUser(),
        fb_js_settings('fbu', $_fb->getUser());
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      else {
        // Add perms to settings, for calling FB.login().
        $perms = array();
        drupal_alter('fb_required_perms', $perms);
        fb_js_settings('perms', implode(',', $perms));
      watchdog('fb', "URL indicates a facebook app, but could not initialize Facebook", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['destination'])) {
      $destination = $_REQUEST['destination'];
    elseif (isset($_REQUEST['q'])) {
      $destination = $_REQUEST['q'];
      $destination = '<front>';
    if (fb_is_canvas()) {
      $destination = fb_scrub_urls($destination); // Needed?

    //Stripping the fragment out to be tacked on during the javascript redirect
    if (strpos($destination, '#') !== FALSE) {
      list($destination, $fragment) = explode('#', $destination, 2);
      fb_js_settings('reload_url_fragment', $fragment);

    fb_js_settings('reload_url', url($destination, array(
                                       'absolute' => TRUE,
                                       'fb_canvas' => fb_is_canvas(),
                                       'language' => (object) array('prefix' => NULL, 'language' => NULL), //
    fb_js_settings('reload_url_append_hash', variable_get(FB_VAR_RELOAD_APPEND_HASH, FALSE));
  if ($channel = variable_get(FB_VAR_JS_CHANNEL, TRUE)) {
    if (!is_string($channel)) {
      $channel = url('fb/channel', array('absolute' => TRUE, 'fb_url_alter' => FALSE));

  fb_js_settings('fb_init_settings', $fb_init_settings);

  // Allow third-parties to act, even if we did not initialize $_fb.
  fb_invoke(FB_OP_POST_INIT, array('fb_app' => $_fb_app,
                                   'fb' => $_fb));
  fb_js_settings('controls', implode(',', fb_controls()));

  if (!fb_js_settings('js_sdk_url')) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['fb_locale']) &&
        variable_get(FB_VAR_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE, 'override')) {
      // @TODO - get locale from signed request.  It appears to contain it now.
      $fb_lang = $_SESSION['fb_locale'];
    else {
      $user_language = user_preferred_language($GLOBALS['user']);
      $fb_lang = variable_get('fb_language_' . $user_language->language, 'en_US');
    $js_sdk = fb_protocol() . "://$fb_lang/all.js";
    fb_js_settings('js_sdk_url', variable_get(FB_VAR_JS_SDK, $js_sdk));
  // Add our module's javascript.
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'fb') . '/fb.js');

  // See also fb_footer(), where we initialize facebook's SDK.
 * Adds the javascript setting with the supplied key/value.  This function
 * merely keeps track of the settings and writes them as late as possible.
 * Currently, in the fb_footer() function.  There has been a lot of
 * experimentation as to the best place to initialize the facebook javascript
 * SDK.  The footer appears to be the best place because we may not know all
 * settings until well after hook_init().
 * @param $key
 *   The javascript setting name.  If the key is null then nothing is modified and the settings are returned.
 * @param $value
 *   The value of the javascript setting.  If the key is not null by the value is the setting is removed
 * @return
 *    The associative array containing the current fb javascript settings
function fb_js_settings($key = NULL, $value = NULL) {
  static $fb_js_settings = array();

  if (isset($key) && isset($value)) {
    $fb_js_settings[$key] = $value;
  elseif (isset($key)) {
    return isset($fb_js_settings[$key]) ? $fb_js_settings[$key] : NULL;
  else {
    return $fb_js_settings;
 * Include and initialize Facebook's PHP SDK.
function fb_api_init($fb_app) {
  // This helps with uncaught exceptions.  However, it should be configurable
  // or at least not overwrite previously declared handler.
  if (isset($cache[$fb_app->id])) {
    return $cache[$fb_app->id];
  // Find Facebook's PHP SDK.  Use libraries API if enabled.
  $fb_lib_path = function_exists('libraries_get_path') ? libraries_get_path('facebook-php-sdk') : 'sites/all/libraries/facebook-php-sdk';
  $fb_platform = variable_get(FB_VAR_API_FILE, $fb_lib_path . '/src/facebook.php');

    if (!class_exists('Facebook') && !include($fb_platform)) {
      $message = t('Failed to find the Facebook client libraries at %filename.  Read the !readme and follow the instructions carefully.', array(
                     '!drupal_for_facebook' => l(t('Drupal for Facebook'), ''),
                     // This link should work with clean URLs disabled.
                     '!readme' => '<a href='. base_path() . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'fb') . '/README.txt>README.txt</a>',
                     '%filename' => $filename,
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
      watchdog('fb', $message);
      return NULL;

