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  1. Oct 12, 2008
  2. Sep 30, 2008
  3. Sep 02, 2008
    • Arto Bendiken's avatar
      Merged latest changes from (7b4756c) by jhuckabee. · 0a283635
      Arto Bendiken authored
      Changelog (Exhibit Views):
      - Added support for numeric and date CCK fields in Exhibit Views. Also, only adding label to properties if it exists.
      - Added support for multi valued fields. Fixed handling of date and numeric fields.
      - Removed file ID tag data.
      - Fixed rendering issue.
      - Fixed taxonomy field issue.
      - Simplified taxonomy handling code.
      - Fixed taxonomy property label assignment.
      - Simplified taxonomy handling code.
      - Fixed taxonomy property label assignment.
      - Moved exhibit add link code to hook_views_pre_view as hook_init was causing some problems with user cache.
      - Removed file tag data.
      - Added back in function comment.
      - Add support for taxonomies through Taxonomy: All Terms.
      - Removed unnecessary array check in taxonomy support.
      - Fixed incorrect handling of field aliases. Added support for datetime and datestamp fields.
      - Removed debug statements.
  4. Aug 21, 2008
  5. Jul 24, 2008
  6. Jul 17, 2008
    • Arto Bendiken's avatar
      Imported latest 6.x version (8e74bbc) from the GitHub development repository. · 74469415
      Arto Bendiken authored
      - Changed profile fields to use name instead of title (by jhuckabee).
      - Implemented facet generator and ability to add facets to a generic Exhibit block (by jhuckabee).
      - Fixed bug with inserting facet definition on exhibit node creation (by jhuckabee).
      - Corrected the schema update for the new facet_definition field, and also added the field to hook_schema().
      - Corrected capitalization to adhere to Drupal guidelines.
      - Added CVS keywords in order to conform to Drupal coding standards.
      - Removed spurious PHPDoc headers.
      - Refactored hook_block(); cleaned up trailing whitespace here and there.
  7. Jun 03, 2008
  8. Jun 02, 2008
    • Arto Bendiken's avatar
      Imported latest 6.x version from SVN development repository. · d5364b03
      Arto Bendiken authored
      Changelog (Exhibit):
      - Added some ExhibitViewsModule usage instructions to INSTALL.txt (#256548).
      - Removed completed items from TODO.txt.
      - Added sponsors to README.txt; removed pre-alpha notice.
      Changelog (Exhibit Core):
      - Include profile fields in the users data feed, and added support role-specific data feeds (#226035 by TypQxQ and jhuckabee).
      - Include taxonomy terms in the nodes data feed (#255525).
      Changelog (Exhibit Views):
      - Auto-prepend the base table name to the user-specified label field name.
  9. May 01, 2008
    • Arto Bendiken's avatar
      Imported latest 6.x version from SVN development repository. · 77324038
      Arto Bendiken authored
      Changelog (Exhibit):
      - Implemented support for Exhibit extensions (including Google Maps and SIMILE Timeline).
      - Implemented tab-separated values (TSV) feed auto-conversion into Exhibit/JSON format.
      - Added support for Google Spreadsheet data feeds.
      - Added new API function exhibit_add_feed().
      - Added new API function exhibit_add_link() for simplifying the creation of Exhibit auto-discovery headers.
      - Implemented a generic content-type-specific Exhibit/JSON feed menu dispatching facility.
      - Fixed menu item access permissions for Drupal 6.2 compatibility (#253446 by macrocosm).
      - Use drupal_http_request() instead of file_get_contents(); bug fix for improved HTTP request error handling.
      - Truncate the display of long data feed links in the admin screen.
      - Bug fix for the Content-MD5 header of data feeds.
      - Minor rearrangement of Schema API definitions.
      - Define a SIMILE package in the modules' .info files.
      Changelog (Exhibit Core):
      - Fixed call to undefined function exhibit_output().
      Changelog (Exhibit SPARQL):
      - Initial implementation of SPARQL module integration.
      - Moved SPARQL/JSON parsing to SPARQL module where it belongs.
      - Implemented Exhibit/JSON feed and autodiscovery link for SPARQL nodes.
      Changelog (Exhibit Views):
      - Initial implementation of Views2 module integration.
  10. Dec 17, 2007