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function fb_devel_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();

  if ($may_cache) {
    $items[] = array('path' => 'fb/devel',
                     'callback' => 'fb_devel_page',
                     'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
                     'access' => TRUE, // TODO: restrict access
    $items[] = array('path' => 'fb/devel/fbu',
                     'callback' => 'fb_devel_fbu_page',
                     'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
                     'access' => TRUE,
function fb_devel_fb($op, $data, &$return) {
  $fb_app = $data['fb_app'];
  $fb = $data['fb'];
    // Sanity check.
    $nid = fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_APP_NID);
    if ($nid != $fb_app->nid) {
      $message = t('fb_app id (%fb_app_id) does not equal fb settings id (%fb_settings_id).  This is usually caused by the wrong callback url on your <a href="!url">facebook application settings form</a>.',
                   array('%fb_app_id' => $fb_app->nid,
                         '%fb_settings_id' => $nid,
                         '!url' => "",
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
      watchdog('fb_devel', $message);
    // Theme sanity check
    global $theme; // for debug message
    if (isset($theme)) {
      $message = t('Drupal for Facebook is unable to override the theme settings.  This is usually because some module causes theme_init() to be invoked before fb_init().  See the !readme.',
                   array('!drupal_for_facebook' => l(t('Drupal for Facebook'), ''),
                         // This link should work with clean URLs
                         // disabled.
                         '!readme' => '<a href='.base_path() . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'fb') . '/README.txt>README.txt</a>'));
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
      watchdog('fb_devel', $message);      

    // New facebook API sanity check
    if (!variable_get('fb_api_file', FALSE)) {
      $message = t('It looks like you have upgraded from version 1.x to 2.x of !drupal_for_facebook without changing all the necessary settings.  Read the !readme and follow the instructions carefully.',
                   array('!drupal_for_facebook' => l(t('Drupal for Facebook'), ''),
                         // This link should work with clean URLs
                         // disabled.
                         '!readme' => '<a href='.base_path() . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'fb') . '/README.txt>README.txt</a>'));
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
      watchdog('fb_devel', $message);

    // path replacement sanity check
    global $base_path;
    if ($base_path == "/{$fb_app->canvas}/") {
      $message = t('Facebook canvas page matches Drupal base_path (%base_path).  This is currently not supported.',
                   array('%base_path' => $base_path));
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
      watchdog('fb_devel', $message);
  else if ($op == FB_APP_OP_EVENT) {
    $type = $data['event_type'];
    // Facebook has notified us of some event.
    $message = t('Facebook has notified the %label application of a %type event.',
                 array('%label' => $fb_app->label,
                       '%type' => $type));
    $message .= dprint_r($data, 1);
    $message .= dprint_r($_REQUEST,1);
    watchdog('fb_devel', $message);

 * Provides a page with useful debug info.

  if ($_REQUEST['require_login'])
  if ($fb) {
    // These will work in a canvas page.
    drupal_set_message("in_fb_canvas returns " . $fb->in_fb_canvas());
    drupal_set_message("get_loggedin_user returns " . $fb->get_loggedin_user());
    drupal_set_message("current_url returns " . $fb->current_url());
    drupal_set_message("base_url: " . $GLOBALS['base_url']);
    drupal_set_message("base_path: " . $GLOBALS['base_path']);
Dave Cohen's avatar
Dave Cohen committed
    drupal_set_message("url() returns: " . url());
    drupal_set_message("session_key is " . $fb->api_client->session_key);
  if ($fbu = fb_get_fbu($user)) {
    $path = "fb/devel/fbu/$fbu";
    drupal_set_message(t("Learn more about the current user at !link",
                         array('!link' => l($path, $path))));

  dpm(fb_get_fbu($user), 'Facebook user via fb_get_fbu');
  //dpm($user, "Local user " . theme('username', $user));
  //dpm($_COOKIE, 'cookie');
  //dpm($_REQUEST, "Request");
  //dpm($fb_app, "fb_app");
  //drupal_set_message("session_id returns " . session_id());
  //dpm($_SESSION, "session:");
 * A page which tests function which work with facebook user ids
function fb_devel_fbu_page($fbu = NULL) {
  if ($fbu) {
    $output = "<p>Debug info about facebook id $fbu:</p>\n";
    $friends = fb_get_friends($fbu);
    //dpm($friends, "fb_get_friends($fbu) returned");
    $items = array();
    foreach ($friends as $_fbu) {
      $items[] = l($_fbu, "fb/devel/fbu/{$_fbu}");
    if (count($items)) {
      $output .= "\n<p>Known friends:<ul><li>";
      $output .= implode("</li>\n  <li>", $items);
      $output .= "</li></ul></p>\n\n";

    $local_friends = fb_user_get_local_friends($fbu);

    $items = array();
    foreach ($local_friends as $uid) {
      $account = user_load(array('uid' => $uid));
      $items[] = theme('username', $account);
    if (count($items)) {
      $output .= "\n<p>Local friends:<ul><li>";
      $output .= implode("</li>\n  <li>", $items);
      $output .= "</li></ul></p>\n\n";
    drupal_set_message("You have to specify a facebook user id.", 'error');
  return $output;

function fb_devel_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
  if ($op == 'list') {
    $items[0]['info'] = t('Facebook Devel Canvas Page Info');
    return $items;
  else if ($op == 'view') {
    return array('subject' => t('Facebook Devel Canvas Page'),
                 'content' => drupal_get_form('fb_devel_canvas_info'));

function fb_devel_canvas_info() {
  global $fb, $fb_app;
  global $user;
  global $base_url;
  global $base_path;

  $info = array();
  if ($fb) {
    if ($fb->in_fb_canvas())
      $info['Page Status'] = t('Rendering FBML canvas page.');
    else if ($fb->in_frame()) {
      $info['Page Status'] = t('Rendering iframe.');
    else {
      // Followed a link from within an iframe.
      $info['Page Status'] = t('Global fb instance is set (followed link in iframe, or handling a form).');
    $info['fb_facebook_user'] = fb_facebook_user();
  else {
    $info['Page Status'] = t('Not a canvas page.');
  $info['local user'] = theme('username', $user);
  $info['fb_get_fbu'] = fb_get_fbu($user->uid);
  $info['base_url'] = $base_url;
  $info['base_path'] = $base_path;
Dave Cohen's avatar
Dave Cohen committed
  $info['url() returns'] = url();
  $info['session_id'] = session_id();
  $info['session_name'] = session_name();

  $info['request'] = $_REQUEST;
  $info['fb_app'] = $fb_app;
  $info['cookies'] = $_COOKIE;
  $form = array();
  foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    if (is_string($val) || is_numeric($val) || !$val) {
      $form[] = array('#value' => t($key) . ' = ' . $val,
                      '#weight' => count($form),
                      '#suffix' => '<br/>',
    else {
      $form[] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
                      '#title' => t($key),
                      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
                      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
                      '#weight' => count($form),
                      'value' => array('#prefix' => '<pre>',
				       '#suffix' => '</pre>',
				       '#type' => 'markup',
				       '#value' => dprint_r($val, 1)),
  // It's not really a form, but we like collapsible fieldsets
  return $form;