    // We don't have a cached resource for this app, so we're going to create one.
    $fb = new Facebook(array(
                         'appId' => $fb_app->id,
                         'secret' => isset($fb_app->secret) ? $fb_app->secret : NULL,
                         'cookie' => variable_get(FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE, TRUE),
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    // Some servers need these settings.
    if (variable_get(FB_VAR_CURL_NOVERIFY, TRUE)) {
      //Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = 1; // debug
    // Cache the result, in case we're called again.
  catch (Exception $e) {
    fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed to construct Facebook client API.'));
 * Wrapper function for fb_api_init.  This helps for functions that should
 * work whether or not we are on a canvas page.  For canvas pages, the active
 * fb object is used.  For non-canvas pages, it will initialize the API using
 * an infinite session, if configured.
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 * @param $fb_app Note this is ignored on canvas pages.
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 * This is for internal use.  Third party modules use fb_api_init().
function _fb_api_init($fb_app = NULL) {
  $fb = $GLOBALS['_fb']; // Default to active app on canvas pages
  if (!$fb && $fb_app)
    // Otherwise, log into facebook api.
    $fb = fb_api_init($fb_app, FB_FBU_ANY);
    watchdog('fb', '%function unable to initialize Facebook API.',
             array('%function' => '_fb_api_init()'), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
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 * Helper function to get the most commonly used values.  In your custom
 * module, call extract(fb_vars()); to set $fb_app, $fb, and $fbu.
function fb_vars() {
  return array(
    'fb' => $GLOBALS['_fb'],
    'fb_app' => $GLOBALS['_fb_app'],
    'fbu' => fb_facebook_user(),

 * Helper to get the tokens needed to accss facebook's API.
 * You would think that facebook's SDK would provide basic functions like this.
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 * @param $fb
 * Get the token for this API instance.  If NULL, use the global $_fb.
 * @param $fbu
 * Get the user-specific token.  If NULL, get the application token.
function fb_get_token($fb = NULL, $fbu = NULL) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache))
    $cache = array();

  if (!$fb)
    $fb = $GLOBALS['_fb'];
  $app_id = $fb->getAppId();
  $cache_key = $app_id;

  if (!$fbu) {
    // Get the application token.
    if (!isset($cache[$cache_key])) {
      $path = "" . $app_id . "&client_secret=" . $fb->getApiSecret() . "&type=client_cred";
      $http = drupal_http_request($path);
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      if ($http->code == 200 && isset($http->data)) {
        $data = explode('=', $http->data);
        $token = $data[1];
        if ($token)
          $cache[$cache_key] = $token;
  else {
    $cache_key .= '_' . $fbu;
    // Get the user access token.
    if ($fbu == 'me' || $fbu == fb_facebook_user($fb)) {
      $session = $fb->getSession();
      $cache[$cache_key] = $session['access_token'];
    else {
      $session_data = fb_invoke(FB_OP_GET_USER_SESSION, array(
                                  'fb' => $fb,
                                  'fb_app' => fb_get_app(array('id' => $app_id)),
                                  'fbu' => $fbu,
                                ), array());
      if (count($session_data)) {
        $cache[$cache_key] = $session_data['access_token'];
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  return isset($cache[$cache_key]) ? $cache[$cache_key] : NULL;
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 * This helper original written because facebook's $fb->api() function was
 * very buggy.  I'm not sure this is still needed.  On the other hand, a
 * future version of modules/fb might use this instead of faceobok's PHP SDK,
 * eliminating the need for it entirely.
function fb_call_method($fb, $method, $params = array()) {
  $params['access_token'] = fb_get_token($fb);
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  // Here's how to create a url that conforms to standards:
  $url = url("{$method}", array(
               'query' => $params,
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  // If facebook gives errors like "Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token 190/Unable to get application prop" it might be necessary to uncomment the urldecode below.
  // $url = rawurldecode($url);
  $http = drupal_http_request($url);
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  if (!isset($http->error) && isset($http->data)) {
    $data = json_decode($http->data, TRUE);
    // Yes, it's double encoded.  At least sometimes.
    if (is_string($data)) {
      $data = json_decode($data, TRUE);
    if (is_array($data)) {
      if (isset($data['error_code'])) {
        throw new FacebookApiException($data);
    elseif ($http->data == 'true' || $http->code == 200) {
      // No problems.
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      if (function_exists('dpm')) dpm($http, __FUNCTION__ . " unexpected result from $url"); // XXX
  else {
    // Should we throw FacebookApiException, or plain old exception?
    throw new FacebookApiException(
        'error_msg' => t('fb_call_method failed calling !method.  !detail', array(
                           '!method' => $method,
                           '!detail' => $http->error,
        'error_code' => $http->code,
 * Helper function for fql queries.
 * Use $params to pass a session_key, when needed.
function fb_fql_query($fb, $query, $params = array()) {
  $params['query'] = $query;
  //$result = fb_call_method($fb, 'fql.query', $params);
  $params['method'] = 'fql.query';
  $result = $fb->api($params);
 * Implements hook_footer().
function fb_footer($is_front) {
  global $_fb, $_fb_app;
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  // This element recommended by facebook.
  $output = "<div id=\"fb-root\"></div>\n";
  $settings = fb_js_settings();

