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 * Provides basic entity property info for entities provided via the CRUD API,
 * as well as property info for all entity types defined by core. For that
 * the respective modules/ files are included.
 * Implements hook_entity_property_info().
function entity_entity_property_info() {
  $items = array();
  // Add in info about entities provided by the CRUD API.
  foreach (entity_crud_get_info() as $type => $info) {
    $info += array('metadata controller class' => 'EntityDefaultMetadataController');
    if ($info['metadata controller class']) {
      $controller = new $info['metadata controller class']($type);
      $items += $controller->entityPropertyInfo();
  // Add in info for all core entities.
  foreach (_entity_metadata_core_modules() as $module) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'entity', "modules/$");
    if (function_exists($function = "entity_metadata_{$module}_entity_property_info")) {
      if ($return = $function()) {
        $items = array_merge_recursive($items, $return);
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
function entity_entity_property_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
  // Add in info for all core entities.
  foreach (_entity_metadata_core_modules() as $module) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'entity', "modules/$");
    if (function_exists($function = "entity_metadata_{$module}_entity_property_info_alter")) {

function _entity_metadata_core_modules() {
  return array_filter(array('book', 'comment', 'field', 'node', 'taxonomy', 'user', 'system'), 'module_exists');

 * Default controller for generating some basic metadata for CRUD entity types.
class EntityDefaultMetadataController {

  protected $type, $info;

  public function __construct($type) {
    $this->type = $type;
    $this->info = entity_get_info($type);

  public function entityPropertyInfo() {
    $entity_label = drupal_strtolower($this->info['label']);

    // Provide defaults based on the schema.
    $info['properties'] = entity_metadata_convert_schema($this->info['base table']);
    foreach ($info['properties'] as $name => &$property) {
      // Add a description.
      $property['description'] = t('@entity "@property" property.', array('@entity' => drupal_ucfirst($entity_label), '@property' => $name));

    // Set better metadata for known entity keys.
    $id_key = $this->info['entity keys']['id'];
    $info['properties'][$id_key]['validation callback'] = 'entity_metadata_validate_integer_positive';

    if (!empty($this->info['entity keys']['name']) && $key = $this->info['entity keys']['name']) {
      $info['properties'][$key]['type'] = 'token';
      $info['properties'][$key]['label'] = t('Machine-readable name');
      $info['properties'][$key]['description'] = t('The machine-readable name identifying this @entity.', array('@entity' => $entity_label));
      $info['properties'][$id_key]['label'] = t('Internal, numeric @entity ID', array('@entity' => $entity_label));
      $info['properties'][$id_key]['description'] = t('The ID used to identify this @entity internally.', array('@entity' => $entity_label));
    else {
      $info['properties'][$id_key]['label'] = t('@entity ID', array('@entity' => drupal_ucfirst($entity_label)));
      $info['properties'][$id_key]['description'] = t('The unique ID of the @entity.', array('@entity' => $entity_label));
    // Care for the bundle.
    if (!empty($this->info['entity keys']['bundle']) && $key = $this->info['entity keys']['bundle']) {
      $info['properties'][$key]['type'] = 'token';
      $info['properties'][$key]['options list'] = array(get_class($this), 'bundleOptionsList');
    // Care for the label.
    if (!empty($this->info['entity keys']['label']) && $key = $this->info['entity keys']['label']) {
      $info['properties'][$key]['label'] = t('Label');
      $info['properties'][$key]['description'] = t('The human readable label.');

   * A options list callback returning all bundles for an entity type.
  public static function bundleOptionsList($name, $info) {
    if (!empty($info['parent']) && $type = $info['parent']) {
      $entity_info = $info['parent']->entityInfo();
      $options = array();
      foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $name => $bundle_info) {
        $options[$name] = $bundle_info['label'];
      return $options;
 * Converts the schema information available for the given table to property info.
 * @param $table
 *   The name of the table as used in hook_schema().
 * @return
 *   An array of property info as suiting for hook_entity_property_info().
function entity_metadata_convert_schema($table) {
  $schema = drupal_get_schema($table);
  $properties = array();
  foreach ($schema['fields'] as $name => $info) {
    if ($type = _entity_metadata_convert_schema_type($info['type'])) {
      $properties[$name] = array(
        'type' => $type,
        'label' => drupal_ucfirst($name),
        'query callback' => 'entity_metadata_table_query',
        // As we cannot know about any setter access, leave out the setter
        // callback. For getting usually no further access callback is needed.
      if ($type == 'serial') {
        $properties[$name]['validation callback'] = 'entity_metadata_validate_integer_positive';
  return $properties;

function _entity_metadata_convert_schema_type($type) {
  switch ($type) {
    case 'int':
    case 'serial':
      return 'integer';
    case 'float':
    case 'numeric':
      return 'decimal';
    case 'char':
    case 'varchar':
    case 'text':
      return 'text';