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Dave Cohen's avatar
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// $Id$

 * @file
 * This module manages relations between local Drupal user accounts
 * and their accounts on by application.
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Dave Cohen committed
 * Drupal refers to a local user id as 'uid'.  Facebook's documentation
 * and code also uses 'uid'.  In these modules we use 'fbu' for facebook's
 * id and 'uid' for Drupal's id.

define('FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_EVERY_PAGE', 'fb_user_app_track_every_page');
define('FB_USER_APP_VAR_USERS_THAT_GRANT_OFFLINE', 'fb_user_app_users_that_grant_offline');
define('FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_USERS', 'fb_user_app_track_users');
define('FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_PAGES', 'fb_user_app_track_pages');

//// Menu structure.
 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function fb_user_app_menu() {
  $items = array();
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  // Admin pages overview.
  $items[FB_PATH_ADMIN . "/tracking"] = array(
    'title' => 'Tracking',
    'description' => 'Settings that track statistics in Drupal for Facebook',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array('fb_user_app_admin_settings'),
    'access arguments' => array(FB_PERM_ADMINISTER),
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
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 * Implementation of hook_fb()
function fb_user_app_fb($op, $data, &$return) {
  $fb_app = isset($data['fb_app']) ? $data['fb_app'] : NULL;
  $fb = isset($data['fb']) ? $data['fb'] : NULL;
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  if ($op == FB_OP_APP_IS_AUTHORIZED &&
      variable_get(FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_EVERY_PAGE, FALSE)) {
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    // This hook is called on every page request, if the user has authorized
    // the app/page and permission has been granted in the settings. We used
    // to create accounts and maps here.  That code is now
    // in FB_OP_AJAX_EVENT, because it turns out this hook is invoked even on
    // page not found and access denied pages.
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    fb_user_app_track_user($fb, $fb_app, $user);
  elseif ($op == FB_APP_OP_EVENT) {
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    // Facebook has notified us of some event.
    // We handle some of the events here.
    $event_type = $data['event_type'];
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    // Ensure fb_user_app table accurately reflects whether user has authorized.
    if ($event_type == FB_APP_EVENT_POST_AUTHORIZE) {
      // Track new facebook user, $GLOBAL['user'] not valid dufing post-autorize.
      fb_user_app_track_user($fb, $fb_app);
    elseif ($event_type == FB_APP_EVENT_POST_REMOVE) {
      // User has removed the app from their account.
      db_query("DELETE FROM {fb_user_app} WHERE apikey='%s' AND fbu=%d",
        $fb_app->apikey, $fbu);
  elseif ($op == FB_OP_GET_USER_SESSION) {
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    // The fb module is asking for session login information.  For example, to
    // log in as the user when not on a canvas page.  This module may be able
    // to provide it, depending on whether the user has logged in, and whether
    // the session has expired.
    $fbu = $data['fbu'];
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fb_user_app} WHERE apikey = '%s' and fbu = %d AND session_key_expires > %d", $fb_app->apikey, $fbu, time());
    $data = db_fetch_object($result);
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    if ($data && $data->session_key)
      // Return array with FB id and apikey.
      $return = array($data->fbu, $data->session_key);
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  elseif ($op == FB_OP_AJAX_EVENT) { // handle internal login
    // @TODO - global user is not correct here.

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    // fb.js has notified us of an event via AJAX.  Not the same as facebook event callback above.
    if ($data['event_type'] == 'session_change' && isset($data['event_data']['fbu'])) {
      // A user has logged in.
      fb_user_app_track_user($fb, $fb_app, $user);
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 * Implements hook_user().
 * @TODO confirm there is no race condition between this module and fb_user.
 * That is, during delete, does fb_get_fbu() still work?
function fb_user_app_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
  if ($op == 'delete') {
    // Given the uid, fetch the fbu so that we can delete
    $fbu = fb_get_fbu($account->uid);
    db_query('DELETE FROM {fb_user_app} WHERE fbu=%d', $fbu);

 * Keep track of when the user has visited the app, and whether they've
 * authorized the app or not.
 * Historically this supported infinite sessions.  I believe if this data is
 * no longer necessary for the offline access extended permission.
function fb_user_app_track_user($fb, $fb_app) {
  // Coming from a user adding the app or a page adding the app?
  $fb_user_type = "user";
  $fbu = fb_facebook_user($fb);
  if (array_key_exists('fb_sig_page_added', $_REQUEST)) {
    // It's a post-authorize event for app added to page.
    $fb_user_type = "page";
    $fbu = $_REQUEST['fb_sig_page_id'];
  // test if we are tracking only those apps that have been granted offline
  // access.
  $fb_session = $fb->getSession();
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  // when 'expires' == 0 app has been granted offline access
  if ($fb_user_type == 'user' &&
      $fb_session["expires"] <> 0 &&
  // Track this event only if allowed to and only for users, not pages
  if ((variable_get(FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_USERS, TRUE) && $fb_user_type = "user") ||
      (variable_get(FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_PAGES, TRUE) && $fb_user_type = "page")) {
    $session = $fb->getSession();
    $session_key = isset($session['session_key']) ? $session['session_key'] : '';
    $result = db_query("UPDATE {fb_user_app} SET time_access=%d, session_key='%s', session_key_expires=%d, user_type='%s' WHERE apikey='%s' AND fbu=%d",
                       $session_key, $session['expires'],
                       $fb_app->apikey, fb_facebook_user($fb));
    if ($result && !db_affected_rows()) {
      // The row for this user was never inserted, or it was deleted, or the times were the same.
      $fbu = fb_facebook_user($fb);
      if ($fbu) {
        //First make sure it was not just the same time
        $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fb_user_app} WHERE apikey='%s' AND fbu=%d",
        if (!db_fetch_object($result)) {
          //This row does not exist, even with the same time.  Insert now
          $info = fb_users_getInfo(array($fbu), $fb);
          $data = $info[0];
          $fb_user_type = "user";
          $result = db_query("INSERT INTO {fb_user_app} (apikey, fbu, added, user_type, session_key, session_key_expires, time_access, proxied_email, time_cron) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d)",
                             $fb_app->apikey, $fbu,
                             0 // time_cron
    if ($result === FALSE) {
      watchdog('fb_user_app', "Failed to update fb_user_app table.", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

 * Learn the user's proxied email address.
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Dave Cohen committed
function fb_user_app_get_proxied_email($fbu, $fb_app) {
  // Try to learn from local database
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fb_user_app} WHERE apikey='%s' AND fbu=%d",
  if ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $mail = $data->proxied_email;
  if (!$mail) {
    // Ask facebook for info.
    $fb = fb_api_init($fb_app);
    $info = fb_users_getInfo(array($fbu), $fb);
    $data = $info[0];
    $mail = $data['proxied_email'];
    if ($mail && variable_get(FB_USER_APP_VAR_TRACK_USERS, TRUE)) {
      // Store locally.
      $result = db_query("UPDATE {fb_user_app} SET proxied_email='%s' WHERE apikey='%s' AND fbu=%d",
                         $mail, $fb_app->apikey, $fbu);
  return $mail;