  $output .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
  $output .= "<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n";
  $output .= "jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, " . json_encode(array('fb' => fb_js_settings())) . ");\n";
  $js_array = fb_invoke(FB_OP_JS, array('fb' => $GLOBALS['_fb'], 'fb_app' => $GLOBALS['_fb_app']), array());
  if (count($js_array)) {
    // The function we define in the footer will be called after FB is initialized.
    $output .= "FB_JS.initHandler = function() {\n";
    //$output .= "debugger;\n";
    $output .= implode("\n", $js_array);
    $output .= "};\n";
    $output .= "jQuery(document).bind('fb_init', FB_JS.initHandler);\n";
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    // Load the JS SDK asynchronously.
  $output .= "var e = document.createElement('script');\n";
  $output .= "e.async = true;\n";
  $output .= "e.src = Drupal.settings.fb.js_sdk_url;\n";
  $output .= "document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);\n";

  $output .= "\n//--><!]]>\n";
  $output .= "\n</script>\n";
 * Is the current request a canvas page?
  if (fb_is_tab()) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_CB)) {
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    // Using fb_url_rewrite.
    return TRUE;
  elseif (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE) == FB_SETTINGS_TYPE_CANVAS) {
    // No rewrite, but has detected type.
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
 * Is the current page a profile tab.
 * Only works when "Canvas Session Parameter" is disabled.
function fb_is_tab() {
  global $_fb;

    return TRUE;
  elseif (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE) == FB_SETTINGS_TYPE_PROFILE) { // deprecated FBML tab
    return TRUE;
  elseif (isset($_REQUEST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']) &&
          $_REQUEST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']) { // deprecated ancient history
    // Old way, no migrations enabled.
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Sometimes calls to fb_api_init succeed, but calls to the client api
 * will fail because cookies are obsolete or what have you.  This
 * function makes a call to facebook to test the session.  Expensive,
 * so use only when necessary.
function fb_api_check_session($fb) {
  $success = FALSE;
  try {
    $me = $fb->api('me');

    // Store the locale if set.
    if (isset($me['locale'])) {
      $_SESSION['fb_locale'] = $me['locale'];

    // Does not matter what is returned, as long as exception is not thrown.
    $success = TRUE;
  catch (Exception $e) {
    if (fb_verbose()) {
      watchdog('fb', 'fb_api_check_session failed.  Possible attempt to spoof a facebook session!');
      //watchdog('fb', print_r($fb->getSession(), 1));
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    if (fb_verbose()) {
      fb_log_exception($e, t("fb_api_check_session failed."));
    // Unsetting the javasript fbu can be helpful when third-party cookies disabled.
    fb_js_settings('fbu', 0);

    // Might as well try to clean up the mess.
    if (isset($_COOKIE['fbs_' . $fb->getAppId()])) {
      setcookie('fbs_' . $fb->getAppId(), '', time() - 42000, '/');

 * Helper to ensure local user is logged out, or an anonymous session is refreshed.
function _fb_logout() {
  // Fix for
  session_set_save_handler('sess_open', 'sess_close', 'sess_read', 'sess_write', 'sess_destroy_sid', 'sess_gc');
  $GLOBALS['user'] = drupal_anonymous_user();

  // Unsetting the javasript fbu can be helpful when third-party cookies disabled.
  fb_js_settings('fbu', 0);

  // Clean up facebook cookies.
  if (isset($GLOBALS['_fb_app'])) {
    if (isset($_COOKIE['fbs_' . $GLOBALS['_fb_app']->apikey])) { // still needed?
      setcookie('fbs_' . $GLOBALS['_fb_app']->apikey, '', time() - 42000, '/');
    if (isset($_COOKIE['fbs_' . $GLOBALS['_fb_app']->id])) {
      setcookie('fbs_' . $GLOBALS['_fb_app']->id, '', time() - 42000, '/');
 * Returns the facebook user id currently visiting a canvas page, or if
 * set_user has been called.  Unlike fb_get_fbu(), works only on canvas and
 * connect pages, or when infinite session has been initialized.
function fb_facebook_user($fb = NULL) {
  if (!isset($fb))
  try {
    $fbu = $fb->getUser();
    return $fbu;
  catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
      t('Failed to get Facebook user id.  detail: !detail',
        array('!detail' => print_r($e, 1))));
 * Helper function to ensure user has authorized an application.
 * Similar to the old require_login() provided by the old facebook API.
 * Works by redirecting the user as described in
 * @TODO perms if possible, handle users who skip.
function fb_require_authorization($fb = NULL, $destination = NULL) {
  if (!$fb)
    $fb = $GLOBALS['_fb'];

  if (!$fb) {
    throw new Exception(t('Failed to authorize facebook application.  Could not determine application id.'));

  $fbu = fb_facebook_user($fb);
  if (!$fbu) {
    $client_id = $fb->getAppId();
    $redirect_uri = $destination ? $destination : url(fb_scrub_urls($_REQUEST['q']), array('absolute' => TRUE, 'fb_canvas' => fb_is_canvas()));

    $url = "$client_id&redirect_uri=$redirect_uri";
  else {
    return $fbu;

 * Helper tells other modules when to load admin hooks.
function fb_is_fb_admin_page() {
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  if (arg(0) == 'admin' && (arg(1) == 'fb' || arg(2) == 'fb')) {
    // Keep consistant titles across tabs served by multiple modules.
    if ($label = arg(FB_PATH_ADMIN_APPS_ARGS))
      drupal_set_title(t('Drupal for Facebook'));

    return TRUE;
 * Given a facebook user id, learn the local uid, if any.
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function fb_get_uid($fbu, $fb_app = NULL) {
  $uid = NULL;
  if ($fbu) {
    $uid = fb_invoke(FB_OP_GET_UID, array('fbu' => $fbu, 'fb_app' => $fb_app));
  return $uid;

 * Given a local user id, find the facebook id.
 * Invokes hook_fb(FB_OP_GET_FBU) in order to ask other modules what the fbu
 * is.  Typically, fb_user.module will answer the question.
function fb_get_fbu($uid, $fb_app = NULL) {
  // Accept either a user object or uid passed in.
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  if (is_object($uid) && ($uid->uid) &&
    return $uid->fbu;
    $uid = $uid->uid;
  if ($uid) {
    // User management is handled by another module.  Use our hook to ask for mapping.
    $fbu = fb_invoke(FB_OP_GET_FBU, array('uid' => $uid,
 * Convenience function to learn the fbu associated with a user, node or comment.
 * Used in theming (X)FBML tags.
function fb_get_object_fbu($object) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache))
    $cache = array();

  if (isset($object->uid) && isset($cache[$object->uid])) {
    $fbu = $cache[$object->uid];
    return $fbu;
    // Explicitly set.
    $fbu = $object->fbu;
  elseif (isset($object->init) &&
          ($pos = strpos($object->init, '@facebook'))) {
    // Naming convention used by fb_user when creating accounts.
    // $object->init may be present when object is a user.
    $fbu = substr($object->init, 0, $pos);
  elseif ($pos = strpos($object->name, '@facebook')) {
    $fbu = substr($object->name, 0, $pos);
    // This can be expensive on pages with many comments or nodes!
    $fbu = fb_get_fbu($object->uid);
  if (isset($fbu) && is_numeric($fbu)) {
    if (isset($object->uid) && ($object->uid > 0)) {
      $cache[$object->uid] = $fbu;
    return $fbu;

 * Convenience method to get app info based on id or nid.
function fb_get_app($search_data) {
  // $search_data can be an apikey, or an array of other search params.
  if (!is_array($search_data))
    $search_data = array('id' => $search_data);
  $fb_app = fb_invoke(FB_OP_GET_APP, $search_data);
 * Convenience method for other modules to attach data to the fb_app
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 * object.
 * It is assumed the fb_app implementation will fill in the data
 * field.  We really should clean up the separation between modules,
 * or merge fb_app.module into this one.
function fb_get_app_data(&$fb_app) {
  if (!isset($fb_app->fb_app_data)) {
    $fb_app->fb_app_data = isset($fb_app->data) ? unserialize($fb_app->data) : array();
 * Will return a human-readable name if the fb_app module supports it, or
 * fb_admin_get_app_properties($fb_app) has been called.  However we don't
 * take the relatively expensive step of calling that ourselves.
function fb_get_app_title($fb_app) {
  if (isset($fb_app->title))
    return $fb_app->title;
  elseif (isset($fb_app->application_name)) {
    return $fb_app->application_name;
  else {
    return $fb_app->label;
 * Convenience method to return array of all know fb_apps.
function fb_get_all_apps() {
  $apps = fb_invoke(FB_OP_GET_ALL_APPS, NULL, array());
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 * A convenience method for returning a list of facebook friends.
 * This should work efficiently in canvas pages for finding friends of
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 * @TODO - also support users who have permitted offline access.
 * @return: an array of facebook ids
function fb_get_friends($fbu, $fb_app = NULL) {
  static $cache = array();
  // Facebook only allows us to query the current user's friends, so let's try
  // to log in as that user.  It will only actually work if they are the
  // current user of a canvas page, or they've signed up for an infinite
  // session.
  $fb = fb_api_init($fb_app, $fbu);
  if (!$fb || !$fbu)

  $items = array();
  if (!isset($cache[$fbu])) {
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    if ($fb === $GLOBALS['_fb'] &&
        $fbu == fb_facebook_user($fb)) {
      try {
        $items = fb_call_method($fb, 'friends.get', array(
                                  'uid' => $fbu,
      catch (Exception $e) {
        fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed call to friends.get'), $fb);

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    // friends_get does not work in cron call, so we double check. @TODO - still needed?
    if (!$items || !count($items)) {
      $logged_in = fb_facebook_user($fb);
      $query = "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=$fbu"; // FQL, no {curly_brackets}!
      try {
        $result = fb_call_method($fb, 'fql.query', array(
                                   'query' => $query,
        //dpm($result, "FQL " . $query); // debug
      catch (Exception $e) {
        fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed call to fql.query: !query', array('!query' => $query)), $fb);
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      if (is_array($result))
        foreach ($result as $data) {
          $items[] = $data['uid2'];
    // Facebook's API has the annoying habit of returning an item even if user
    // has no friends.  We need to clean that up.
    if (!$items[0])
    $cache[$fbu] = $items;
  return $cache[$fbu];

// Return array of facebook gids
function fb_get_groups($fbu, $fb_app = NULL) {
  $items = array();
  $groups = fb_get_groups_data($fbu);

  if ($groups && count($groups))
    foreach ($groups as $data) {
      $items[] = $data['gid'];
  return $items;

function fb_get_groups_data($fbu, $fb_app = NULL) {
  static $cache = array();
  if (!$fb || !$fbu)
  if (!isset($cache[$fbu])) {
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    $cache[$fbu] = fb_call_method($fb, 'groups.get', array(
 * Implements hook_menu().
function fb_menu() {
  $items = array();